Dig Through the Ditches

those “overweight” standards are for women who carry less muscle. I’ve seen your back. You might have a few lbs to lose but to lose 20lbs will be to say goodby to some muscle mass. Just my 2 cents.

Even if I keep lifting???

well, 5lbs at a time, we’ll see! I naturally carry a lot of muscle(thanks Father)

165 looked nice.

5lbs at a time is a good game plan.

Not saying you didn’t look nice but your son is a grown boy, you’ve added some muscle density since then for sure.

So hard to keep up on here, wish I was able to post on my stupid phone. Sounds like you are finding some balance there MiMsy, can’t wait to hear what these new drugs do for ya.

Glad to hear you’re starting to feel a little better, even if it’s a little bit at a time. I agree with mainy. I never go by the ‘recommended’ weight range. Like she said, it’s for people who have no muscle on their frame, or what I like to call the ‘skinny fat’ people. Look at the mirror and how your clothes are fitting more than the scale, cause it totally lies!

[quote]nlmain wrote:
those “overweight” standards are for women who carry less muscle. I’ve seen your back. You might have a few lbs to lose but to lose 20lbs will be to say goodby to some muscle mass. Just my 2 cents. [/quote]

Yeah, according to the chart I’m also obese. Don’t listen to the chart.

5lbs at a time sounds good.

How tall are you?

Mim: I’m so inspired by your continued resolve. And so glad that backing off a little bit right now is getting you results. Awesome! Can’t wait to see what you make happen in 2012.

I’m flirting with 5’8"

I used to be 5’9" damnit!!!

Thanks for the e-support!
But understand after all this poor health crap I’ve been through for about 5 years now that it would be hard to let it go.
I know it’s just a number, go by the mirror and cloths and how you feel, etc!
That would be hard. I think it’s easier to understand if you’ve spent any number of years OVERweight. I used to be in the 200+ club…and I’m not talking my squat #

Reaching my goal weight gives me a goal!
I’m unable to do a lot of the things I was able to. No powerlifting or running 5ks for me. Nope.

I want that focus back. It would feel like I’ve WON!!!

If Nadia gets to lose lbs to do pull ups, then so do I! :slight_smile:
And lookit our Hallowed. She’s plenty muscley and weighs LESS than what my goal weight is.

I will give it time. I will know when I am at the right weight AND happy with what I see in the mirror.

At like 160 you’d look like a comic book chick…


your legs are great.

glad to hear you are feeling a difference

Reaching your goal weight INDEED gives you a goal. Having a goal that you are really passionate about is so important. So if its losing 20 lbs., then go get 'em!

Its almost 2012 goal setting time for all of us. A new, shiny year. Nice.

Hi MiMsy!!

Just saying hi. I knew you were up and wanted to pop in. Having my coffee with MiMsy, dum dee dum…

On the goal weight, I say you gotta try it out and see what happens. If you never reach that goal, you’ll always wonder, what if, what if…

Anyways, you’re a smart cookie, so I know that no matter what you choose you’re going to do it in a smart and safe way. You got this, girlie!


Hey silly-pants!
Just checking in. I had to go back and check out the legs everyone was talking about. Yup…HOT.
In some ways you remind me of Dave Tate (only pretty). Once he realized that he couldn’t PL anymore, due to being banged up, he switched to bodybuilding which has rekindled his love for training. Might want to check his article on the main page if you haven’t.

I am so behind in here, but did go back and see the legs, love legs you have a very nice set!

Being excited about a goal, i say go for it, not like you cant stop if the magic strikes sooner!!

well, thank you ALL for your input. For or against, you KNOW I’m going to do it to it… pbbbbbt

Git- hi silly-head! Interesting read. Certainly I’m not as beat up as he ever was but I totally get it.
I’m glad I finally listened to the other voice in my head(hehe) to tone it down a notch.

UP! when are you ever going to start a new log??? I check daily :frowning:

I had a good nights sleep so I made into the gym.yay!

I’m still doing yoga/pilates and walking…not completely sitting around doing nothing. Last Sat I got to the gym too forgot to write…my hams/lats were sore all week!

shoulder stuff

Rope Facepulls/then to chest- 2x15

Lat pulldown-5x5x85

DeadStop MP-5x5x65-(thanks GIt) Tried it…was cool. Will be using this!

T-bar row- 5x5x35

Tried my hand at 1 arm DB press(hey Hallie!)
having not done this in like a year I was able to put up the 30lb for 5 reps each arm(standing)
Then I did it seated and got the 35 up for 5 reps e/a…
I dunno!!

1 arm db row- eeked out 2 sets of 5…but it was bothering my lower back and could feel whatever it is slipping around. should probably get that checked out.

DB RDL- 5x5x45s

Hypers- 2x15(10lb plate)

some shrugs and upright rows

Bike hard level for 3 min(hits the quads)
walked 20 min

[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
well, thank you ALL for your input. For or against, you KNOW I’m going to do it to it… pbbbbbt

Git- hi silly-head! Interesting read. Certainly I’m not as beat up as he ever was but I totally get it.
I’m glad I finally listened to the other voice in my head(hehe) to tone it down a notch.

UP! when are you ever going to start a new log??? I check daily :([/quote]

I was gonna take a little brake from logging…but it didnt happen. Probably ok, will keep me on top of things.
I met with this BB trainer girl from my gym yesterday, lots of new cable type machines
I had no clue about, can definitely work them in for some accessory work. She thought my arms were “soft” so Ill be fixing that :wink:

Thanks for the link!!
I would have never looked there, lol.

oh BB’er chick sounds like a tough cookie. It’s fun to come up with new ways to torture ourselves, isn’t it? haha

Glad you got some good sleep in there. Did you find it helped your training? (I’m guessing yes, since that workout looks good to me).

It ALWAYS helps!!
I won’t go and push myself like before if I didn’t sleep well…I think I was only making myself feel worse.

I took both kiddos to the Doc this week to check on there coughs. They’ve been coughing for what seems like months! I know it’s been at least 1.5 months.
Julia even got a breathing treatment. Boy that triggered some memories seein that thing on her face. I’ll always have that image of her after surgery hooked up to all that stuff burned in my head. Anyhow, the Dr seems to think its our HOUSE that is making the kids sick.

Now hubby is all up and arms and wants to move even though we only have less than a year left. But if it’s for the health, then.

Remember how I was thinking thaT LAST year with all the mold debacle.