Flight 93 Movie (9/11) - Too Soon?

[quote]Vegita wrote:

Well if they can say it’s too soon, then I can say it’s not. And while it may be ok to have a soft spot on the inside, I’m pretty sure T-Nation is not about men being soft like that on the outside. Thier loss of loved ones is no different than anyone else who lost a loved one.

Should hollywood not put car accidents in movies because people die in car accidents and too many people cry at movies when they see car accidents? All this whining is unfortunately just a selfish ploy for attention and feel bad for me bullshit.

Dude all this is is calling white white or black black. Am I gonna cry because you called me numb? Hell no, i’m sure on the outside it appears that way and I have been called that before. Does it mean I don’t think of my grandmother andmiss her deeply and wish I hadn’t lost her when I did?

Well it doesn’t Ijust think that people should mourn at a funeral, of right after death in public and the rest of the time in private. Any other of these public displays cheapens the persons death because someone is using it for sympathy and attention. The people shouting “too soon” at the theatres are simply looking to get thier 5 seconds of crowd agreement, and for people to think they are cool.

Anyways, it’s just my opinion, but i think i’m right here. See I can be civil too!


I know what you are saying. I’m not overly sensitive, but we don’t want to be dicks either…not saying you are.

[quote]derek wrote:
Vegitas posts were as perfect as any I’ve ever read.

Yet I AM sensitive to the victims of 9/11 and those that were close to them. I am one of them. I personally know two kids now without a Dad and a wife without her husband. What good does it do to let 9/11 drift farther into the back of our minds? What we need is scenes playing 24/7 of both planes smashing into the towers, the jumpers, the wounded, the burned, the firefighters, cops, regular folks, the whole greusome episode.

I never said we shouldnt be reminded of those we lost. My mom bought me a car with some of the money we were given since my dad died, I think of him everytime I get in it. I have a cross made from a steel beam from the towers in my kitchen, I see it many times daily. I see it in the news, mentioned in class, pretty often. I think these, for the most part would make us keep it in our mind without necessarily thinking of the whole “gruesome episode.”

I’ve been labled a hard-ass and much worse on these forums because of my stand on these things and I don’t really give a crap. I’ve been called many names for saying that I’d use physical force to stop a flag burner as well. As long as I have my forefathers and the “Greatest Generation” on my side, who really cares?[/quote]

I never said I wouldnt do something like that, I’m pretty sure, or at least hope I would.

I think most of you missed my point, and its probably my fault for not explaining it correctly.

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
I think most of you missed my point, and its probably my fault for not explaining it correctly.[/quote]

Actually, nothing I wrote was a response to you or your post. Sorry if it came across otherwise. And I’m very, very sorry for your loss

[quote]Sabrina wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
Professor X wrote:
Zap Branigan wrote:
jlesk68 wrote:
bronco68 wrote:
It’s propaganda at its finest…

No one knows for sure what happened on that flight. This movie is bullshit.

How dare you? whatever the government told us is what really happened…

We know the buildings were all destroyed by missles and bombs.

The planes were all flown to a remote island in the south Pacific where the passengers are living with Elvis and Jim Morrison.

Dude, it’s Jimmy Hendrix not Jim Morrison. Why the fuck does the black man always get the shaft!?

It is the fault of the white devils. They are keeping Hendrix down.

I was going to go with “the man”.


I wanted to create more racial tension by blaming whitey.

The man gets enough publicity.

[quote]steelo wrote:
Looks like a pretty shitty movie to me. Seeing how it’s based on all American propaganda which will try to cover up the truth (pssst?they shot the plane down). Did they ever find the remains of the crashed plane or did the disappearance an airplane just not seem relevant at all? [/quote]

To which plane are you referring?

[quote]rrjc5488 wrote:
I see it in the news, mentioned in class, pretty often. I think these, for the most part would make us keep it in our mind without necessarily thinking of the whole “gruesome episode.”

The “greusome” part was only meant to say that we must not only remember the loved ones we lost but also the fact that they were victims of cowardly murderers and not an unlucky twist of fate like a car accident. We must remember who did this to us and that is was NO ACCIDENT or random tragedy.

[quote]grew7 wrote:
Unless you lost people that you knew on 9/11, I don’t see why you feel so sorry for these people.

A much, much greater number of people die from heart attacks every year. Where are your tears for them?

I don’t know any heart attack victims or an 9/11 victims. So to me, it’s just an unfortunate event. One of those things where you say “Oh,” and go back to eating dinner.

Do I dislike the idea of those people dying? Yes. Do I care at all about those people? No, I don’t give a shit, because I never knew any of them and I’m a selfish bastard. Would I rather it hadn’t happened? Of course. Does that change the fact that deep down, I find it impossible to care because it did not harm anyone I know? No.

