Do Meatheads Dream of Iron Sheep?

Plenty of videos in that log of what I personally consider to be great, great form given the max effort involved.

My .02: since you’re not prepping for a powerlifting, build your base by training at no more than ~ 80% of the #s you want to get to, and just doing reps there. I saw Sam Byrd mentioned by Reed in your other thread; according to Paul Carter (who has totally convinced me of the whole “base building” idea, which is essentially Sheiko training, Prilepin’s table etc. because the basics never change just the package) Byrd is a 700 lb squatter who trains with no more than 455? I think in the offseason (an outlier example probably but the point remains).

My only comment on form since I’m not a powerlifter, is that everybody is different except for one thing -whatever you’re doing, your body needs to be tight throughout the movement or you will get hurt, sooner or later. You’re a young’un so you might last a good while, but still…I see a lot of “looseness” in your movements and that in my humble opinion is not good. Again, check out the vids in the thread I linked and see how tight that guy’s body stays even when his form breaks (minimally) down during max effort.

One last point -when one trains to compete for max results, everything changes and chances are you will get injuries. But if as you state you’re not looking to compete as a powerlifter then…