Flame Free Confession III: Even More Flame Free (Part 1)

Mine too

When I want some, I ask her to get it for me.

My confession is I sniff them out :frowning: (working from home is a challenge)

I confess I’m hoping you’re like Gus from the show Psych, who’s superpower is that he has a Super Sniffer nose.

If you’re just opening drawers, cupboards, and looking in every nook and cranny, I don’t want to know.

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Is this what they put in the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream? Because I confess I really like that flavor.

I confess I don’t believe this is possible.

I just think you need to get more sleep lol. I know my temper is no bueno when I lack sleep.

I confess I have no idea how you’re able to converse with at least half of the people you chat with; I know I don’t, and your buddy from yesterday is one of them; I lob the occasional grenade, but then I move on and ignore.

You actually give good training advice when you post in those types of threads. I confess you’ll find that is a lot rarer in a place like this than you would imagine.

Just my .02

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I just woke up from a nap but I appreciate your post. I kinda like some of the people you’re referring to since they’re interesting and I don’t see them as morally repugnant like other more “liberal” posters do. I know people who say much worse things IRL and they’re pretty decent folk despite their utterances.

It’s the ones trying to spread dangerous propaganda I’m wary of and will fully engage to make sure they don’t succeed like that former poster who was spreading Marxist-Leninist propaganda while being a Holocaust denier at the same time lol. Amazing individual.

Again, appreciated, But talking about training is just so boring now lol.


are we in the middle of the next great purge?

I don’t see anyone being purged. People even from my generation are just getting more easily offended these days, it seems.

T-nation has censored none of my posts except one potentially offensive one containing a word which was against the rules of the site that I didn’t read. Chis even took the time to explain this to me.

So whatever’s happening in the training sections, I have no fucking clue about because again, NO MOD HAS DELETED ANY OF MY POSTS THERE. But If people want to use this site, just respect their fucking regulations. It’s as simple as that.

Here, have some laughs

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Ahh, good times
 you know, when you could be in a room with more than a few people other than yourself
you know, just sayin

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Yeah maybe people are also getting cranky due to the lockdowns and shit happening. I’m trying to take that into consideration in my interactions online.

FWIW I don’t like being in my office anyway. Working from home fits me better.

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Lock down fatigue is real


Mid-50s I still find him kinda intimidating lol




I’m assuming you read what I deleted here since you probably went to that thread to verify what I wrote and replied to me from there. You saw for yourself that I embellished nothing in my account of the events that transpired even though they made no sense. This is why I’m cautious of the new weirdos here. Normal people don’t behave like that.

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Correction. I’m assuming you read the post I edited here.(I can’t delete anymore posts today.)

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I don’t remember the order of events, but I’m staying well clear of it anyway.

I’ve never seen you be a dick on here in my 5+ years on the site, so I don’t see any reason to start doubting you now.


Appreciate that but my point is normal people don’t behave this way. And I’m assuming there are more weirdos like that around since you’ve all been complaining about shit in forums I don’t visit.

At least the dumbasses in the steroid forums are predictable when you get into an altercation. Real mentally unsound people aren’t. Lucky I’m “off the grid” when it comes to social media but you never know what some of these guys are capable of.


Don’t let people get under your skin dude.


Tbh I’m more afraid of getting doxxed or something than anything else. It’s not like it’s not happened on this site before several years back.

Just gonna stay clear of the weirdos and refrain from posting anything personal for the time being.


So true


To point one, I don’t need to brand myself, because as I think you know I’m all over the page when it comes to my beliefs. Am I a men’s rights activist? Mmm, sort of, if by “activist” we mean where I fall in online debate. Am I a fiscal conservative? Sometimes. Social progressive? Mostly. To point two, I see you that way, too, and frankly question the intelligence and breadth of knowledge of anyone who does NOT have wide-ranging views and reactions to the world and political maneuvering around us.

Your posts have always struck me as reasoned and earnest. You’re one of the posters I read with an expectation that my views may alter as a result (which I welcome).

Haha, thank you, but I don’t think so. The only thing I’m generally risible over is blatant women-are-conniving-bitches attitudes, with quasi-historical facts to explain their loathsome natures and advice on manipulating them. Like @dt79 , I don’t engage the battle to convince the poster who’s started it, but any uncertain guys who may be reading it.

Sorry, @wanna_be. I’m all done now.

Haha, I was gently referred to the rules once, too. I can’t remember why, but whatever shameful thing it was, I’d done it!