The people who died are just meaningless numbers to me. The point of the event is what matters to me. The message it sent was like “You aren’t so safe at all.”

I don’t really see that message as something to cry about. If any of you have not lost anyone to this, why are upset about this being “too soon?”

Of course, if you lost someone, go ahead and cry. I know that I would feel equally upset if I lost someone I cared about.[/quote]

It took me two reads to realize that this post is totally serious.

This really has got to be the saddest, most unfortunate post I have ever read on this board. I was waiting for someone to comment on it… but ya’ll are just standing around pounding your chests and boasting your “tough guy-ness”. (Which is fine – I love real men :slight_smile: BUT – does no one else totally object to this selfish, isolationist, unfeeling point of view?

For me the definition of a real “T-man” is better than this. It’s not just about the big muscles and roaring testosterone … is it? Strength comes not only in body – but in character.

[quote]grew7 wrote:
Unless you lost people that you knew on 9/11, I don’t see why you feel so sorry for these people.

A much, much greater number of people die from heart attacks every year. Where are your tears for them?

I don’t know any heart attack victims or an 9/11 victims. So to me, it’s just an unfortunate event. One of those things where you say “Oh,” and go back to eating dinner.

Do I dislike the idea of those people dying? Yes. Do I care at all about those people? No, I don’t give a shit, because I never knew any of them and I’m a selfish bastard. Would I rather it hadn’t happened? Of course. Does that change the fact that deep down, I find it impossible to care because it did not harm anyone I know? No.

The people who died are just meaningless numbers to me. The point of the event is what matters to me. The message it sent was like “You aren’t so safe at all.”

I don’t really see that message as something to cry about. If any of you have not lost anyone to this, why are upset about this being “too soon?”

Of course, if you lost someone, go ahead and cry. I know that I would feel equally upset if I lost someone I cared about.[/quote]

You’re a son of a bitch.

Its pretty fucking obvious that you come from Florida here. Of course you go back to eating dinner. The towers weren’t outside your motherfucking windows. Your fucking girlfriend’s father wasn’t inside the towers, and your firefighter buddies didn’t pick through the wreckage and body parts, pulling out people’s wives, husbands, and sons.

You didn’t look out your goddamn window and see a smoking ruin of a city that you spent half your life in, and you sure as shit don’t seem to care.

If you said anything like this in New Jersey, you’d get the living shit kicked out of you, and you fucking deserve it.

Its called “Human decency” and compassion for your fellow men. I’ll remmeber that when my tax money goes to rebuild Florida after another hurricane- I don’t know them, so what the hell do I care?

Watch your fucking mouth and have some respect. You sound like a stupid ass kid.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
“Lets Roll”

And lets also stop being pussies, finally hollywood decides to make a “movie” depicting an american who had some balls and stood up and fought instead of being a big pussy and you all are gonna cry about it? This is exactly the type of movies we need our country to see to balance the estrogen filled bullshit people have to deal with today.

And i’m sick of people acting so f-ing dramatic about 911, too soon? TOO F-ING SOON? back in the day, people died all the time, generally right in front of you and generally in a slow painful or other gory way, and generally people weren’t “traumatized” by it. Men in battle in the civil war got to watch peoples legs being ripped off by bounding cannonballs and they had to keep pressing on and fighting.

Fathers and mothers had to watch thier children die of flu and the common cold, and they had to get up the next day and take care of the rest of thier lives.

Now we get attacked, and someone wants to make a movie depicting the supposed heroics of some american men and people have a problem with this? And one more point, unless it’s a documentary, I don’t care if they have all the details, They can make it as heroic and sensational as they want. Thats what the movie is going for, making people proud of our men on that plane. Depicting that there are still americans left who aren’t pussies and will stand up and fight.

God it irritates me that on this very board we have people who are against this type of film. Irritates me to no end.


I don’t know. I understand what you are saying. But I would let history play a little more before I go making a movie about it- its only been five years.

Although I agree that if there is anything worth making a movie about, it would be these guys on this flight. I’ve always been impressed by the story, be it true or not.

So I’d have to say yea, hold off a little more. And if you are going to do it, make sure its a damn good movie, not some shittily done one.

[quote]NorskGoddess wrote:
grew7 wrote:
Unless you lost people that you knew on 9/11, I don’t see why you feel so sorry for these people.

A much, much greater number of people die from heart attacks every year. Where are your tears for them?

I don’t know any heart attack victims or an 9/11 victims. So to me, it’s just an unfortunate event. One of those things where you say “Oh,” and go back to eating dinner.

Do I dislike the idea of those people dying? Yes. Do I care at all about those people? No, I don’t give a shit, because I never knew any of them and I’m a selfish bastard. Would I rather it hadn’t happened? Of course. Does that change the fact that deep down, I find it impossible to care because it did not harm anyone I know? No.

