Bodybuilders Train Wrong

Honestly, if I could go back in time and talk to my 16 year old self, I’d tell him two things:

  1. Alright dude, read Berardi’s “Massive Eating”. Heed its words.

  2. Here’s your split kid: Day 1 - Squat. Do it till you puke. Day 2 - Bench. Till you puke. Day 3 - Deadlift. Puke. Day 4 - Standing Military Press. Puke. Basically, try to get a PR every time you do the exercise. Basically train like a power lifter without the binge eating and the gear. Do that till you graduate HS then worry about the isolation movements. Good luck.

can i ask a serious question? everytime i do a body part split i get burned out pretty quick even when i was hovering around 180lbs i would still get burned out, and i get so sick in my stomach. the best split i have ever done was an upper lower split.

my question is can i still grow with upper/lower and tbt workouts or will i plateu at some point.

Most people think a bodypart split gives them liberty to pound the crap out of their mucsles with no regard to recovery. If you go from an upper lower split where you were doing 1-2 exercises per bodypart to a 5 day split and start doing 3-5 well… they aren’t the same you know?

You CAN grow with an upper lower for sure… it’s how most powerlifters train and they sure aren’t lacking muscle size. I don’t like TBT except for absolute beginners with time restraints so go with the upper lower.

there is also the misconception that isolation=light weight (BABYYY!).

of course whats “heavy” is a term relative to each person, but its not impossible to do heavy work with flyes, laterals, leg curls, etc. yes, bad form becomes more common in isolation exercises, but if you progress up to using heavy weight in laterals or concentration curls, i doubt your muscles would refuse to grow because its not the ‘proper’ mass exercise.

[quote]dyskee wrote:
can i ask a serious question? everytime i do a body part split i get burned out pretty quick even when i was hovering around 180lbs i would still get burned out, and i get so sick in my stomach. the best split i have ever done was an upper lower split. my question is can i still grow with upper/lower and tbt workouts or will i plateu at some point.[/quote]

Dude, if I remember correctly you’re a rower. Now, I don’t know how many hours per week you spend rowing, but you definitely have to take that into consideration.

Personally I believe that splits are best for bodybuilding (assuming it is a priority in your life) because it allows you to give more attention/time to your primary goal - hypertrophy. But as an athlete you have to remember that your overall volume outside the gym is higher than a bodybuilders (skill work, conditioning, stretching etc…) so an extensive split my not be optimal for you.

Are there any big strong guys on your rowing team who also excel at rowing? How are they training with weights?

You might want to speak to them to get an idea of an appropriate starting point - after that it all comes down to making minor adjustments based on your performance and how you feel.

Remember, theory is great but your own results and what your body is telling you is King.

thnx guys will definatly talk to people and keep the volume low.

[quote]dyskee wrote:
can i ask a serious question? everytime i do a body part split i get burned out pretty quick even when i was hovering around 180lbs i would still get burned out, and i get so sick in my stomach. the best split i have ever done was an upper lower split. my question is can i still grow with upper/lower and tbt workouts or will i plateu at some point.[/quote]

You can grow with anything if you push yourself. I prefer the upper/lower body split to TBT myself.

[quote]dyskee wrote:
can i ask a serious question? everytime i do a body part split i get burned out pretty quick even when i was hovering around 180lbs i would still get burned out, and i get so sick in my stomach. the best split i have ever done was an upper lower split. my question is can i still grow with upper/lower and tbt workouts or will i plateu at some point.[/quote]

Gee, if you don’t eat enough to grow and don’t rest enough, how do you expect to make progress.

Hovering around 180lbs? Why would a bodybuilder “hover” around any weight unless they were much closer to their goal?

Are some of you missing the basic concept that the goal is to get bigger and stronger?

[quote]Professor X wrote:
dyskee wrote:
can i ask a serious question? everytime i do a body part split i get burned out pretty quick even when i was hovering around 180lbs i would still get burned out, and i get so sick in my stomach. the best split i have ever done was an upper lower split. my question is can i still grow with upper/lower and tbt workouts or will i plateu at some point.

