(Big) Plans for Summer

[quote]Edgy wrote:
I’m planning a trip to Iceland next month.

Raping and pillaging, raping and pillaging, raping and pillaging.

cool story bro?[/quote]

[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:
I’m planning a trip to Iceland next month.

Raping and pillaging, raping and pillaging, raping and pillaging.

cool story bro?[/quote]

you, uh…left out plundering~

we like to plunder while were at it~

17’ arms here, my advice to you is as follows:

  • Build yourself from the inside out. You’re obviously lean and your chest, back “thickness”, and I’m guessing your wheels (not that we can tell) would be better places to start, especially as a young guy, who can recover from heavily training these areas.

  • IMHO it’s cool and fun to do curls but I’d rather to at least close-grip chins or rows… as CT says, you don’t have unlimited “Training money” to spend.

  • In the mean time your arms should at least hit 15’ from being used to row/chin, but you’ll have a super strong body.

  • polish off your arms with an arm specialization program

That way you won’t have Situation physique (big arms, small body). The bonus is that if you EAT you’ll probably not get to your goal (16’ arms) just a bit later, but at least you’ll be somewhat beastly.

PS - 17’ arms, direct training maybe 2-3x a YEAR and mostly for the hell of it. Direct training may be necessary to get to 21’ but not really 16.

[quote]Edgy wrote:
I’m planning a trip to Iceland next month - that’ll be the big plans for the summer.

we’re going to take an overland trip on those big Iceland Rovers across 3 glaciers and up to 2 active volcanoes.

we’ll be partying our asses off in Reykjavik both before the trip and after.

then I’ll spend about 3 days in Seattle visiting family when we get back.

this’ll be the first time I have ever taken 2 full weeks off of work - ever.

cool story bro?[/quote]

Icelandic chicks are smoking hot.

Google “hot icelandic chicks” and you’ll see what I mean.

[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:

Icelandic chicks are smoking hot.

Google “hot icelandic chicks” and you’ll see what I mean.

dude, I ain’t near as dumb as I look~


Yeah, I’ve really got to reintroduce weighted chins (non-weighted, they turn into somewhat of a partial front lever pull…), last time I did a few months of chins I added some 7 lb of mass to my back, rear delts and arms alone (note: was an absolute beginner).

Note: I can do a strict chin-up with 50 kg/110 lb strapped on, so, I think I should find a way to do neutral grip chins or buy some rings (or something close).

My back training will look something like this:

  1. as many sets of 5 weighted chin-ups/pull-ups with 2 minute breaks once a week @~70% 1 RM. Once I get 40 reps, add 2.5 kg/5.5 lb. Pull-ups for the next two months.
  2. as many sets of 5…7 1A DB Rows with ~2 minute breaks once a week. Calling it a day when I can no longer get 5.
  3. speed/lever chins (10-20 in sets of 2-4) and/or front lever work most days.

As for the pressing, I’ll just do lateral raises, lying lateral raises (to better target the supraspinatus), a lot of ext rotation work, and a few sets of int rotation every time I’m in the gym.
And some dips, push-ups and 1A serratus presses/scap push-ups or whatever they’re called, for good measure.

What do you mean “from the inside out”? As in “core/big muscles then smaller muscles (arms)”?

Squat 400, get bigger but not fatter (not going to happen).

Going to somewhere in a about a week on a last minute trip, probably to Greece or Croatia hopefully.

Then going home to Vegas for the summer, going to drink and eat like there is no tomorrow, hopefully I will at least remember to sign up for a gym membership.

eat more.

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
My summer plans:

masturbate 3 times a week MIN.

YEP, that’ll do, that’ll do nicely indeed. [/quote]

sooo…I’m guessing that your libido has returned to you, my friend?[/quote]

HA! Yeah, funny thing…

It was like the second I added actual carbs back into my diet I was good to go.
WELL, actually here is the full story.
I decided to add post workout cereal, and then that night I had this dream that this guy I used to know was like humping me and our crotches were wet? LOl. I woke up and was like OMG I totally forgot masturbating existed???

Then I watched that red hot chili peppers video for look around, and OF COURSE Anthony Kiedis was not wearing a shirt, sigh…
I knew right then that there that it was time.

The end.

[quote]Spock81 wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
My summer plans:

masturbate 3 times a week MIN.

YEP, that’ll do, that’ll do nicely indeed. [/quote]

sooo…I’m guessing that your libido has returned to you, my friend?[/quote]

HA! Yeah, funny thing…

It was like the second I added actual carbs back into my diet I was good to go.
WELL, actually here is the full story.
I decided to add post workout cereal, and then that night I had this dream that this guy I used to know was like humping me and our crotches were wet? LOl. I woke up and was like OMG I totally forgot masturbating existed???

Then I watched that red hot chili peppers video for look around, and OF COURSE Anthony Kiedis was not wearing a shirt, sigh…
I knew right then that there that it was time.