The people who died are just meaningless numbers to me. The point of the event is what matters to me. The message it sent was like “You aren’t so safe at all.”

I don’t really see that message as something to cry about. If any of you have not lost anyone to this, why are upset about this being “too soon?”

Of course, if you lost someone, go ahead and cry. I know that I would feel equally upset if I lost someone I cared about.

It took me two reads to realize that this post is totally serious.

This really has got to be the saddest, most unfortunate post I have ever read on this board. I was waiting for someone to comment on it… but ya’ll are just standing around pounding your chests and boasting your “tough guy-ness”. (Which is fine – I love real men :slight_smile: BUT – does no one else totally object to this selfish, isolationist, unfeeling point of view?

For me the definition of a real “T-man” is better than this. It’s not just about the big muscles and roaring testosterone … is it? Strength comes not only in body – but in character.[/quote]

I definitely care that people died. The day it happened, I had an exam that morning. The only thing on my mind was wishing I could be there to help find people. It is probably why I joined the military initially. However, I think there are way too many people out there pretending to care. They are the type who view life like a movie without ever joining in. They won’t ever help directly themselves. They won’t be found in the military or, hell, even helping a few homeless around their own neighborhood. They are fakes who think that tears make up for inaction. I would rather someone admit that they didn’t know any of these people and put their energy into true and honest things they believe in than this retarded group-think pretense that most of the country is involved in.

It isn’t who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.
-Batman Begins

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

I don’t know. I understand what you are saying. But I would let history play a little more before I go making a movie about it- its only been five years.

Although I agree that if there is anything worth making a movie about, it would be these guys on this flight. I’ve always been impressed by the story, be it true or not.

So I’d have to say yea, hold off a little more. And if you are going to do it, make sure its a damn good movie, not some shittily done one.[/quote]

Exactly my point. Let’s finish the task at hand before we go singing the praises of our fallen heroes.

[quote]derek wrote:
Vegitas posts were as perfect as any I’ve ever read.

“Too soon?” My head hurts from all the whining that goes on around here and elsewhere. Holy SHIT! Is it too hard to understand that we humans survived over thousands of years by being tough sons-O-bitches and not by going out of our way to pacify and pander to the overly sensitive fairies that seem so damn prevalent now-a-days?

If we as humans had always been such whining, crying, sensitive babies, we’d have died LONG AGO as a species.

Yet I AM sensitive to the victims of 9/11 and those that were close to them. I am one of them. I personally know two kids now without a Dad and a wife without her husband. What good does it do to let 9/11 drift farther into the back of our minds? What we need is scenes playing 24/7 of both planes smashing into the towers, the jumpers, the wounded, the burned, the firefighters, cops, regular folks, the whole greusome episode.

I’ve been labled a hard-ass and much worse on these forums because of my stand on these things and I don’t really give a crap. I’ve been called many names for saying that I’d use physical force to stop a flag burner as well. As long as I have my forefathers and the “Greatest Generation” on my side, who really cares?[/quote]

Once again, but I understand exactly what you’re saying. Nobody here is whining about offending anyone. You can be the biggest internet tough guy in the world, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are STILL FIGHTING, so it is too soon to celebrate the heroic acts of the recent past. We need to finish the job first.

[quote]grew7 wrote:
Unless you lost people that you knew on 9/11, I don’t see why you feel so sorry for these people.

A much, much greater number of people die from heart attacks every year. Where are your tears for them?

I don’t know any heart attack victims or an 9/11 victims. So to me, it’s just an unfortunate event. One of those things where you say “Oh,” and go back to eating dinner.

Do I dislike the idea of those people dying? Yes. Do I care at all about those people? No, I don’t give a shit, because I never knew any of them and I’m a selfish bastard. Would I rather it hadn’t happened? Of course. Does that change the fact that deep down, I find it impossible to care because it did not harm anyone I know? No.

The people who died are just meaningless numbers to me. The point of the event is what matters to me. The message it sent was like “You aren’t so safe at all.”

I don’t really see that message as something to cry about. If any of you have not lost anyone to this, why are upset about this being “too soon?”

Of course, if you lost someone, go ahead and cry. I know that I would feel equally upset if I lost someone I cared about.[/quote]

Everyone in this country lost something. We lost the feeling of invincibility that we’ve had since the end of the Cold War.

Comparing the deaths of people who were burned alive, crushed, and blown apart without warning or provocation to heart attack ‘victims’ is absolutely fucking ridiculous. People who die of heart attacks are usually at fault for their condition, and there are numerous warning signs along the way. The people who died in the towers and flight 93 were innocent. Referring to your dead countrymen as ‘meaningless numbers’ speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof.

[quote]Vegita wrote:
are you two (you and the one above you) even listening to what your fucking writing? “don’t be macho” “be sensitive” People fucking die, live with it, don’t run and hide and mourn, stand up and celebrate thier lives, show the good they did, in this case, this dude saved peoples lives by fucking up some terrorist peices of shit who hijacked his plane.

