Brute's Book

[quote]dejavued wrote:

let’s play wing measurement! what’s urs?? [/quote]

64.5 inches.

And O cannot throw her hand into the shit benchers club. She’s not a shit bencher! Keep her out!

[quote]dejavued wrote:

let’s play wing measurement! what’s urs?? [/quote]

64.5 inches.

And O cannot throw her hat into the shit benchers club. She’s not a shit bencher! Keep her out!

She can’t throw her hat or her hand.

[quote]kpsnap wrote:

[quote]dejavued wrote:

let’s play wing measurement! what’s urs?? [/quote]

64.5 inches.

And O cannot throw her hat into the shit benchers club. She’s not a shit bencher! Keep her out! [/quote]

I checked. we must be from the same family of birds: I have the same wingspan.

Squatting everyday sounds awesome.

Why don’t you want to see Harry Potter in theaters soon?

Brute - just don’t bite that tongue! Your deadlift volume is insane.

Best of luck to you on the meet.

Yeah, I’m still feeling my lower back from deadlifting yesterday. Had to go a little easy today because of it. Need to use my legs more, apparently. Some great lifting. I’m gonna get someone to show me how to bench soon. I think I’ll get to join the long arms club. Not terribly optimistic. Impressed you can train after 10 hours of work.

hey snapper and frenchie-!->-I just checked.72.1 inches middle finger to middle finger. MONKEY!

hey nikki! i’ want to save it for as long as i can! i’m so excited! i never go to the movies,last ones I’ve seen in the last three years of so was the last two Potters :)!

hey lil power! thank you! i’m prob not going have anymore volume workouts before the meet. i have to switch my body’s training time clock sorta…that and i’m quite tired this week :stuck_out_tongue:

hey alexus!! oh my god …no,you run! just run and get back to the oly training! much funner then benching :}

Hey Brute! Just popping in to say good luck with the meet!! You’re gonna kill it :slight_smile:

Awesome DL and squat numbers btw! Woot woot!

thanks maschy!:slight_smile:

did some squat attempts. I’m fumbling with my depth,still not real sure about the attempts. but i think i know the intimal lifts now.

squats bar,135,185,225,245,265,275 a bit better, 285–questionable,295 FAIL,275,285,290 iffies.

then dls bar, 135, 185,225,245,265,285, 305,320
benching attempts–bar, 115,125,130.I’m hopefully going to get my sister to spot me tonight if she’s awake.

Haven’t had a bench spotter except at the freaking meet in march! she’s going to help me with my commands.i guarantee i’ll still forget something at the meet but whatever.

30 mins ss eliptical cardio.

I thought i’d get some sort of second wind…was feeling dejected about having a no go dl rep day. So i went to RMLC to see if i could get at least one good rep attack out.nope! but i worked up the regular warm up to 305 then realized it was not going to happen,so i did some bw ghr’s 4 sets of 10.

in honor of failures everywhere, i post my failure of the day.

Boy, it really looked like you had that.

And it does work better if your bench spotter is awake. The sleeping ones suck.

so close. you kinda lost your tightness and made a goodmorning then lost it. I’m no where near 200lbs for my squat so you still rock in my book.

I hate the sound of a dropped barbell on the rails. I know it all too well, alas.

You’ll get that next time, you beast you!

Awesome work… as usual.

Geez, can you ever get tired of hearing that? :wink:

hey snap,n and kimba!–well. i believe i have sorta figured out why i have some trouble with the good morning action on the heavier attempts.

also i believe those safety bars throw me off.I always use them, but i might need to drop down a slot lower then i think i need them.

I feel like i could fix myself if i wasn’t clanging on those bars when i drop. hmmm…i end up hooking them sometimes and get displaced…might also be wishful thinking! I’ll try next time and see.

had a bench spotter! but nothing exciting happened ! ha! did command work–which i fowled up- but only got a clean 135.a fail 140.oh well.

squats bar, 135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 285 a few tries at that.My sister says i had the depth but i’m not so sure!
then 30mins ss elliptical

Lol! Love watching fails - they’re kinda fun.

What’s command work?

And you workout with your sister?

As always, great training Brute!

oh! and NEVER nikki! :)!!

hey maschy!! no, i don’t workout with my sister, she’s just promised to help me with run through my attempts while she yells the lifting commands and spots my bench. its funny because we both are clueless, me slightly less but not by much.

for the meets the refs yell oout things and you have to do it right… or you get red lighted–or not given credit for the lift you just did–like i did about six times at my first meet. technicalities :{ they are straight forward, but i get excited and forget to do what they tell me to do.

[quote]brute_fury wrote:
but i get excited and forget to do what they tell me to do.[/quote]

kinda like a puppy :wink:

I tend to deflate when I have a spotter for my bench. wonder what’s up with that…