First Cycle: Test E and SARM. Need Less AI?

I’m planning to use Test E+S23 for a 12 week cycle(first cycle).

Age: 29
Weight:202 pounds
Body fat: 11%
Training experience: 9 years

Question: I’ve read that S23 kinda overrides the effects of estradiol. Does this mean that the chance of needing an AI during cycle is smaller? Or is this process too weak to stop the aromatization of Test E(500mg/week).
Of course I will get my blood work done beforehand to check my E2 levels.

My cycle would consist of:
Test E(500mg/week)
Proviron(50mg) ED
Hcg 100ius ED


I’m not a native speaker so my excuses for any mistakes

Your first cycle should be test e only and your first PCT should be Nolvadex only. There’s no good reason to add more drugs (including an AI) without knowing how your body reacts to those two drugs first. Keep the AI on hand just in case you really need it; but chances are you won’t.

How tall are you?


Thanks for the info.

I’m 6’1

I’m not a SARM guy. I don’t think they have been around long enough to know long term sides nor are most thoroughly test on human subjects. Also, I’ve yet to see any as effective as standard cycling with anabolics of which most risks are known. Veteq nailed it.