Dawg Log

'No, they wont let me bring anything in. When I use boards or bands I sneak’m in my bag. ’

Holy shit do you train in North Korea or something!? Thats a strict arse gym you go to. I just feel like a freak enough bringing that stuff to my gym let alone having to smuggle it in!

I have to smuggle chalk in, but then it gets all over everything anyway and no one says anything. Makes little to no sense to me…oh well.

Dawg, tried GM Squats (worked up to 245x1) for the first time today and I agree with you that they’re a “fun” workout.

How wide do you have your legs? And how deep do you go? I put mine a bit wider than shoulder width and go a few inches below parallel.

On gm squats I was going down to a 12" stack of weight plates and using about a shoulder width stance. I would think it would be good to switch it up though; narrow, wide, deep, parallel…

Creed that’s SoCal for ya! All the gyms around me are chains or womens fitness and most people are interested in beach muscles. It really makes me miss Texas because I belonged to a great gym there! You could lift how ever you wanted to, bring in anything you wanted! But then again the guy who owned had been a pler…24hr is really anal tho, when I have some free time I am going to have to start looking for another gym again.


Full squat close stance w/2sec pause
work to 245x1,250x1,252x1

In between:band face-pull 2x50, band pushdown 2x25

a1 zercher gm 3x5@115
a2 db step-ups 3x6-8@45,50
a3 eagle sit-up 3x5@80

b back ext 2x8@25,35

Squat is really weak all around. Noticed my back lost arch on heavy sets so going to work on low back more. Really like those zerchers, they really force you to keep the core tight!


Incline Press to 185x1, 200x1, 205x1pr

Could of got 207-210 here but ran out of spotters.

In between: band leg curls 2x25
band gm 2x25
band curls 2x20
lower arm plate rotations

A db bench 3x3PC*@70, 70(6), 70(6)

b1 decline pro-sup ext. 3x8@25,35,30
b2 cg hammer pull-up 3x5MC@5,5(3),5(0)
b3 ball sit-up 3x8@25,35,35

Worked in a lot of band hammer curls because inner left elbow ached a little after incline work.

*Pure cluster-3 reps rest 10sec 3rps, tried for 9 total reps per set.

De Sq

Speed Box 10x2@125

work in band push downs 2x25

Glute-ham 3sec hold 3x5@5,5,5
hang pike w/3s hold at top 3x5@5,4,3

work in scap pull-ups 3x3 w/hold

zercher squat 3x5@115,125,130
standing leg curl 3x8@60

WS Squat tapes should arrive today! Forgot to pull speed deads!


Speed Bench 9x3@137

a1 jm press 3x5@115, 125, 135
a2 stiff arm cuban raise 3x8@20
a3 bench lat pulldown 3x8@90,120,150

Today I worked out at a new gym, Cal State U-Long Beach. They have a glute-ham raise and will let me bring in anything I want: bands, chains, etc. Wonderful.

ME sq

Gm-Sq to 205x1,215x1,235x1pr,237x1pr

a band pushdown 2x25
b band facepull 2x25

a1 zercher gm 3x5@125
a2 hack sq 3x5MC@170
a3 eagle sit-ups 3x8@80

b glute-ham 1x4

First time to try out a glute-ham bench.


3 Board to 225x1,245x1,260xmiss,255x1

a band gm 2x25
b band leg curl 2x25
(light bands)

a db bench 3x3PC@70(9),70(9),70(7)
aa band hammer curls 2x20

b1 decline pro-sup ext. 3x8@30
b2 cg hammer pull-up 3x5MC@5(10),5(8),4 (regular set)
b3 ab pulldowns 3x8@80,85,85

glute-ham 2x5@5,5
I don’t know if it is that the pad is too hard or I am just not used to it but these hurt my quads like a %#$@!

No pr’s on 3 brd. 2 weeks ago I hit 257 on 2 brd but couldn’t nail 260 on 3!

De sq/dl

speed box 8x2@137

Work up 4x2@185,225,225,245**

speed pulls 6x1@140(3 sumo,3 conv.)

Work up 3x1@225,250,260

a1 glute-ham 2x4***
a2 z-squat 3x5@130,135,145
a3 roman chair sit-up 3x8@bw,25,35

Had a training partner today. Really nice to train with someone, especially when they are stronger than you!

