Animal Pak Causing Constipation

I have had to do a “digital disimpaction” before. It’s generally frowned upon to reach up in the patient and pull it out but if someone is in complete misery then one does what one must. I haven’t had a “narcopoop” per se but sometimes dealing with post surgical patients who are narc naive peeing and pooping is a struggle.

Yeah. Me too. The learning curve on a quad with poor bowel motility is rough!

There ought to be a merit badge for those. :v:

Yeah. I had one hell of a time after my last thing. Was in the ICU and saturated with morphine for 4 days, then new diet and and a pile of meds,

That took quite a while to sort out.

After kidney surgery, I wasn’t able to poop for more than a week due to the extra tubing.
My first trip back took nearly an hour and I lost 3-4 lbs
Yes, magnesium glycinate works… a little too well…
@theBeth is magnesium glycinate safe for long term use?

I am wondering the same thing as well. Most of the descriptions for it do not even really say helps with stomach/intestinal things. Most say it helps with sleep and anxiety

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The dose makes the poison presumably. 500mg/day seems to be a commonly subscribed dose (that’s not intended as poison)

No it’s not good for long term use. For the doses that relieve constipation that is. For occasional constipation yes. As with any gastrointestinal irritant, the body builds tolerance and becomes less responsive. And it becomes harder to poop normally without laxatives which creates a viscious cycle. It’s better to use high fiber foods and natural stimulants found in prunes and bran.


Curious, how much is used for constipation?

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I second this question.

I’m very rarely constipated, but the last time I was backed up for days. I took 450mg before bed, woke up 4 hours later just pissing out my ass like crazy. Felt much better.

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