Caesium32's Log - Cycling With a Side of Lifting

So I’ve decided what I want to do about training until around the end of June. From 3rd March to 24th April I’m going to do Texas method according to this article:

I’m going to make some small changes/additions. On the recovery day instead of the squats I’m going to try 3x10 split squats instead, I think they still fit the desired purpose. On the volume day I’ll do 3 sets of dumbbell rows and on the intensity day do a max effort set or vice versa. I’ll start out with a 5RM of 80kg.
This will allow me to get some decent squatting in and some programmed training for the three weeks.

The week before I’m going on holiday to Amsterdam with my girlfriend for a couple of days so I’ll probably just do 5x5 squats twice with a lighter weight to get into it and see how the rest goes.

After that I’m going to do this for at least three cycles:

I’m going to go in a slight calorie deficit for a while I think or at least just stay at maintenance. I’ll see what happens nothing’s set in stone.