Enter Planet Cybertron

Yeah, that has to suck. We don’t have nukes, so the stakes are a bit lower for us but I swear our current federal parliament is still in high school.

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I feel like we don’t need them in all honesty

Generally speaking I don’t think anyone does any more.

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Log # 4

I hadn’t had the chance to post my last two sessions but here goes.

• back squat: @ 340 pounds for 3 sets of 4. 5 sets of 7 @ 200 pounds. 3 sets of 6 @ 180 pounds. 2 sets of 10 @ 90 pounds.

Deadlift: 210 pounds for 3 sets of 2. 200 pounds @ 5 sets of 3. 90 pounds @ 5 sets of 5.

Bench: 3 sets of 3 @ 140 pounds. 6 sets of 4 @ 100 pounds.

• ab crunches @ 90 pounds for 20 reps. (Machine)
• cable pull downs for 18 reps (machine)
• chest dips for 10 reps ( machine)
• glute blaster (run the rack) 100 down to 25 5 reps on each setting. (Machine)

~ 2000 calories that day. Protein was sitting at 180 grams total for the day. Carbs were at 200. Didn’t care about dietary fats at the moment. Didn’t sleep good at all either so when I woke up the next day I took a rest day because I wasn’t feeling well.

Log # 5

Today was pathetic. UTTERLY pathetic. Had no energy due to the last three days of me not sleeping until 4 in the morning and then trying to nap during the day. I had no energy. I was pressed for time because I had somewhere else to be. So prior to today I had two rest days off. And in the event of me not sleeping enough I haven’t been hungry. Yesterday I got on the emotional side a bit and ate whatever my eyes laid upon not to mention a crap ton of crap from Taco Bell. Weight has popped up to 172 roughly and I’m looking pudgy. :confused:. But I’ll be back on track after working out today. The only thing I did that was heavy was my back squats.

Squat: 180 pounds @ 4 reps of 8

Glute blaster: (run the rack) 100 to 50. 5 sets each setting. (Machine).
Chest press: 5 reps of 5 (run the rack) 125 down to 65. 6 reps each setting (machine)
Chest dips: 125 pounds 6 sets of 4 (machine)
Hanging leg raises @ 20 reps
Glute blaster: (run the rack) 100 down to 45 @ 5 reps each setting.

I was only able to workout for a total of 40 mins or so, and as you can see I relied heavily on machine work. I had no energy despite drinking my usual pre workout mix.

I’m also hurting on the side of my back right under my ribs. I keep locking my back out as I put the weights down during my deadlifts and it’s causing me to not be able to sit for 20-30 mins at a time. Im not sure how to stop myself from doing this, but I’m thinking I need to invest in a belt. Sometime soon.

How do you mean? You’re staying tight during the descent? I know doing that makes my back feel upset. I pretty much relax as soon as the weight starts going down, back is fine with that.

Belt is a good idea as long as you already know how to brace - breathing into your gut/lower back and squeezing down hard. Since you’re in Texas you can’t go wrong with a Titan belt. My personal pick would be their Brahma lever belt. I love mine. If you want something a little thinner, I think their 10 mm is the Toro.

Yea I stay tight throughout the whole lift and decent, and its irritating the left side of my lower back, but I also try to be silent in my gym because I don’t want to make too much noise but trying to gently lower 200+ pounds isn’t really easy. But I will definitely look up those two belts.

Any particular reason? I need to be careful in meet not to slam it too hard but beyond that I don’t worry.

Are you using mixed grip? Do you switch it every set? This could be causing some imbalances in your deadlift and be stressing half your back.

I try to avoid making noise too, just because my gym is borderline planet fitness so no body makes noise (or even lifts) so I get a little shy. @planetcybertron go full beast mode, if they mad, they jelly.


No just courtesy pretty much

Yea I do one over one under. And that sounds very tempting.

Log # 6

Went heavy today. Feeling a lot better than I have been. My energy is back to normal, and I’m getting my sleep together. Met a really sweet lady today who kept talking about cakes and it just made me want to stop by Baskin Robins or something :laughing:. I have decided to stay at 350 for my back squat until I can rep out at least 25-30 for however many reps I decide, and however many sets I decide and to keep going until 350 feels “lighter”. Didn’t do any bench pressing today to give my arms and chest a rest. I’ve realized that leg pressing used as an accessory to main lift (squatting) really really helps. Went up 35 pounds on the press today. Skipped an work ( well I actually forgot to lol). Kind of threw in some pump work too just because I felt like it. Did some dynamic stretching but was too tired to finish so I switched to static stretching to kind of ease my back pain, and my neck and upper back area.

Back squat: 350 (run the rack going down to 90 pounds each at 5 sets of 5)
Leg press: 625 (5 sets of 6)
Deadlift: 210 (2 sets of 5)

*Dumbell shoulder press w/ 30 pounds each arm for 2 sets of 7

  • Dumbell curls w/ 30 pounds each arm for 2 sets of 5

~ roughly only 100 grams of protein, I haven’t really been hungry. Upped my carbs to 160 today. Added some dietary fat (maybe 25 grams, my diet doesn’t really consist of fats that much)

When you find an assistance exercise that works it is gold.

I wouldn’t worry about letting your DL go down a bit harder, especially if it saves your back. It’s not like you’re dropping it.

Oh okay well that gives me much relief if it means not attracting attention lol. And yes the Leg press is doing me major justice.

I doubt it’ll attract much attention. Dropping, sure. Not putting it down like it’s made of glass not so much.

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If you want to cheat on that a bit you can unrack heavier weight and just hold it or even quarter squat heavier weight. It gets your body used to heavier weight a bit so 350 will feel lighter. I think Christian thibideau (sp?) wrote an article about it.


Ohhhhhh yeaaaa I remember that one too that’s a great idea. I disnt correlate the two things in my mind I was just thinking I had to squat like I usually do. But thank you.

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You could also use reverse bands if you have bands and a decent rack. Much fun, overloaded top of the movement.

What are those? I haven’t heard of them before

They aren’t a thing in and of themselves, just a way to set up regular bands that unloads the bottom of a movement.

This is a great primer

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