There’s a difference between masculine and stupid. There’s a time for work and a time for celebration. What time is it right now? It’s time to finish the job and kill the camel-fucking bastards responsible, in the most efficient manner possible. When that’s over and done with, some celebrating will definitely be in order.

I take it your g-ma didn’t die in the WTC, so this is completely irrelevant.

Sensitivity is also a non issue, though I agree that it’s ruining our society, along with a few accomplices.

The nukes weren’t our answer to Pearl Harbor. They were our best alternative to a full-scale invasion of the Japanese mainland. Learn your history.

If you think I’m a pussy for wanting to finish the enemy before we celebrate our victory, then you have a strange definition of the word. It’s funny how the internet allows/compels people like you to insult others without fear of repercussions.

Nukes could be the answer to a number of our problems. Unfortunately our government doesn’t have the balls to do much of anything these days. They just talk tough, not unlike yourself.

More tough talk. I’m not impressed.

Pro American war movies made during a war are nothing new. They made a bunch of them in WW2 and then they sold war bonds in the lobby.

The war heroes toured the country with the movie stars.

They held scrap drives to collect metal to make bombs, guns, tanks and planes.

This war has none of that. I think it is a mistake.

[quote]spartanpower wrote:
Once again, but I understand exactly what you’re saying. Nobody here is whining about offending anyone. You can be the biggest internet tough guy in the world, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are STILL FIGHTING, so it is too soon to celebrate the heroic acts of the recent past. We need to finish the job first.[/quote]

[quote]spartanpower wrote:
Once again, but I understand exactly what you’re saying. Nobody here is whining about offending anyone. You can be the biggest internet tough guy in the world, but it doesn’t change the fact that we are STILL FIGHTING, so it is too soon to celebrate the heroic acts of the recent past. We need to finish the job first.[/quote]

I fully realize internet tough talk is goofy in a way but when one feels as strongly as we often do, what are we to do but express our feelings in the only medium available at the moment… by typing.

And I have to disagree… It is NEVER too soon to celebrate heroism. And since we are still fighting terrorism and probably will be way past our lifetimes, when are we supposed to celebrate our many heroes?

If it’s “too soon” then I think the least you could do is give us a date when it’s OK to cheer and I’ll save up my enthusiasm 'till then.

[quote]NorskGoddess wrote:
bronco68 wrote:
It’s propaganda at its finest…

No one knows for sure what happened on that flight. This movie is bullshit.

Ummm… how do you figure? People on the planes placed phone calls – to 911 operators, friends and family. They are the first hand accounts of what happened on that flight, and these phone calls are what is being used to piece together details. Not to mention the information garnered from the black box cockpit recordings.

Of course don’t know “exactly” what happened – but do we ever? Did it stop us from making movies about the Titanic, the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Rowandan Genocide, etc etc? Or is this all “propaganda” too?

In response to the original post:

I think that it is too soon, but that is the nature of American capitalism and Hollywood. Apparently someone saw a profit in telling this story – probably in A&E’s surprisingly well received “Flight 93” special. I would wager a guess that the movie will cause a little hoopla but not very good numbers, so perhaps Hollywood will learn their lesson. I’m definitely not offended that they’re making it – it happened, it’s in our history, and it needs to be remembered… but the Amerian public seems to be slightly averse to it right now.[/quote]

Those phone calls were fake, I wouln’t want to buy into this crap about the us govt being involved in the attacks though, as thats just obviously bullshit, however. Their were some tests done by scientists over here, replicating the altitude and speed the plane was believed to have been travelling at, and a signal could not be picked up on any mobiles. The calls that were released were probably just a propaganda tool…

[quote]alstan90 wrote:

Those phone calls were fake, I wouln’t want to buy into this crap about the us govt being involved in the attacks though, as thats just obviously bullshit, however. Their were some tests done by scientists over here, replicating the altitude and speed the plane was believed to have been travelling at, and a signal could not be picked up on any mobiles. The calls that were released were probably just a propaganda tool…


What about the complimentary phones on the plane, the ones you swipe your credit card through? You mean they wouldn’t work either? Why are they there then?

[quote]spartanpower wrote:
alstan90 wrote:

Those phone calls were fake, I wouln’t want to buy into this crap about the us govt being involved in the attacks though, as thats just obviously bullshit, however. Their were some tests done by scientists over here, replicating the altitude and speed the plane was believed to have been travelling at, and a signal could not be picked up on any mobiles. The calls that were released were probably just a propaganda tool…

What about the complimentary phones on the plane, the ones you swipe your credit card through? You mean they wouldn’t work either? Why are they there then?[/quote]

I have seen assholes use regular cellphones on planes that were airborne.

Perhaps they were just talking to themselves.