Calling all Comptetive Eaters!

You guys are so awesome and not human! I think you guys have the best endurance and such strong STOMACHS! I am calling on you to share your training routines and post your strategy for recovery!

Whatever food is going to eat for the competition, eat that food for the previous 3-4 weeks, and drink 4-5 gallons of water a day the previous week to expand your stomach.

I am actually a big fan of German Volume Eating. Ten sets of ten. Each session, pick a different food.

[quote]allNatural wrote:
You guys are so awesome and not human! I think you guys have the best endurance and such strong STOMACHS! I am calling on you to share your training routines and post your strategy for recovery![/quote]

I mostly use big,compound meals to build up my physique with high frequency.
I focus on fat and sugary food with lots of junk.
And the most important tip—eat most of your meals at night!
Good luck with your career!

I like the whole body approach!! Whenever I eat I try to get the whole body of my food, e.g. a whole cow for breakfast and then a pig for dinner…