Excessive or Well Deserved?

I like how this dude is just sipping soda while filming this, watching the violence ensue…quite comical actually…

Just pointing out I made the same argument…:wink:

BTW X, you seem to be assuming I’m arguing from some sort of feminist (or Orprah loving UGH) POV but my views here are coming from what I’ve found out looking into self-defense laws for my own info. I wish the law would justify beating someone to a fucking pulp for attacking you but it doesn’t.

Like I said earlier, I thought it was a couple of guys getting a beating for getting behind the counter.

He was out numbered and attacked by two determined attackers. It someone, man or woman, continued to come at me after I had reacted, I would not allow them to get up either. I worked as a 7-11 manager when I was a kid and I know how quickly things can turn ugly.

This is pretty much the same thing that happened to me. Anyone who jumps the counter (in this case after assaulting the clerk) is a very real danger. I hope he’s acquitted.

[quote]Chushin wrote:

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
…and I will say this again, that whole fight started because women think guys can’t hit back…so they hit and expect no retaliation.

That means our own self righteousness is causing violence.

Stop that shit by not allowing any more generations to think that is ok. [/quote]

And exactly what causes male on male violence? Or is that something that doesn’t exist?[/quote]

The belief on the part of the attacker that he will come out on top, in most cases.[/quote]

Have you ever attacked a man?

The thing that sucks about this to me, is this guy gets out of prison a very specialized environment with a very special set of social mores that he’s been in for ten years and he probably gets little or no release counseling. Then he actually tries to get a job. Its pretty damn hard for a felon to get a job even at Mcdonalds. So then there he is trying to follow the policy and scan the 50 dollar bill the chick is paying with as his boss trained him to she takes offense and slaps him yelling what you going do now pussy. Then he swings at her. He already knows he’s lost his job there. His shitty job that is likely the best he’ll ever get and he starts to go to the back of the store and they chase him down.

They truly got what they deserved. Your view of the American justice system is pretty spot on. I doubt it will get to trial they’ll plead him to something, but if it did they could only hope for the jury nullification which might actually work.

I think its not even so much self defense. Its definitely perceived different from them being women though. If I were the customer and I slapped or punched the guy and he walked away from me and I decide to chase him down and get the hell kicked out of me I’d say I deserve it all. The guy clearly knew he could handle me the whole time and gave me every opportunity to avoid a beating but I insisted on receiving it.

if someone jumps a counter, and they are smaller and/or female, it would be pretty reasonable to fear for a weapon. it’s like when I hear some of these teenagers talking shit…they’re talking, b/c they’re armed.

it’s going to be a tough case to defend though. you’re generally allowed to use “reasonable force” to extinguish a threat. once they are down, and if they did not brandish a weapon at any point, he could have retreated.

I hate how there’s ALWAYS at least one woman screaming like a damn howler monkey when a fight breaks out. Like she had to alert everyone within a 3 mile radius that she’s witnessing something violent.

How about you call the cops?

Why don’t you jump in and stop it?

[quote]Professor X wrote:

Cochran would have had that dude at home by dinner.[/quote]


Well-deserved. That poor man should not have one single criminal charge brought against him. Motherfucker was being ATTACKED. What the hell did you want him to do? When somebody is CLIMBING OVER A COUNTER TOWARD YOU WITH CLEAR AGGRESSIVE INTENT TO HARM then you have every right to defend yourself.

Also, I’m curious, does anyone know where this event took place?

I’d have a hard time convicting if I were on that jury. I don’t know what the law says exactly, but I hope it says that you can “continue striking” two assailants who are trying to get up. You clearly saw the assailants aggressively attacking him. They unquestionably were attempting to harm him. He hit them both knocking them to the floor. At least one woman on the video was clearly seen trying to get up. It is quite reasonable to assume she would have continued the assault had she been allowed to get to her feet. Further, as others have pointed out, no one knows if they were armed.

Really, the only “bad” part of the video was when the camera went off of him and we saw the reactions of the employees. We don’t know what happened there. Did he hit them while they were prostrate? Were they reaching in their clothing (as though for a weapon)?

The only way I would convict (or agree with prosecution) would be if those employees testified that he continuously struck them after they were unconscious. To me, it didn’t look like that happened in the video.

[quote]pat wrote:
That was well deserved. If you jump the counter, it’s stupid to do anything other than assume the threat and neutralize it.


Link to the article.

In the interest of journalistic accuracy, I corrected the following portion of the article:

"The video, which has audio, is peppered with AN HYSTERICAL WHITE WOMAN screaming and wailing in horror and the chilling sound of the metal rod repeatedly whipping through the air and hitting Darbeau and Edwards.

