Coffee: Just as Healthy as Vegetables

I like these for the taste and the filter:

I’ve never used them but these could be used with those reusable k cups. You’d get the filter and it’d make cleanup easier:

Watch the JRE episode with Dr Shanna Swan or get her book. There is no way to avoid plastic we are screwed.

I have also posted this.

Been drinking it for the past couple of days. It’s strange, I don’t feel like I’m terribly fond of it but somehow I still enjoy it. For the first time in a while I’m actually wanting to have a drink when I wake up as opposed to doing it out of necessity.

It’s definitely something that’s gonna grow on me and I look forward to exploring different brands etc. I did learn that decaf still has a few grams of caffeine in it though. I’m sure it’s too small to get any reliance effects but still a little annoying.

It’s both, here, man. Oh, wait - you meant coffee…

I’ve actually read decaf can have up to 30% as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. Definitely still worth paying some attention, especially on timing.

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I’m extremely sensitive to caffiene so a cup of decaf is enough to get me buzzed

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Hard to tell if I’m feeling the minimal amount of caffeine, been super busy today! This sucks to learn about tbh.

That would be true. The only allegedly true decaf I found was Folger’s Instant, but you know, it’s instant.

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I thought in another article here (from many many) years ago said to go with light roast because darker destroys a lot of the ‘good’ compounds in coffee?

I drink coffee (and I will use your 5 steps of advice) and I include steamed vegetables every day.

Do you get the same, worse, or better effects when you cold brew coffee?

Let’s see. The coffee bean is the seed in the fruit of a coffee plant.

This implies that coffee is a fruit juice, sorta. Still good for you and one of my favorite nutrition reversals.

Not unlike grass-fed, unsalted butter. Easiest way to get your C15:0, no need to bother with Fatty15. 14g of butter in an Americano is a power drink.

Thanks for the very informative article. Just one note for clarification regarding K-Cup coffee. It is very easy and inexpensive to replace the disposable K-Cup pods with reusable pods which negate all but one of the negative effects you mentioned. To negate the last (filtering out diterpines), you can even purchase inexpensive paper filters that fit nicely into the reusable K-Cup pods. Our family has been using this method of brewing for several years and it works great. With 3 coffee drinkers in the house, we brew 5-6 cups of coffee per day and have only a handful of reusable pods. I don’t have any data on their life expectancy, but I can attest that they are highly durable and cost-effective.

Regarding coffee on the run, is Dunkin acceptable and how do they compare with starbucks?

Where would you buy coffee using a drive through?

If you’re talking black coffee (no crap added), Starbucks is a little more bitter than Dunkin (IMO), but I would just buy gas station drip coffee.

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The shortest line on the right side of the road.

I really appreciate that because I am not a coffee drinker but used to take 40 200mg caffeine pills a week as a kid putting myself through college. So, now I try to avoid it because it may have given me an arythmia. In any case, Dunkin it is. BUT, I will prefer the gas stations. Thank you. :slight_smile:

Cold brew is ess acidic. Otherwise the same.

I am a coffee junkie. Sometimes 2 trenta cold brews a day. Love it.