The end. [/quote]

LOL how does one forget about jerking off? Gotta get the poison out somehow…

Glad to hear that you’re back in action, SpockieGurl~

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
My summer plans:

masturbate 3 times a week MIN.

YEP, that’ll do, that’ll do nicely indeed. [/quote]

sooo…I’m guessing that your libido has returned to you, my friend?[/quote]

HA! Yeah, funny thing…

It was like the second I added actual carbs back into my diet I was good to go.
WELL, actually here is the full story.
I decided to add post workout cereal, and then that night I had this dream that this guy I used to know was like humping me and our crotches were wet? LOl. I woke up and was like OMG I totally forgot masturbating existed???

Then I watched that red hot chili peppers video for look around, and OF COURSE Anthony Kiedis was not wearing a shirt, sigh…
I knew right then that there that it was time.

The end. [/quote]

LOL how does one forget about jerking off? Gotta get the poison out somehow…

Sometimes I wish I’d forget.

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
My summer plans:

masturbate 3 times a week MIN.

YEP, that’ll do, that’ll do nicely indeed. [/quote]

sooo…I’m guessing that your libido has returned to you, my friend?[/quote]

HA! Yeah, funny thing…

It was like the second I added actual carbs back into my diet I was good to go.
WELL, actually here is the full story.
I decided to add post workout cereal, and then that night I had this dream that this guy I used to know was like humping me and our crotches were wet? LOl. I woke up and was like OMG I totally forgot masturbating existed???

Then I watched that red hot chili peppers video for look around, and OF COURSE Anthony Kiedis was not wearing a shirt, sigh…
I knew right then that there that it was time.

The end. [/quote]

LOL how does one forget about jerking off? Gotta get the poison out somehow…

HA! I DUNNO MANN!!! My woman parts were totally disconnected from my brain for like 9-10 months. Downstairs never told upstairs it needed any attention, so I sorta just forgot it was something I used to do on a (very) regular basis.

Not so sure it’s a good thing though. I Mean ya, it’s healthy or whatever, but my brain function is already down like 78%.

MISSED BUS STOPS, standing in random isles of the grocery store all like “ummmmmm what…what… am I doing here? I needed ummmmm…”

Too much staring off into space/accomplishing nothing, BUT at least I don’t feel like punching everyone in the face all the time now. :slight_smile:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:

[quote]Steel Nation wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:

[quote]Edgy wrote:

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
My summer plans:

masturbate 3 times a week MIN.

YEP, that’ll do, that’ll do nicely indeed. [/quote]

sooo…I’m guessing that your libido has returned to you, my friend?[/quote]

HA! Yeah, funny thing…

It was like the second I added actual carbs back into my diet I was good to go.
WELL, actually here is the full story.
I decided to add post workout cereal, and then that night I had this dream that this guy I used to know was like humping me and our crotches were wet? LOl. I woke up and was like OMG I totally forgot masturbating existed???

Then I watched that red hot chili peppers video for look around, and OF COURSE Anthony Kiedis was not wearing a shirt, sigh…
I knew right then that there that it was time.

The end. [/quote]

LOL how does one forget about jerking off? Gotta get the poison out somehow…

HA! I DUNNO MANN!!! My woman parts were totally disconnected from my brain for like 9-10 months. Downstairs never told upstairs it needed any attention, so I sorta just forgot it was something I used to do on a (very) regular basis.

Not so sure it’s a good thing though. I Mean ya, it’s healthy or whatever, but my brain function is already down like 78%.

MISSED BUS STOPS, standing in random isles of the grocery store all like “ummmmmm what…what… am I doing here? I needed ummmmm…”

Too much staring off into space/accomplishing nothing, BUT at least I don’t feel like punching everyone in the face all the time now. :slight_smile: [/quote]

Perhaps you were doing it too much before? (if that’s possible) So your body decided to rid itself of the act until it missed it too much. Maybe pacing yourself will do the trick and let you have your brain and beat it too, while not hating everyone all at the same time. shoulder shrug

Gained 20 lb, 3" on each leg (no skinfold change), and 2" on my waist.
DL slowly but steadily going up.
405 is an every-day max, I’m not doing any kind of maxes any more.

Also, back is finally thicker, and I no longer have bad genetics. (ahh, the wonders of having someone pester you to to eat…and cook for you)

[quote]Sterneneisen wrote:
and I no longer have bad genetics.[/quote]

“the better I train and the more I eat the better my genetics get”

I gained 20 lbs in a year and a half after I began eating more than 2500 kcal/day.

Also, ms. Hallowed is no longer even relatively bigger than me.

[quote]Sterneneisen wrote:

My neck is currently 15.5" (unflexed etc.)[/quote]


let us see your “flexed neck” preferably with you face towards the camera, I imagine that flexing ones neck causes a wicked expression

[quote]Sterneneisen wrote:



[quote]Sterneneisen wrote:
Also, ms. Hallowed is no longer even relatively bigger than me.[/quote]
Took a trip down memory lane. Totally worth it.