**I really hope when I test in a week I can nail 300-305 on my squat.

***Only did two sets here because the g/h bench at this gym kills my quads! I guess the padding is just too hard!

Really need to work on deads more. My form sucks. Another area having a partner can come in handing to watch your form while you concentrate on the weight.

Good Luck on the squat, I will be maxing next week also, so we can campare results. For squat I am thinking in the 275-310 range(30-65 increase) and for the deadlift 355-380(35-55 increase), I dont think I will test my bench(raw bench hasnt changed that much(maybe 15 lbs at the most), because I am working on my shirt.


speed bench 9x3@137

2 board work up 3x3@185,215,232

band gm’s 2x25

a1 jm press 3x5@140
a2 stiff arm cuban raise 3x8,7,5+3@25

b1 BP lat pulldown 3x8@155,165,170
b2 face pulls/pushdowns 3x6@85/85, 105/90, 105/90

c hammer curls+bands* 2x9ATC@15+purple,20+purple

Good workout. *Since I only hit my bi’s directly once a week I like to get the most out of it so I usually use CT’s hyper methods to quickly exhaust’m. The bands added some extra pain.

you said somewhere you were doing GM Squats onto a 12’ box… im pretty sure these are supposed to be done without a box, like regular GMs, except you just squat down after the GM.

one more thing, you mentioned “quad raises” in your log a few times, I assume thats a leg extension … this is a bodybuilding movement, you’d be better off doing some kind of zercher or front squat if you think your quads are weak

good progress so far

The gm sq I do do off a box. I have the WS Squat workout tape and they do’m w/o box I know but I prefer both ways. The quad raise is not a leg extension. It is a movement outlined by CT in one of his Violent Variations article. I usually rotate my assistance movement every 3-6 weeks. I also use zercher variations.


Me Sq dl

A1 dimel dl’s 3x20@135,135,145
a2 band pushdowns 3x25 w/purple
a3 band face pulls 3x25 w/double purple

b1 cable dl’s 3x15@150,170,200
b2 leg press 3x20@230
b3 band leg curl 3x30 w/prpl

c1 ab pulldown 4x25@50,65,65,65
c2 hang leg raise 3x12@12,12,10

No sets to failure.

good luck this weekend with your max outs…bm

Hey, didn’t mean to hijack the thread, but i don’t feel my question warrants a new thread, and the reason I put the question here is because me and dawg are the same weight (165) and you recently purchased the seminar tapes…

Anyways, my bench sucks. It not only sucks, but I’ve hit a minor pleateau for the past couple weeks. I cannot get past 215. I always get stuck a little off my chest, so I figure: 1) my form sucks, i know it does, 2) my lats are week so I’ve been doing a at least 4 exercises for lats a week, 3) my triceps are weak and I have also been working them hard.

Any suggestions on what else I can do besides keep working hard? Any pointers on form will help. I believe keeping my shoulder tight, leg drive and arch need the most work, but i can’t seem to keep my shoulder blades tight when grabbing the bar.

Can’t afford the westside tapes and can’t find them for cheaper. Thanks for all the help.


bm had some great advice on this a while back:

  1. Speed, work on your speed! Adding minibands will help a ton.
  2. 2board presses and declines will be great, declines really teach you to stay tight.
    3.work on your rotators and lats, they will also help you out of the hole

Are you currently using a WS program?

A:xus had some good advice via Big M.

Check out Dave Tates article “Pressing Power” issue 180 here at T-Mag as well as the eight keys and periodization bible 2 if your not familiar with WS training.

I don’t own the WS seminar tapes, just the squat workout…

The “Strength Off The Chest” thread might also be of some assistance.

Board presses and speed work will definetly help get through sticking points as well as your form, lats, and heavy tri work.

It is hard to stay tight when you unrack the bar that is why it is a good idea to have a partner to give you a lift off or to find someone at the gym to give you a lift off during your heavy sets…hope this helps…let me know.


A DB floor press 3x20,14,12@55

aa band gm 3x33 w/purple
ab incline reverse fly 3x33@5,5,2.5
ac reverse pushdown 3x33@45

b1 pulldown complex 4x45@50
(15 wide,15 reverse close,15 hammer grip)
b2 band pull-through 4x25 w/purple
b3 sit-up 4x20@bw