I am getting confused on the whole supplement thing. this is about the third time that somebody is telling me not to take any prohormones that because i am 20 years i already have enough test to make good gains. is this true? i have tried Equibolan(Impact Nutrition) that stuff was wack somebody told me to come to biotest, i have never tried any of your product before, but i was looking at mag-10? do you think this is the answer to my dream of adding at least 20 pounds of beef to my frame. my weight is 145pounds and i am 5 11’
i have been hitting the weights for 8months now
i made very good gains with little or no body fat, but right now i have reached a point were i just can’t grow. do you think i should start using prohormone now to grow or what?
how about the mag-10 stack? will that work?

Dude, don’t even say Impact Nutrition in the sentence as MAG-10 or Biotest! That company is a total sham who makes products designed to rip off newbies and teenagers who don’t know any better.

MAG-10 is fine for you at 20, just make sure you know how to eat and train to maximize the benefits. T-mag has many articles on this. You haven’t been in the game long, so you probably don’t know how to do either (although you may think you do.) Start with the FAQ section and read up before you try any supplement. See the “Bodybuilder’s Hierarchy of Needs” article by Chris Shugart first at T-mag. You can find it with the search engine over there.

20 years old and have been training eight months and you say you “just can’t grow” anymore. Bullshit. Learn to eat and train right. Luckily, you came to the right place. Start reading the “Dawg School” article at T-mag.

Just my opinion, but it sounds like you have no clue what you are doing. You could prove us wrong by posting your diet and workout. Without proper nutrition, and training, Mag-10 is a waste of money. By the way, I was in the same boat when I was twenty, and the only reason is because I did not know aything about diet and training, although I thought I knew it all.

It’s a myth that teenagers have “tons of testosterone” running through their veins. On the other hand, you probably have not yet come even close to your genetic potential. How about you work out hard, carefully manage your diet, and track your progress for a couple years. Then you can look into Mag10.

Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat.

If you truly have little or no body fat, you are starving yourself. The answer to your dream is to eat more and more often. Your body needs fuel and building materials.

#1)“Massive Eating”

#2)“The Huck Formulae”: (Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat. Squats, deads, rows, benches and meat).

#3)“Massive Eating”

Don’t even think about supplements until you’re doing there things!

God I’m tired of posts like this…

“I’m 20, I’ve been training for a WHOLE EIGHT MONTHS, I’ve got 0.000002% bodyfat and I JUST CAN’T GROW ANYMORE! Do you think I should try MAG-10?”

What a load of absolute, pure, unadulterated, ignorant horseshit.

Well, here’s my advice: [screams at the top of his lungs:] Try working your BRAIN a little! Go LEARN something! And stop being so FUCKING LAZY about NUTRITION!!!

im 18 and have been working out for 3 years and as long as i eat lots and most of it being protein, i cant help but gain weight. im going on mag10 anyway to speed things up before i go to university because, well shit, you guys know. anyway, my point was that ive been working out hard for 3 years(a WHOLE 3 years!! not that much but ill brag about it anyway) and only now am i considering prohormones. im no where near my genetic potential, just bored with fairly slow gains. if you had been working out for a few years then go for the mag10, otherwise man stick it out for awhile. and for the love of god, if you BF is that low, EAT!!!

Francis, please post your workout routine and one day sample diet so we can help you, ok?