Does This Anavar Sound Real?

So I got anavar from a very trusted source of mine. They are my main supplier of test, tren ect… All I’ve read about anavar though is that it’s very mild and gives no side effects. I tried, used 50mg per day 2x25 tabs 7 am and 3pm roughly. After the first day I noticed a mild headache but over time my appetite went to complete shit, I was feeling nauseous all day, extremely lethargic to the point I could barely finish my workouts and perform at work.

I also noticed my urin started turning dark yellow much darker than usual. I felt inflammation in my stomach. I even tried the sublingual method More plates More dates and others have mentioned but it was still terrible. I lasted about 2 weeks before I had to get off. After a couple days off all negative effects disappeared. Now I definitely felt the strength gains from it so I know it was certainly some type of steroid.

Truthfully though I’ve used tren, test, mast, deca, dbol in the past and have never EVER felt how bad I felt on this. I was so nauseous it would literally take me 45 minutes to finish a meal that would normally take me 5 minutes to finish and I was just dreading meal time.

By the last couple days I couldn’t eat at all and missed a day of work I felt so terrible. I am just curious what you guys think, does it sound like it was fake? As I said I’ve never really heard of anavar giving such harsh sides.

Now it’s worth mentioning when I started the anavar cycle I started tren as well. I did 500 test, 300 tren e, 50 anavar. At first I thought it might be the tren because I know tren is known for brutal sides and is known to darken your urine. I originally planned on just ditching the whole cycle but after like 2 days off the anavar I improved so greatly I realized it was the anavar. I never even missed a tren injection after realizing it wasn’t the tren. After about 5 days all negative effects dissapeared and now I feel 100% great again appetite through the roof again, urine is back to normal and energy is high again.

What do you guys think? I know whatever I took was some type of steroid because as I said I felt the strength gains within a couple days and again I know the Tren enanthate wouldn’t kick in strength wise that fast.

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No does not sound like my experience with Rx oxandrolone at 25 mg twice daily at all.

Always 3rd party test your stuff if you are going UGL.

Perhaps some others with experience can chime in on their experience with Halo:

We just popping pills without testing now? Goodness, I don’t see how that could go wrong.

Var has a terrible reputation for being faked when UGL due to high costs. Probably worth your time, money, and health to get a testing kit before paying $200 for a month’s supply of Tylenol and kidney problems.

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Like I said this is someone I have been buying from for years with no issues and I have tested there stuff in the past, just recently because I never thought I needed to.

Glad to know you trust your source as much as he trusts his source.
He may be a great guy (you know, because dealers are usually great people), but maybe test the stuff in the future?

Also, maybe don’t trust any UGL HGH from him. Just saying.

I’d be willing to bet 99.9999% of steroid users aren’t testing there gear. I don’t and don’t plan on it unless I start home brewing.

Testing gear is very expensive and time consuming, not to mention you’re shipping controlled substances. Plenty of good tactics to better your chances when buying UGL stuff.

Edit: yes, @tareload we know this is stupid.


Exactly, thank you! Not saying its a smart idea to just blindly take shit you buy UGL but that’s what 99% of people do especially if the person is reputable in your community.

Well then look on the bright side as you now have experience with Halo / other.

Good point. Meso has some good info if you really dig. I’ll give credit for second hand 3rd party testing due diligence.

This is true. I really like meso. Unfortunately the 3rd party testing only works with guys like us testing. So my tactic only works when other people do their due diligence and test lol.

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Yeah its funny you mention halo because given the effects I had and what ive read it does sound like what youd get off halo.

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It’s like $50 and takes 10-15 mins if memory serves… Oxandrolone Test Kit – Colorimetrics

You literally made a thread about the consequences of doing this, but here you are trying to justify it…

Not going to be the ‘mom’ here, just saying there’s pretty low cost options to have some semblance of risk aversion - take the steps or don’t :man_shrugging:

I’m not justifying it at all I know it’s a very foolish thing to do, take drugs without knowing exactly what your taking. I used to be a substance abuse counselor believe me I know the risk. People die every day taking street drugs mixed with fentanyl. I’d say in our situation with PED’s that type of severity is less likely but it is still a risk and I know that. I am not justifying it, I know it’s foolish to not test.


That test is a joke dude.

If you’re gonna make fun of people for not testing their gear at least recommend legit testing like jano. I can’t remember the other guy who also tests, maybe someone else will chime in but there are exactly two people you can send gear to if you wanna know what, and how much of what is going into your body, and a $50 test off Amazon isn’t it.


You think those roidtest kits are a joke? Why do you say? I was actually considering purchasing one to see what im dealing with.

Wasn’t making fun of anyone except maybe the dealer. If you’re good with taking whatever without testing, that’s fine - just doesn’t make sense to jump on team ‘no testing’ IMO. Some people text and drive without wearing a seatbelt, I’m sure they know the risks too.

YMMV (pun intended)

Unreliable, often inconclusive, and not thorough, at all. It’s a test that says “ok, so there is probably some Anavar in here. Most likely, not sure what else is in it or how much, but should be for sure Anavar, probably”

It’s a feel good measure for the uniformed.

Did you test those sarms you took? Who tested them if so?

I’m assuming when you do your first blast you’ll be parting ways with a couple hundred dollars and a couple months of your time to test your gear before starting?

Yeah, I have in a way tested my Testosterone from the source I use. I didn’t actually test the gear, I got blood work. It was legit, since it matched up TT vs dose pretty well to compounded Test I have blood work on. In a way I have tested that sources adex too (with the blood work).

But that is the extent of what I have done to test gear out. I think that is better than what a lot of guys do (probably more than half of them).

I know the other stuff I have tried from them is very likely to be legit based on gym performance, or other side effects (stuffed up on cialis for example).

So, I wouldn’t send gear out to be tested by Jano if I am using my source. I am almost certain their Test, Adex, Tbol, Drol, and Cialis is legit. I don’t really see why they would run a company with some fakes and some legit products. They have also been around for over a decade, and my gym buddies use them too.

I am not saying it is a bad idea if you want to test stuff out, or you don’t know about your source (have prior experience with them). If I was a woman, I’d test every thing I was potentially going to take.

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I do the same. Pretty sure we are on the same page on “vetting” sources and making informed decisions without actually testing gear.