Embarrassingly Weak

Hey guys I’m weak as hell after so many years of pump training. I want to change that. I’m here for feedback on my plan for the next ten weeks.


25 years old
240 5 ft 9
Bench 295 no spot
Deadlift 405
Squat 425

I just finished smolov in october and have been doing standard training since.

Did some searching and found coan deadlift program.I want to use tgat template on my front squat and back squat. My reasoning comes from the deadlift adrticle here.iwont deadlift for the whole 10 weeks…which should improve deadlift

So here’s my plan

Sunday work up to a work set of 2then speed sets of 3 on front squat
Hip thrust and reverse hyper
Militay press same repscheme as squats followed by assistance

Thursday is back squat same rep scheme as Sunday with sldl and leg press

I’ll also throw in sled work kettle bell swings and some heavy ab work…get ups and landmine twists…I will bench on Tuesday


I guess you could try it but why not just run the deadlift routine that is proven to put 20+ pounds on most peoples deadlifts? Especially if you’ve never actually ran the routine before.

I wanted to squat only because smolov helped go from 365 to 405 ondeadlift without any DL at all.if I can back squat 455 or so after this coan style set up id guess at a 435 DL…maybe more depending on how my front squat bumps up

I’d suggest just run a standard program and save the fancy stuff for later. If you’re 5’9", 240 and even relatively lean you have a lot of easy strength gains to get before you even start to think about anything intermediate/advanced.

Good deal. Can you show me a good 3 day split? What are tge popular ones?

You deadlift 405 at 240, you dont need to fix your deadlift by not deadlifting. You need to get better at deadlift, and all 3 lifts for that matter. Try something like this:

day1: Squat and for accessory work do stiff leg or alternate stance deadlift

day2: bench and accessory

day3: deadlift and do pause squats or front squats for accessory

day4: OHP or light bench and accessory

this is very vague but will help you increase the frequency you need and address weak areas

just do your basic 4 day split
day 1 - heavy squat and dynamic deadlifts
day 2 - heavy bench
day 3 - heavy deadlifts and dynamic squat
day 4 - dynamic bench

make sure you have one days rest between day 2 and 3 and 2 days rest after day 4

Your dead seems to need the most help.

I’m no expert but have gone from under 300 lbs to 500 inside a year from, strangely enough, doing deadlifts. 1x week, with a lot of intensity. About half of the training days I use accommodating resistance, chains for heavy days, bands for speed work.

I’m pretty new to all this but I have a hard time believing you’re going to advance in deadlifts by not doing them.

As stated, not deadlifting for 10 weeks to make gains on deadlift sounds like a terrible idea.

Just get on a 5/3/1 template preferably one of the heavier ‘Beyond5.3.1’ ones

try madcow 5x5

[quote]cparker wrote:
You deadlift 405 at 240, you dont need to fix your deadlift by not deadlifting. You need to get better at deadlift, and all 3 lifts for that matter. Try something like this:

day1: Squat and for accessory work do stiff leg or alternate stance deadlift

day2: bench and accessory

day3: deadlift and do pause squats or front squats for accessory

day4: OHP or light bench and accessory

this is very vague but will help you increase the frequency you need and address weak areas[/quote]

What he said. Just keep doing that and adding weight to the bar in a sustainable manner (for me that’s anywhere about 5 lb every couple of weeks assuming you regularly hit 95% of your max in training an train the big lifts at least three times a fortnight at between 70 and 95% of max)