Dchris's Grappling with Age

Take care man.

Awww… man. Hope it gets better soon. Okay, maybe I was wrong, maybe that 1 cup of rice did alter the course of this thing. :smirk:

Heal up man! For back disc related pain I like to do as many spinal decompression movements as possible. If you have access to a reverse hyper I hear those are good (haven’t used one personally). I also do things like bar hangs, or some hip traction using heavy bands like this:

These are a bit awkward to get yourself into but feel great. I just lay there for ~5mins slowly rotating the hips a bit to feel the stretch in different places but feel like $1M after and probably a little taller even :wink:

But go slow when it comes to back recovery. Doing too many things to try and make it better can inflame it and make it a longer recovery than necessary.

@Benanything - Thanks, I’m in rough shape at the moment.

@ChickenLittle - No picture? I don’t recognize you anymore. The damn rice weakened my back!

@littlesleeper - I tried to get up this morning and nearly fell. I have no strength. Really the only time I don’t have pain is in the fetal position. I’ll hopefully give the bar hangs a shot later this week.

This whole thing is making me question deadlifts and what I want in the long term.

Oh damn, didn’t realize it was this bad. Sorry to hear that man, I’ve never had disc pain that debilitating.
Wishing you a quick recovery.

Too be honest, I didn’t realize I would be immobilized until this morning. Last night, I was in pain, but walking around wasn’t terrible. Now, I can’t move without pain. Any time direct weight is on my lumbar, I hurt.

Went to the doctor, but he blew the whole appt off. Told me “You know how professional athletes get injured sometimes… ya, think that way, you’re just slightly injured” I asked for an MRI, and have great insurance, but he was unwilling.

Sorry, I know your back is hurting and there is nothing funny about it, but when I read that ↑ instantly thought of styrofoam… :blush:

Bolt Styrofoam: http://youtu.be/1cij2g0W8go

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try a few sets of bird dogs. That’ll activate your core and hopefully let your back chill out a bit

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Hardly ever are these injuries the result of a big trauma, rather lots and lots of cumulative trauma. You could have a 700lb deadlift and your back can go picking a pen up off the ground

Come to think of it, I had just taken the Christmas recycling to the garage. There was styrofoam on the ground!

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I’m ready to grab my orthopedic chair and pursue safer lifting options.

Here’s my 2 week update photo.


Holy cow! That was quick!

Dude, so sorry to hear about your injury man! Wish you the best to a speedy recovery!

Certainly possible to be strong and have a great back without it. I haven’t deadlifted in about two years, and stopped rack pulling almost a year ago, just to play it safe and avoid injury in the long term.

How is your back today?

More of the same. Started the day at the office, but by noon had to leave to lay down. I couldn’t get any relief.


Back still hurts. Morning weight unknown. Although, I just weighed 221.2 in the afternoon, so I’m sure morning weight will be a new low.

My sister came to visit. She lives in another country, without a diverse restaurant selection. So she wanted Mexican food. being nice, I agreed and didn’t mention my dietary restrictions. I ordered fajitas without rice, beans, corn, sour cream or tortillas. I just asked for a side of Guac. Hahah The waitress was so confused. I swear there isn’t a carbless dish in Mexico. Somehow I managed to leave without consuming one chip.

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Sorry your back is not better, but hey! That looks delicious! That other stuff is overrated anyway. Fajita meat and guac is all you need :yum:

are you working out your calories or just cutting carbs?

Basically at 2400-2500 calories.

200F, 150P and less than 20C. I don’t count calories, usually comes out about right, because I eat the same food.

interesting. Quite cool to see all the different ways we’re approaching this

I’d much rather go about this like Flip. Milkshakes and burgers for days.

What’s your approach, once you start cutting?

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