"Stop it! Stop! Stop! Oh my God!? THE HYSTERICAL WHITE WOMAN is heard screaming. ?Someone call police!?

Read more: McDonald's Worker Caught on Cell Phone Video Beating Unruly Customers - Greenwich Village & SoHo - New York - DNAinfo

Hysterical White Woman (HWW); because every crime scene needs at least one. :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, the article does mention that he continued to strike them when they attempted to get up and he told them to stay down. Pretty much the SAME THING THE POLICE WOULD DO if they were neutralizing a threat. So, the kid has a defense. I just don’t know if a jury will buy it. His actions will be weighed against a “reasonable” or some similar legal standard.

All I know is, it is sad that there are likely people out there who will take up for the women just because they were women.

The 100lbs rule doesn’t seem to apply here either.

I remember people acting as if things like this didn’t happen when we discussed this topic about a year ago…as if I was seeing things.

I personally think there is an issue that needs attention when we see this much of the same problem.

Miniature video devices will be the death of common sense and due process. This man has already been judged by viewers, hopefully he gets a fair trial. I don’t know what to think, to be honest, because I don’t have all the information and speculation is just useless.

If he gets thrown back in the can, this video will have enabled many more scenarios like this in the future.

I’m more disturbed at the waste of human tissue sitting passively filming instead of dialing 911 or doing something ‘useful’. S/he sure did increase their YouTube views though…

Not pictured - when “Grimace” dragged them into the back alleyway and curbed-stomped them…

[quote]Professor X wrote:

[quote]debraD wrote:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
If that were all guys, no one would be batting an eye at this.[/quote]

I’m going to call bullshit on that. I thought it was a guy being beaten watching the video and it wasn’t until I read comments that I realized it wasn’t. My disgust at the violent overreaction is the same. (My disgust isn’t blame–just a normal reaction to excessive violent.)

What overreaction? All you can see in the vid is two women attacking, jumping behind the counter and then the fight ends on the ground OUT OF SIGHT OF A CAMERA. You don’t know what the fuck they were dong back there or how many times they tried to get right back up and keep coming at him.

His life was in danger.

He ended the threat.

If you don’t want your ass beat, don’t hit someone.[/quote]

You got a real cut and dry opinion about that, and that’s fine. But it’s only your opinion - in the eyes of the law that was absolutely excessive force.

Yea they came at him, but once that threat is no longer a threat, the second you keep coming at them, you are now the aggressor.

In this case, once those girls (or whoever the fuck that was) goes down, you have a LEGAL OBLIGATION to stop the assault.

If you continue, you’re going to jail. This guy will get assault and battery and assault with a deadly weapon, absolutely.

Now, keep in mind that I agree with you in your post. They attacked, they got beat down. It’s to be expected.

But yea, that guy should have stopped once they went to the ground.

At that point it wasn’t about what sex they were, but just knowing when to stop.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
This is in the heat of the moment, no different than war. Hiroshima may have been a tad much as well.

Are we up on charges yet for it?[/quote]

This is the biggest red herring you have EVER put up on this board, and you know it.

Just stop.

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:

Link to the article.

In the interest of journalistic accuracy, I corrected the following portion of the article:

"The video, which has audio, is peppered with AN HYSTERICAL WHITE WOMAN screaming and wailing in horror and the chilling sound of the metal rod repeatedly whipping through the air and hitting Darbeau and Edwards.

"Stop it! Stop! Stop! Oh my God!? THE HYSTERICAL WHITE WOMAN is heard screaming. ?Someone call police!?

Read more: McDonald's Worker Caught on Cell Phone Video Beating Unruly Customers - Greenwich Village & SoHo - New York - DNAinfo

Hysterical White Woman (HWW); because every crime scene needs at least one. :slight_smile:

On a more serious note, the article does mention that he continued to strike them when they attempted to get up and he told them to stay down. Pretty much the SAME THING THE POLICE WOULD DO if they were neutralizing a threat. So, the kid has a defense. I just don’t know if a jury will buy it. His actions will be weighed against a “reasonable” or some similar legal standard.[/quote]

Yea, but you and me both know that this dude ain’t the police, and people have no reason, and no legal obligation, to be expected to obey your order to “Stay down,” especially when you have a metal pipe in your hand.

Again, this article doesn’t address the two cunts who started the assault and jumped the desk, and that’s fucked up. They’re more at fault than him, and should have gotten assault charges as well.

BUT AGAIN, this is what I’ve been saying - get all self-fucking-righteous about it, but your opinion on whether what you’re doing is right is always different in the eyes of The Man.

Every jerkoff who the cops arrest was doing it in “self defense.” Of course.