Am I Doing Enough?

Right now, I am in the first week of CW’s Total-Body Training, my first foray into total-body workouts. I used to work out five days a week using body part splits and gaining nothing (Of course, I wasn’t using Massive Eating then as I am now). I chose to do TBT because I like Chad’s programs and, from looking at the reviews it has received, it seems to be one of the best programs in T-Nation for hypertrophy, my current goal.

I am currently involved in a competition with a friend (with a good amount of money at stake) as to who can reach the better physique by early May. I plan to bulk for seven more weeks or so, then go maintenance cals for two weeks, and then cut until our pseudo-showdown.

To this end, I have a few questions. First, it is not too late to turn back on TBT and select another program if one is recommended highly as better for hypertrophy. And second, if I do stick with TBT (or even if I move to another program) what else can I do to further my goal on off days or after workouts, etc. This question was promted by Dr. Berardi’s 5 Hours thread and his admonition of the importance of at least five hours of exercise a week (which I am not getting through TBT’s three hours) and the fact that I feel that I have recovered pretty easily from the workouts thus far and have a desire to do more. In addition, I am hesitant to do cardio as in this phase I am concerned about allocating adequate calories to grow muscle. Any thoughts will be much appreciated and I apologize for the length of this post.

It’s never too late my man. Never.

And you’re doing enough if you’re progressing in the criteria you set (stronger, bigger, less fat etc). When progress or stops, then maybe think about doing more. Doing less might just as well be the answer though.

If you really want hypertrophy, which it sounds like you do, why don’t you bulk for a year or more, instead of 7 weeks?

[quote]algian wrote:
If you really want hypertrophy, which it sounds like you do, why don’t you bulk for a year or more, instead of 7 weeks?[/quote]

I plan to bulk for a longer period of time after the competition with my friend is over. Body fat levels are just as important as hypertrophy for this bet and I only have enough time to bulk for seven more weeks to allow for a cutting period.

You could do GPP on nonworkout days.

You could also try perfect-10 if you have any lagging body parts.

Or just do the 100 rep a day program.

All this stuff if by CW.

[quote]tblifter wrote:

This question was promted by Dr. Berardi’s 5 Hours thread and his admonition of the importance of at least five hours of exercise a week (which I am not getting through TBT’s three hours) and the fact that I feel that I have recovered pretty easily from the workouts thus far and have a desire to do more.

If your TBT workouts seem easy, you’re not using enough weight. Starting ligter was probably a good choice, though, since it gives you the chance to adapt to working whole body 3x a week. Just put more on the bar.

Check out OVT training or “The Beast Evolves” by Christian Thibaudeau. How are you going to determine who won? Skinfold calipers? 1RM tests?

OVT Training

The Beast Evolves

[quote]ryan10230 wrote:
You could do GPP on nonworkout days.

You could also try perfect-10 if you have any lagging body parts.

Or just do the 100 rep a day program.

All this stuff if by CW.

Great suggestions, here. I’ve done TBT before and am currently going through a phase right now (check out my Starting Back from Anxiety thread for details). You will definitely put on mass from this program, but if you want to do a bit extra, any of the above links will help you with that.