Chicken Legs FTW

Tmill, foam, stretchy

Deads 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 275x3, 295x2, 315 belt at 255
Snatch grip deads 135x8, 185x5, 225x3 no straps
hip thrusters 135x8, 135x5 bailed by lower ab region and scar didn’t like the barbell lying there
lying hammie curl 3x12x70
wide neutral grip deadhang chins 7,7,6,5,5


Cod/core junk day

Tmill 1mi. 17min
stat bike 3.45 12min

side bridge 4x30sec/side
half kneeling cable chops 3x12sidex65
dislocates 30,25
abducter mach 4x15x70
mach preacher curl 3x15x40


Tmill, Foam, Stretchy

Incline BP Paused 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x2, 135x8
DB fly 2x10x25s
Incline Tates 2x10x30s, 1x10x35s
Seated Cable row 10x100, 10x110, 10x120
Pec Dec 2x12x60, 1x12x75

Deadhang chins 4,4,4,4

No Gas, No Umphhh


looking good
glad there is no invasion in your colon

Thanks Bro

Tmill, foam , stretchy

MP 10x65, 5x95, 4x105, 3x120, 5x135 2x145
trap bar dead 10x145, 5x235, 5x285, 2x335, 1x335
chins deadhang 9,5,5,5,5,
pull-ups deadhang hands together 4,4,4
cable side laterals 3x10x20side
pec dec rev fly 2x12x45


incline Tmill 30 min 1.73mi, 24lb vest

Paused BP 5x95, 5x135, 5x185, 3x205, 225,225, 5x185
weighted neutral grip chins (24lb) 5,4,5,
Tates 12x30, 2x10x35
Dips 7,7

Bike 2.18mi 8 min
foam, stretchy

Zercher 5x85, 5x105, 5x115, 4x125
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x225, 4x245, 8x135 touch and go 15 inch box
leg ext 15x80, 12x100, 9x120
abductor mach 3x10x80
HS back hip Mach 15x35, 12x45, 12x55
HS seated hammie 15x45, 15x55, 12x65


Great training Paul. Glad your bloodwork was good. Republican Governor in MA? Things must be bad.

Thanks Steve on both counts… Republican Democrat, Indie don’t matter…they will just tax us some more…

Stat Bike 8 min 2.26miles
foam, stretchy dislocates, band pullaparts

Paused Incline BP 5x95, 5x135, 3x155, 6x175 185, 195 feeling a little better
seated cable row 10x120, 2x9x140
HS pullover 10x100, 2x9x110
OH DB ext 3x10x65
weighted chins 3x3 +25lb
dips 10,10
dip machine ( someone took the dip bar) 15x60, 15x80


I am impressed with your chins! Are you following a specific program? I’m trying to get mine going again. I feel like they really work my core.

[quote]kpsnap wrote:
I am impressed with your chins! Are you following a specific program? I’m trying to get mine going again. I feel like they really work my core.[/quote]

Thanks Snap…no I’m not following a program at the moment. just trying to do them with regularity and trying to add a little volume each week… and I agree with your comment on the core aspect of them. sorry I couldn’t be more helpful

Lazy Ass Cond/core day

T mill 20 min 1.18 mi 24 lb vest
Stat Bike 8 min 3.00 mi 24 lb vest

side bridge 2x45sec side
plank 3x1min
palloff press w/OH ext hold 3x5sidex30
half kneeling cable chop 12side x60, 10sidex70, 10sidex80

the core stuff was done without a break


Stat bike 8 min 2.34mi
foam, stretchy

Snatch grip deads 5x95, 5x135, 3x185, 6x205, 3x225, 245, 255, 265 no straps…belt at 225
Deads 5x225, 3x275, 2x295, 315, 325, 3x225 belt at 275
pullthroughs 2x10x150, 10x160, 7x170 lost balance
preacher curl mach 10x60, 10x70, 9x80, 5x90
RDL 3x10x95 just getting a little stretch


That looks like a great Saturday morning! Nice work.

Thanks Jack it was indeed

tmill, foam stretchy
dislocates, band pullaparts

MP 5x65, 5x85, 5x105, 3x125 4x145, 155, 8x95
pulldowns 10x120 10x140, 8x150
pec dec rev fly 12x45, 2x10x60
cable side lateral 3x10sidex25
neutral grip chins 5 4,called it something sent a jolt thru my elbow so I called no joy.


Cond/core/junk day

tmill incline 4 30 min 1.72 mi
push up plank 3x1 min supersetted with 10 push-ups n between each one no break
single leg glute bridge with 30 sec iso hold 3 side
5x10 push-ups
3x15 back ext
3x6 dead hang chins
3x40sec side side bridge

pretty much toast…not much sleep the Mrs is ill with her typical run her self down ( work related) cold/flu at this time of year…


looking pretty rugged OG

I was just going to ask how your elbows felt with this chin volume
hope I didnt jinx you

Thanks Bro, working at it… no elbows have been good other than that one freak incident ( age?) did some yesterday felt awesome…

Tmill, foam stretchy, dislocates blah blah blah

Zercher 5x85, 5x105, 5x125, 5x135, 5x145
Paused Squat 5x185, 4x205, 3x2x225 8x135
leg ext 15x90, 12x100, 12x120, 10x140
hammie curl 15x55, 14x65, 12x75,10x75
abductor 3x10x80
adductor 2x10120

well thankfully that session is over … Peace


Tmill 10 min’
Stat Bike 20 min 5.76mi

Half kneeling cable chops 2x12x70, 2x10x90
supersetted with
Rev crunch 4x10

band resisted front raise 3x10
wide neutral grip chins 6,5,5,5,5

dislocates a bunch

ab wheel 7 I am going to have to work into this slowly , about the point it starts to be effective on my Budweiser storage facility my shoulder screams…

have a good weekend, Peace

Looks like you’re building an extremely strong core to work with.