Bulking Diet for Old Farts

I’m stealing from HH’s cutting thread,but this is about bulking.

I have a goal of hitting 250 pounds at sub 10%BF.

Problem is I cannot find a decent bulikng diet that:

a.) I can stay on or

b.) will allow me to put on quality weight.

Right now I am about 226 and 11% BF. I am 41, and It just seems that the harder I try to stick to a bulking diet, the less of an appetite I have.

I have tried Berardi’s stuff, and quite honestly, Those meals make me sick. Not in a “it tastes like crap” way, but the food is soo damn heavy, it makes me nauseus.

any ideas?

Not wanting to hijack the thread in any way, but I am having a similar problem, according to the usual rules of 1.5 - 2 grammes of protein per pound of bodyweight, I should be eating 476 grammes of protein a day. HOW?? The mass of food is just scary can anyone recommend a plan? I am supplementing my diet with whey protein but even then I struggle to hit 300 grammes a day.

One of the things that I’ve found is increasing the frequency of protein shakes helps me.

Also just straight up chicken breast can be gobbled down easily w/o going with heavy food. I can easily hit my 200 grams with the extra shakes, but the calories are still too low for me I think.

After over a year of eating big, I’m enjoying a good cut right now, but don’t like seeing the scale go down.

Bulking at sub 10% will be tough.

[quote]Rockscar wrote:
Also just straight up chicken breast can be gobbled down easily w/o going with heavy food. I can easily hit my 200 grams with the extra shakes, but the calories are still too low for me I think.

I don’t have that much problem getting my protein in - I drink 3-4 shakes/day with 45g protein in them.

I just cant’s seem to get my KCals high enough to really put on the weight.

Since my protein intake is not the problem, I am looking at my carb and fat intake. They both need to go up substantially.

The fats are not really a problem, as you can supplement them and get plenty of good fats in in a day.

Carbs. Healthy carbs. That’s the problem. If I go with all high GI carbs - I will look like the pillsbury dough-boy. If I go with low GI - I’ll be eating all damn day.

For such a long time my carbs have consisted of broccoli, cauliflower, blue berries and oats.

There has to be a balance that will get me up to 4500Kcals /day.

I think I am suffering from analysis paralysis.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Rockscar wrote:
Also just straight up chicken breast can be gobbled down easily w/o going with heavy food. I can easily hit my 200 grams with the extra shakes, but the calories are still too low for me I think.

I don’t have that much problem getting my protein in - I drink 3-4 shakes/day with 45g protein in them.

I just cant’s seem to get my KCals high enough to really put on the weight.

Since my protein intake is not the problem, I am looking at my carb and fat intake. They both need to go up substantially.

The fats are not really a problem, as you can supplement them and get plenty of good fats in in a day.

Carbs. Healthy carbs. That’s the problem. If I go with all high GI carbs - I will look like the pillsbury dough-boy. If I go with low GI - I’ll be eating all damn day.

For such a long time my carbs have consisted of broccoli, cauliflower, blue berries and oats.

There has to be a balance that will get me up to 4500Kcals /day.

I think I am suffering from analysis paralysis. [/quote]

I have that same calorie problem. Our issue is that old farts can’t just go to Carls Jr. and slam down a couple of double western burgers for 2,000 cals in a sitting!!! Those cals stay with us and we can’t risk it since our cholesteral levels and blood profiles are key now.:wink:

Here is my bulking diet, ive been puting on 1-2 lbs a week for the last 12 weeks.

Meal 1
2 scoop protien shake
1.5 cup oatmeal

Meal 2
1.5 cup oatmeal
1 scoop protien
1 can tuna

Meal 3
1 cup oatmeal
2 scoop protein
6 rice cakes

Meal 4
2 chicken breast (or steak)
2 cup brown rice
2 scoop protien

Meal 5
2 scoop protien
1 can tuna
1 cup brown rice

Meal 6
2 scoop protien
1 tsp almond butter

This runs about 3900 calories, 410 protien, 469g carbs.

I retained water like a fat kid for the first 6 weeks and now i am cycling carbs, trying to maintain 4000 calories but less than 75 carbs for a week.

Ive been using this diet for a while, only switching carbs up, if i get bored with rice, switch with oatmeal and vice versa.
The tuna is a staple, convenient to bring to work. I swap chicken/lean beef regularly as well.

Its been very good gains.
I was 225 in May, im now 255.
Plan on bulking to 275 (around december) then begin a long cut to May.

Hardest part is finding the time to eat all the damned time.

[quote]rainjack wrote:

Carbs. Healthy carbs. That’s the problem. If I go with all high GI carbs - I will look like the pillsbury dough-boy. If I go with low GI - I’ll be eating all damn day.

Im not sure if there is any other easier way for us guys.

What i have been doing is incorporating oats into my shakes as well as compressed oats cooking.
Like… trying to choke down 2 cups of oatmeal every 3 hours sucks ass.
I cook my 2 cups of oatmeal in less than a half cup of water, resulting in a very compressed chewy pile of shit. But, i can shove it down with water in about 1 minute as opposed to eating 2 cups of oatmeal and feeling bloated.

Mr Rainjack, I’ll let you in on the secret.

9 grain bread used in the making of…

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Two per day will increase your caloric intake 900 (add a glass of milk - +1000 ) calories, as added to your already formidable (4500 cals) diet plan. High in fat and carbs and reasonable protein. Two tablespoons of PB and as much jelly as you need to choke the meals down. I had to stop my PB&J cycle, as it was adding two pounds per week, and I got scared. As soon as I’m healthy again, I’m going for broke. Or bust. Whatever the saying is, I’m doing it, with PB&J’s.

Eat some oatmeal and yoghurt (1 cup each) with your protein powder. That’ll jack up your calories roughly by 700. This is high in carbs and decent protein.

Happy eating.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
any ideas?


[quote]DPH wrote:
rainjack wrote:
any ideas?

