Brute's Book

It was my sister’s bday last week and she got some flowers from one of her friends. The size comparison is fabulous!

Here’s one of her freezer dogs and the flowers. My dad called them that once and it stuck. He was trying to encourage her to move back home and offered a place for her 2 Chihuahuas too-- that they can live in the freezer just fine…it’s a joke!

Also was recently my older sisters 30th wedding anniversary! Here we all are in 1989 rocking the taffeta! I’m the one in the blue dress, bottom row up front with the flowers and big ol glasses!


Malibu walk! Another WONDERFUL SUMMERISH morning!

Stepmill x 20 mins faster speed for 17 mins of that

That’s it!

Today- Malibu Sunrise Walk!
Deer galore! There are these 3 does who we see a lot in the mornings who seem to band together. Big girls with swishy tails, that’s typically how I see they are around is the white swoosh! Malibu just cannot contain herself when she sees them.

This was from yesterday’s walk number 2. Its way to nice to not get out with my girl A LOT on my weekends! She is such a great walking buddy! how did I luck out so much on her??

Feeling good! I don’t know if I’ll do any gym stuff today. It feels like a natural lighter lifting week so I’m doing it.

On the stepmill Tuesday I had this feeling of accomplishment. I think my time is done, I think with the help of a lot of prayers, a lot of introspection, LOTS of walking with my Malibu, I have done my time.

In February I told myself that 2 years is way too long. I wasn’t going to let it be 2 years. It made me furious that this guy’s actions and words still make me so hurt. Furious.

I set out to take that away from him. He deserves what he got, he doesn’t get to hurt me anymore over it. I set as a goal that by Thanksgiving this year, I had better be over the worst of it. It sounds silly and a set up for failure but that timeline push actuality worked! My self pride really exists!!!

It took a long time and the time isn’t important, its the end goal. I reached it. I crossed the Red Center and followed along the Dingo fence… now I get to see the whales!

Re listening to this as a reminder. Recovery workouts! I think I have already stated to do these in a way on Fridays.

Reduce inflammation from just being stressed. I only have a limited amount of energy whether I spend it on lifting, or being stressed, my brain will decide and not me! Stress relief, recovery workouts, good relationships with others.

My work situation is already vastly improved now that the bad girl who drove everyone down is gone! Truly, it happened that fast when that bummer negative black cloud personality left, it made everything so much better!

Summer however is coming and we will be short staffed without a doubt. So work will be more stressful but in a busy way and not a terrible coworker way. I can absolutely handle busting ass.

pull ups x 10
log clean once strict press reps 67x5, 77x5, 92x5x5 sets
pull ups x 9
fs 45x10, 135x4, 165, 180, 190x6 x5 sets, 175x8 x2 sets
pull ups x 8
monster walking lunges x 100 feet
ssb monster walking lunges ( empty bar) x 50 feet

pull ups x 7
3 ciruits of:

  • pull ups reps down a rep each round 6,5,4
  • rear delts on machine wt/reps up each set 15#/33, 30# x 15, 45#/10
  • seated rows wt up each round x 10
  • over head triceps on pully x 20-30 reps
  • prowler wt went up each round added (90#, 140#, 180#) power rows x 200 feet

pull ups x 6
misc kb (34#) squats/more like a dead lift since I held the kb at the handle, bell down x a prodigy song/estimated 200 reps

The gym got a bunch of grip stuff! Not my cup of tea but its fun to look at!

And my sister dyed one of the freezer dogs. …

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dead lifts 45x12, 135x2, 185, 225, 255, 280, 300, 315x2 x 3 sets, 275x5 x 3 sets
rdl’s 45x10, 95x8, 125x8, 155x8, 175x8, 190x8 x 3 sets
stepmill x 20 mins
reverse drags fo the tank one way, power row back x 2 trips


My buddy’s little dogs in their sweaters ( its snowing!) howling at a youtube ambulance siren. :D!!!

Yesterday I kept passing by ER and seeing this dog. …he looks so much like my Mossimo! They were trying to get him to barf this up…a golf ball.

Its stuck, and its a cool looking xray!

pull ups x 10
log clean once strict press reps 67x3, 77x3, 87 x2, 90x8 x 2 sets, 90x6 x 2 sets
log clean once press with leg drive reps 67x2, 77x3, 87x5 x 3 sets, 97x5 x 3 sets

pull ups x 10
stone loads 107x2, 140x2, 210 x 10 singles walked 100 feet between each

pull ups x 8
sand bag extensions 150# x 6 x 5 sets
vid below

dead sled plus 50# plus chains ontop carry x 100 feet one way then draggging the chains behind the other way x 100 feet - did a total of 1,000
pull ups x 7

3 circuits of:

  • rear delts x 12-15
  • pull ups x 6, 5
  • dead sled plus 20-40# power row x 50 feet

3 circuits of :

  • peck flies add wt each go x 20-15
  • claw grip rows add wt each go x 12-10
  • over head tricep extensions x 20-30
  • prowler plus 90# sprints- low handle x 50 feet
  • prowler plus 90# sprints - high handles x 50 feet
  • prowler plus 90# reverse drag x 50 feet

kb bell up oh waiters walk 25# x 100 feet each arm
ghrs x 9
Malibu Walk!

WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!! My car got her first sticker today! ;D!!! Orange POWER!!!


For the Dobbie Fans, it’s my sister’s baby’s birthday!

My sister who owns this dog is NO JOKE. Talk about hardcore. She and my brother in law remind me very much of these two…hair and all!


I love dobies. My euro look so different with the ears and tail.

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Happy Birthday!

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I don’t think I’ve seen one with a tail! I for sure have seen normal ears! Tails are rare indeed!

fs 45x10, 135x28, 135x15 x 5 sets
smith machine fs (no clue what I’m doing on this, its been a LONG time since I did a smith machine, and this one has a weird bar angle) bar x 15, bar plus 50# x 15 x 2 sets

t bar oh press empty bar/unknown wt 4 sets of 15

zercher gm’s 65x20, 80x20, 100x15, 115x 10
ss with t bar rows bar plus 20-30# 4 x 12

zercher reverse alternating lunges using an ez bar plus 50# total reps 10, 12, 12
zercher squats with ez bar plus 50# 2 sets of 20

bell up kb oh press 8kg per hand x 10
bell up kb oh press reps/steps held overhead 8kg each hand 5/5,4/4, 3/3, 2/2

The Tank reverse drags x misc distnace ss Tank push sprints x misc distance up in wt each go

tricep extensions machine x a prodigy song
Malibu Walk!

WOOOHOOOOO!!! Nice workout! I’ve been struggling o find a leg exercise I can do to pump up my legs with higher volume, I think the ez bar zercher squats are a good option.

I have limited abilities to do this due to injuries -no leg press, no bar on back squats, and lunges are hit or miss if my feet are cramping and they can make my hip/hammy misc injury getting angry. I also am limited as well as what I will actually do and not get bored with.

We all have limited joint wear in the knees so I want to save them from knee crankiness, I think the way the ez bar sat felt just right. I am also happy with the zercher gm’s! If I get sore I will be happy!

Great weekend so far! This week its snowed, rained, and now its beautiful out. Lots of time out with my girl already and yesterday she saw her first coyote up quite close. He was about 10 feet away on the other side of a fence slinking along checking us out. Malibu was not near as cool and chill as the coyote was, and wanted very much to check him out much more seriously.

I read a book on coyotes a month ago and it gave me a new found respect for those clever guys, but I still have zero interest in interacting with them especially with my dog!1558659804924_IMG_20190523_062634~2

Here’s my sisters dog wrapped up in a blanket burrito and Lum happy as a ham in the 45 degrees temps yesterday.

My Lucifer


OH MY!!! He is so glossy and pretty!! :D!!!

Malibu Walk!

Stepmill x 26 mins
reverse drags of the tank x misc distance x 4 rounds
power rows of the tank x misc distance x 4 rounds
bell up oh kb waiters walk 12kg x misc distance per arm
a pr wt SURE! of 14kg x misc distance. Vid below of part of it

My left ankle/ metatarsals are tight from the prowler and tank sprints. I chop my feet in too small of steps.

I do feel a bit sore today! WOOOHOO!! Upper back, butt and quads which is where I wanted to be sore! I have been experimenting with my food intake and carbs. I do fairly low carb since it’s helps keep me from going out of control and binging, it works great for that but can feel a bit drained when it’s time for big power workouts and I’d like to get some oomph back. I spent too long on other things, I want to use my fuel for powah workouts again.

So I have been doing intra workout cheap bastard dextrose drinks and post pineapple juice sips as well. However, I had much more carbs then normal yesterday – saltine crackers!- in an attempt to fuel up my muscles. I slept well that’s for sure but woke up with a headache!

Oh well, tinkering along it’ll be.

pull ups x 10
log clean once strict press reps 67x5, 77x2, 87x2, 92 x 5 x 5 sets
fs 45x10, 135, 165, 180, 195, 210, 220, 185x8 x 4 sets, 175x9, 175 x 2

pull ups x 9
ez bar zercher squats bar plus 50# x 25, x 31

pull ups x 8

4 circuits of:

  • rear delts x 15-12
  • pull up reps 7,6,5
    -reverse drags of prowler plus 90# x 200 feet

COOL! Off to work! I am so very glad I don’t work ER anymore. SO GLAD. Summer holidays are massive triage days and lucky for me, I did
way more than my time doing THAT kinda vet teching. I am so glad I have my cool position that I do!

I’ll leave the ER for the wippersnappers.

After work Stepmill in Scrubs x 20 mins
Malibu Walk of course too!

A thousand year old Chihuahua in a kimono.

dead lifts 45x12, 135, 185, 225, 255, 280, 305, 325x2 x 3 sets, 285x5 x4 sets
rdl’s 75x7, 105x7, 125x7, 145x7, 175x7, 200x7 x 3 sets
zercher gm’s 45x8, 75x8, 105x8, 125x8, 145x5

3 circuits of:

  • prowler plus 70-120# power row x 100 feet
  • prowler plus 70-120# reverse drag x 100 feet
  • peck flies on machine x 10 up wt each go

COOL! Thunder! Lighting! HAIL on the drive in and out of turbo gym. A ton of hail accumulated on the major street the turbo gym is off of. It looked liked snow for a few miles on the roads.

White Lady Snow Queen ( my car’s name) doesn’t care. Hail away! I can take it.