Gee, if you don’t eat enough to grow and don’t rest enough, how do you expect to make progress.

Hovering around 180lbs? Why would a bodybuilder “hover” around any weight unless they were much closer to their goal?

Are some of you missing the basic concept that the goal is to get bigger and stronger?

I blame the ab-all-year-round-even-as-a-newbie shit that’s so popular these days.

Regardless of the way you train, food is the most anabolic thing in your arsenal…

Without copious amounts of it, you can train and sleep all you want, you’re not going anywhere. You could use all the steroids, gh and whatnot in the world and you wouldn’t grow/get stronger…

Hell, as long as you still get some deep-sleep each night (without which you don’t get the gh-> igf-1 release thing), you could wake up after 5 hours(or as long as it takes to get that hormone-cascade going) every day and still train and grow fine as long as you eat a ton.

If you start sucking big-time on a split, then maybe, just maybe, you’re doing something wrong ?

[quote]Alquemist wrote:
Let’s face it, these guys have built the most muscle on the planet, but they just do it plan WRONG. Body part splits, isolation exercises - these are all inferior ways of training.

So what that these guys are huge and have built slabs of muscle training each bodypart once a week; they are on steroids, plus they have insane genetics.

We should all be training full body 3x a week, because scientific studies plainly say so.

Did I mention bodypart splits are inferior? You aren’t working any compounds, just isolation exercises done with high reps.

Ummmm, troll…or ummm, never mind. I’ll be nice.

[quote]Alquemist wrote:
Let’s face it, these guys have built the most muscle on the planet, but they just do it plan WRONG. Body part splits, isolation exercises - these are all inferior ways of training.

So what that these guys are huge and have built slabs of muscle training each bodypart once a week; they are on steroids, plus they have insane genetics.

We should all be training full body 3x a week, because scientific studies plainly say so.

Did I mention bodypart splits are inferior? You aren’t working any compounds, just isolation exercises done with high reps.

I have been waiting my whole life for this clarification. Thank you.

I have been training 25+ years and have been doing it wrong. I have added over 120 pounds of bodyweight and hundreds of pounds on my core lifts doing it wrong. Now I am going to listen to you, the Messiah of Iron, and take myself to a whole new place.

I can only hope that all the experienced members here will only follow along.

Seriously take an enema because the BullSh!t is coming out of your mouth now.

Deleted because my sarcasm reader is broken.

LOL did any of you guys actually read what Alquemist wrote? He was pointing out that bodybuilders DON’T just lift light, contrary to popular belief. Hence always following up the light weights pictures with pictures of them training heavy. Good heavens, I though we had a smarter bunch here.

[quote]hungry4more wrote:
LOL did any of you guys actually read what Alquemist wrote? He was pointing out that bodybuilders DON’T just lift light, contrary to popular belief. Hence always following up the light weights pictures with pictures of them training heavy. Good heavens, I though we had a smarter bunch here. [/quote]

Me too, especially since he started a whole thread about the topic.

I don’t know how they missed the sarcasm, he was layin it on pretty thick…Great thread.

Lol yeah you buncha dumb meatheads, he’s on our side :wink:

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Yes, it is very sad that those clueless fools didn’t listen to some of the much more intelligent and well read newbies on this board. They could have made so much more progress if only they had downloaded some TBT info and quit those useless frequent trips to the gym OR all of those useless sets of exercises using really light weights.

I’m going to go find me a 170lbs newbie right now so I can learn how to do it right.[/quote]

Glad you’ve finally turned the corner.
What color stability ball are you going to get?

Wow. Many of you cried, bitched and moaned about the other thread and wanted the topic to “die” and for anyone that thinks full body workouts have a place in bodybuilding to “gtfo”. Now you start a sarcastic thread so you can circle jerk and continue to have the argument with no one in particular.

Please tell me you guys see the irony of all of this.

