DukeTheSlaya's Journey to Overhead Pressing Like a God

I wouldn’t say either really. I usually only get them when I do something new or I do a lot of volume.

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Neither. I don’t generally get sore unless I do something new or something I haven’t done in a while.


They’re good cause you know your legs still work.
They’re bad cause your legs work… Barely, for that duration of time of course.

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Heres my rant sorry lads but im angry!!
THIS gym is so shit. What kidn of gym doesnt have a barbell. Cant deadlift,cant squat(I quit with smith squats there fucking Shit and i hate the movement and doesnt feel right ever. Hurts my knees. Feels unnatural and weird as heck. Will be doing bulgarian split squats and as for hamstrings well i honestly dont know. Leg curls is all i have

In a rage i left the gym accomplishing nothing.

Another failed leg day greatt

Can you obtain sandbags of varying sizes?

Just do what Milo of Croton did- Carry a calf up and down a hill as it grows.

Granted… you’d need a suitable place outside to do this.

Another alternative is to take up gymnastics training again and also slowly work up to doing pistol squats/various single-legged work with external load via dumbbells. Might take a while, but you’re young.

There are a lot of options besides training with the barbell if your goal is to simply get stronger and more muscular.

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How affect is things like pistol squats for muscle growth?
Im going to be doing bulgarian split squats bodyweight until i learn the exercise because iv tried them before and they are quite difficult.

[quote=“duketheslaya, post:170, topic:224849, full:true”]
How affect is things like pistol squats for muscle growth?[/quote]

Not very good is my experience, as ultimately muscle growth is driven by volume and intensity. For most people the pistol squat would be so high in intensity that the volume can’t reach the sufficient amount.

(Unless you’re that fellow over at beastskills and are doing pistol squats with external load. I won’t link the site here because the admins don’t like outside links, but I’d suggest you give that place a look.)

But that’s the point- If you’re lacking barbells then single-leg work, along with goblet squats, are probably your best bet at growing your legs. That and sprints + running up mountains/hills.

split-squats/lunges/pistols/goblet squats with 70lb seem more than sufficient imo. Hell, goblet squats with 70lb is not that easy. If you think they are, then do them paused.

Balancing and mobility will probably be the reason why they’re difficult. I’ve stopped doing split-squats because my hip imbalance keeps causing my knees to move erratically and even doing them unloaded didn’t seem to help.

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No hills round here lol

Yes lunges are great, i love reverse lunges

I can build my quads i have acces to a decent amount of things for that but i really want to add some mass to my hamstrings

This is going to sound retarded but i just have an obsession with strength hence i want a barbell.
I wish i could do strongman training and powerlfiting because that is what i want to do but be super muscly as well.
My life goals are 350kg deadlift.
200kg bench
150kg ohp
Bent over row 200kg
Squat 350kg
Barbell curl 100kg
Close grip bench 180kg
Weighted chinup +80kg
Weighted dip + 80kg
Weighted pushup +120kg
Super strong grip
Heavy Atlas stones
One arm pushup × lots of reps
One arm chinup×20 reps
Handstand pushups

And basically be godly strong at every exercise and huge.
Probably not possible but yes.

You’re going to need to find a better gym eventually, or build your own. Any jobs you can do when you are so you can save some money? If I remember correctly you’re in WA, and there are one or two decent gyms there although I only know of two in Perth (PTC Perth and Muscle Pit).

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Im trying for a job as of yet. But i live in a small town about 2 and a half hours away from perth. Not many jobs.
Hopefully in 6 months or so i may be moving to my aunties in rockingham not big like perth but has a fair amount of gyms. And my aunty said shel le me use the garage for a home gym. Im going to go down to the tire shop and see if they hae any old tires i can use for tire flips

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In approximately 2 -3 months i will have maxed the dumbells for my main exercises then i will have to start using machines and the smith machine for pressing etc because that goes to 100kg

Todays nutrition :shitty


This is what needs to change. If a smith machine was what I had to provide the most resistance, then a smith machine would be what I used. Load that up, find movements that suck (are hard), and do them over and over again. Don’t focus on all these workouts you read that you CAN’T do, Google some “smith machine workouts”. Then go into the gym with vengeance, and beat the shit out of yourself on the smith machine.

The smith machine is recommended for a lot of different exercises for hypertrophy. I trained in my basement for quite some time with just one of those universal cable machines. Eventually, got myself a squat rack, barbell, bench, etc.

No complaints though, the cable machine provided resistance and I figured out how best to stress my muscles with it.

Limit the amount of research you are doing at this point. Eating plenty of good cals (including enough protein) and smashing it in the gym, regardless of what equipment you are using, is going to take you further than complaining and continuing to have bad/lazy days.

There is my pep talk, now go get your shit together.


Kid, you’ve much growing up to do. How bout we start with something simple first? like say, work your way into being able to do 100 push ups in one set.

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Thankyou, needed that pep talk.

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