Flame Free Confession III: Even More Flame Free (Part 2)

I confess I’ve been eating way too much sugar this past week.
It’s sorority recruitment this week so they’ve had a bunch of free snacks ( granola bars, popsicles) around and I’ve been “fitting” those in

I don’t even really like the taste that much. I’ve just been having them bc it’s diff of rom what I usually eat

I confess that…

I miss the “bear mode” kid we had around here a few years back. “Iceman”. Wanted to look like a rugby prop. It’s a shame he was so unfit for the community, because it would have been awesome watching him grow toward his goal.

Pat Casey’s greatest contribution to us what meatloaf sandwiches for gaining…but part of me wonders if I’m just eating a cold cheeseburger.

That I actually think the alligator skin I’m getting on my delts and collarbone from all the front squatting looks pretty cool.

That every year around this time I think to myself “I should just be fat”. There is WAY too much good food.

Ketchup on eggs is a delicacy. And I’ll also put it on a hotdog. Fight me.


These bugs creep me out more than spiders. Then again I don’t exactly live in Australia so If I did then I probably wouldn’t be saying this.

My family friend in Australia has shown me pictures of all of those hanging around her house… not pleasant
With that said, the picture of a giant wolf spider in her shower was by far the scariest

Gross, wolf spiders are huge. Yk what’s weird, I find tarantulas adorable but those things, nah.

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There’s also the factor that wolf spiders are quite venemous

Edit: this article is quite disturbing
The kicker: the woman moved the spider “out of harms way” instead of eliminating that terror and its devil spawn when she had the chance

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These guys have elicited a shameful reaction from me on more than one occasion



Somebody tag me when we aren’t talking about spiders and bugs anymore :joy:

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I found a type of scorpion out in Monterrey that was similar to that critter. Really neat, aggressive, hunting type bugger.

This is my buddy Mantsy.

He likes crickets.


I saw a praying mantis behead a cricket once. It was awesome

Those things can kill humming birds.


I think they fall into their own classification, which actually sits somewhere between a spider and a scorpion

They are like their own kind of creature, aren’t they? Wicked little things.

That was nuts! It knew where to lie in wait for them too!

I’ve been catching some from outside for him. They’re bigger and more energetic than the ones from the pet store, which pretty much spells instant death for them.



When I was interning for construction I would usually chill out in the construction inspector’s trailer to eat lunch. I noticed that if you turn the AC off then these fuckers will crawl through the top crack of the door then start flying around. That AC was loud and annoying but not worth turning off with these things on the loose.

These things look so creepy when they fly. Their thorax butt thingy points down.

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Bought an air purifier for the room where I place my cats’ litter boxes. The manufacturer says the filter needs to be changed after 4-6 months. 3 weeks later I notice the room has a faint smell of chlorine and lemons. For the former, it’s normally so low I don’t really notice it. I just changed the litter back to the unscented version. Then I realized the fucking smell was coming from the air purifier.

It turns out that if a filter has an active carbon layer, it runs out much faster if you place it in a place where lots of gaseous shit is produced and ends up spitting the same gases out when it’s saturated. This includes stuff like smells of certain gases produced when one is cooking. I ran out of unscented litter last month and had to buy the scented shit. I just changed it back to the normal version a couple of days ago. Both this, and the ammonia from cat piss along with some other gases fucking saturated that layer of the filter. Fuck.

This isn’t some low grade cheap shit either. It’s relatively cheap because it was made by Xiaomi and priced for the China market and I can get the same price in Asia. Their vacuum cleaners, for example, can rip off the exact same tech and design from a similar model from Dyson and work just as well or even better at 1/3 of the price.

I’ll tell you how fucking advanced their particle detector is. If I light up a cigarette 6 meters away while’s it’s on auto mode in an unsealed, well ventilated room, it’ll pick it up and increase the fan speed in less than 10 seconds.

BUT fucking hell. If there was a same amount of really harmful but odourless gas in my home, I’d be quite fucked if I waited 4-6 months to change it. The goddam HEPA filter is a H-13 grade one but it’s worthless if the activated carbon filter can’t keep up in certain cases.

FUCK. Now I’m gonna have rip out the carbon layer since they don’t have versions with only the HEPA filter. I buy shit like this so I have to do less shit, not more. I just wanted the fucking dust particles small enough to be airborne for some time every time one of the fuckers digs into the litter filtered before they settle on the ground so there wouldn’t be as much dust around the house. It worked really well for this.

Papa John’s sent me a 50 percent off code and I’m debating with myself rn.

I assume the debate concerns the number of pizzas you should order.


The debate concerns ordering pizza in the first place. I am running Jon Anderson’s deep water intermediate. I must not order 2 large cheese pizzas with double beef and stuff crust.

It does not follow the deep water diet. But man it’s good and 50 percent off. Lol

Buy it, eat it for one day (Jon would advise doing it AFTER one of your big workouts) and get back on the program.


I confess I’ve been extremely unproductive today. I’ve had a lot of free time and wasted it.
I could be reading maths, reviewing game theory or getting through some other reading, but I’m in the kitchen making condensed milk to make fudge for my friend (another one)