By the way, the issue isn’t whether pro bbers do splits. The issue is that if you truly want to emulate and assess how pro bbers get their size, to ignore the fact that they are drugged out the ass is to ignore a HUGE component. So, if you want to emulate the way bbers train, do drugs and follow their split. You guys can thump your chest and talk about massive eating and intensity, but you are kidding yourselves if you think you are going to look anything like a pro bber without drugs.

[quote]trextacy wrote:
Wow. Many of you cried, bitched and moaned about the other thread and wanted the topic to “die” and for anyone that thinks full body workouts have a place in bodybuilding to “gtfo”. Now you start a sarcastic thread so you can circle jerk and continue to have the argument with no one in particular.

Please tell me you guys see the irony of all of this.

By the way, the issue isn’t whether pro bbers do splits. The issue is that if you truly want to emulate and assess how pro bbers get their size, to ignore the fact that they are drugged out the ass is to ignore a HUGE component. So, if you want to emulate the way bbers train, do drugs and follow their split. You guys can thump your chest and talk about massive eating and intensity, but you are kidding yourselves if you think you are going to look anything like a pro bber without drugs.


This is so true. These idiots think that just because pros do it that it must be right. Using steroids you can do anything that you will grow. For the guys who think TBT is trash you should sturdy accute vs chronic stimuli and should read more. You guys are all training wrong

[quote]trextacy wrote:
Wow. Many of you cried, bitched and moaned about the other thread and wanted the topic to “die” and for anyone that thinks full body workouts have a place in bodybuilding to “gtfo”. Now you start a sarcastic thread so you can circle jerk and continue to have the argument with no one in particular.

Please tell me you guys see the irony of all of this.

By the way, the issue isn’t whether pro bbers do splits. The issue is that if you truly want to emulate and assess how pro bbers get their size, to ignore the fact that they are drugged out the ass is to ignore a HUGE component. So, if you want to emulate the way bbers train, do drugs and follow their split. You guys can thump your chest and talk about massive eating and intensity, but you are kidding yourselves if you think you are going to look anything like a pro bber without drugs.


You really don’t get it, do you?
Who said anyone here is going to look like, say, Ronnie without drugs?
Drugs aren’t even what makes the difference, it’s genetics first and foremost.
You can still get freakishly huge drug-free and training on a split.
Some of us have proved that already…
And on more serious bb forums, you get many more like us.

You are small. You have no clue what you are talking about (this already manifests itself in the fact that you believe drugs to be a “huge” part of the equation, guess what, they only come after genetics, maximized diet and maximized training.)

And for the record, there are plenty of pro bb’ers who are smaller than us, the main difference is that they have better genetics for their muscle-shape and are obviously using certain substances to get shredded/dry to the extreme for their shows. Who cares about that? Do you think we want to walk around at 2% bodyfat and dehydrated all year 'round?
Nobody does that, and neither do we want to.

You seem somewhat lost, to be honest. You keep arguing and telling us that we have this and that goal and want to look like this and that, yet none of it is true.

And those of us who actually use and/or want to compete, well, who says that they can’t “look like the pros” ? The pros were once far from what they are now, after all.

I for one want to get as big as naturally possible, then go on maintenance and up my cardio and enjoy life at 240-250 with visible abs.

Not much longer and I can actually do that. In order to reach that level, you’ll have to be 280-300 in bulked state, unless you are extremely genetically gifted (even 99 percent of the pros are not that gifted and thus have to bulk too).
So I’ll continue to look somewhat smooth until I reach my goal, so what?

Maybe I’ll even go to 260 lean, not likely, but I’ll find out, right?

If I find that my hormones start sucking too much then I’ll go on HRT in my late 40’s or 50’s maybe, but that’s it.

You are like the people on you-tube whose comments can be found under every vid of everything bodybuilding-related: “oh it’s all them steroidz”
and “but his form is bad! He’s weak!”

What do you even want on a bodybuilding forum ?