I hope I don’t get bashed too hard for asking, because I have searched some with no luck. Where can I read up on this ETD workout? I used to read the site a lot, but just started again and can’t seem to find it. Thanks for the help.

Haha. Just kidding. I sometimes get DOMS really bad usually in my lats after chins. However I noticed that if I worked out more frequently than once a week muscle soreness all but went away. If your willing to experiment on your next meso try uping your frequency it would at least be interesting on an emprical level to know if you experience less pain. :slight_smile:

nkeago, no, I am not using machines and the DOMS are very real. However, I do not start out at 5 reps on a 10 rep weight as Charles Staley recommended. I start out at the full 10 reps and probably go within 1 rep of concentric failure on all sets. Also, like Michelle, I have no, or very little, rest between sets. I worked my upper body yesterday and it feels like I took a hockey puck in the chest! I think you just need to up your intensity a bit and then you can join the DOMS club.

Avoids - we have a club? grin But no one will want to join!

Day 5 - situps wre actually impossible today. And don't call me a wimp, I either pulled an ab muscle or they are still sore from Tuesday. I literally could not situp. Sort of like starting out with failure. Those russian twists are a bitch too. How does everyone resist twisitng their shoulders? I had the hardest time keeping them in line.

Aaaaahhhhhhh - the weekend

Dear Lord, I thank you for EDT, please take all of my soreness away and give it to Avoids. Please grant me the strength to do more chins next Monday. Thanks, and please ignore my thoughts while doing squats, I don't really mean it.


Ummmmmm I doubt it. Well I don’t do the workouts that make me puke anymore…okay I only puked once but have felt like it a few times, I don’t think my intensity is suspect. Obviously people respond to exercise differently. Duh. I am use to feeling pain in my lats for 7 days after chins. However when I started training more frequently I noticed far less DOMS in every body part. As Staley would say DOMS is not the be all end all clue of how your training is progressing. I’m going up in strength so I’m doing something right. You know what though today I kinda got all messed up on what number of reps I was on for 2 exercises. Arhhhhh I know I beat my last workout so I had to guess. :slight_smile:

Are you hitting each muscle only once every 7 days? Directly at least. :slight_smile:

I am joining the EDT club. I am splitting it into two days, day one, Hacks and leg curls for 20, then bench press machine and row for twenty, then arms for 10, abs everyday, day two, Tabata aerobics, day three, stiff deads and leg x, military press and chin, 20 arms for 10, day 4 tabata aerobics, repeat. WInds the dog out of me

nkeago - I guess so: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, repeat. Why do you ask?

Are all of you guys going to go straight to edt phase 2 after phase 1 or take a few wks. off from the enormously high volume? Staley doesn’t say anything about a break but I don’t think that this a program w/ volume this high would be too great to stay on for more than a month straight w/out at least 3 wks. of low volume recovery work. Any thoughts?

I am in the middle of week three of the first phase of EDT. The workout are taxing, but I seem to be recovering OK, and the weekends off help. I plan to do phase two immediately after, and then take two to three weeks of lower volume work while I start a sprint program. After that, I may start phase one again or any new phases if they are posted here. I don’t know if this is the best plan, but I am comfortable with it. Anyone have another plan?


You don’t need to send me any more DOMS Michelle. I get enough from you whenever I read one of your “political” posts. :slight_smile:

Avoids: just for that, here’s some more.

Week 2 Day 1: went up in weight on the skulls, and got almost the same number of reps. Tried upright rows instead of seated rows... that was a waste of time. What are the other 'no machine' people doing to replace the seated rows? (or are you just using the cable machine?) My wrists and forearms are not on speaking terms with me, so I don't think chins are going to last much longer, or I'm going to have to resort to lifting straps.

My abs also yelled at me during chins... anyone else get this?

Funny story: one of the belters (see my definition in reader mail / OT thread) at my gym started talking to me today. He's about 45 or so, and was dutifully protecting his lower back during his set of ez-curls. Anyway, he wanted to know what I was doing since he noticed me going from the chins to the skulls about 5 times. I explained EDT to him. Then he came back to find out why I was doing negatives, so I told him about doing negatives when you can't do any more full chins. He asked if he could work in... and offered me his gloves because my hands were bothering me. (wrists actually, but I just thanked him and declined) So he tried his pull ups and then did negatives when he was done. Hopefully he'll talk to me again... and I'll ask about that weight belt *grin*

Michelle, today I did T bar rows instead of the seated cable rows. I liked it a lot better than the cable rows. I was going to do bent barbell rows, but after 20 minutes of chins I figured I’d do the T bar which are a little less fatiguing.
My only regret is that I more or less wasted workout one by doing pulldowns and seated rows. Today I did regular chins and was doing 2 per set at the end of 20 minutes which is basically where I want to be.

Hey, Michelle and is that belt that he wears a “Cardillo” belt - y’now they’re SOOOO fashionable rolling eyes.

Tonight is Day 3 of my 5x5 program. This will end my first week of the 5x5 program. Pretty cool stuff.

Well, I can throw in the damn towel now. Upright rows… what the hell was I thinking? Not only was it the completely wrong exercies (note to self, NO workout decisions are to be made at 5:45 am) I can’t lift my left arm out to the side at ALL. forward, yes, back, yes. No lateral movement is possible… and that is not ‘ouch it hurts’ it is ‘your arm no longer has that capability’
lovely… just lovely…

on a better note, I went up in weight in both skulls and rev grip push downs, and had the same number of reps...

Does anyone know when the strength phase of EDT will come out? I can only imagine…