Anyone Try PowerBreathe?

Has anyone used the powerbreathe lung training gadget? It looks pretty cool but the price is a lot if its gonna do jack shit for me.

A mate of mine did a discertation on it.

There were some benefits. M y friend then used the (free( item for an MMA comp.

I dont think it did him much good whilst being choked.

Lots of money, ok if you can afford it.

get a weighted vest instead.

I purchased one of those gadgets a few years back. It did noththing for me, but take up time. I would have been better off dropping to the ground and doing sit-ups or push-ups.

Or extra chins?

Clean and jerks tabata style is what ya need!

[quote]ZEB wrote:
I purchased one of those gadgets a few years back. It did noththing for me, but take up time. I would have been better off dropping to the ground and doing sit-ups or push-ups. [/quote]

Oddly enough, more bodyweight exercises. Yawn.

[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:
ZEB wrote:
I purchased one of those gadgets a few years back. It did noththing for me, but take up time. I would have been better off dropping to the ground and doing sit-ups or push-ups.

Oddly enough, more bodyweight exercises. Yawn.[/quote]

IL Cazzo:

Come follow me through a workout sometime. You won’t be yawning!


Seriously, don’t even bother talkin trash about your hardcore-ness on-line.

[quote]IL Cazzo wrote:

Seriously, don’t even bother talkin trash about your hardcore-ness on-line.[/quote]

IL Cazzo:

Then don’t bother talking trash about how I train! Shoot for some maturity for a change.