Adding Conditioning Power Days to Existing Plans


I’m nearly finished with your Fiready plan. I’ve really enjoyed the emphasis on conditioning and power. As you’ve mentioned on Question of Strength, these are qualities that become increasingly important as we age–I’m 45.

Do you see any issue with stretching one of your existing three full-body workouts per week plans over eight/nine days? This way I could in add a power day and a conditioning day.

I was thinking of something like this:

Mon: Full body 1(concentric focus)
Wed: Power
Fri: Full Body 2 (isometric focus)
Sat: Conditioning
Monday: Full Body Day 3 (eccentric focus)
Wed: Power

As always, any input is welcome and appreciated.

That is perfectly fine. I, myself, do 3 power/athletic/conditioning days and 3 hypertrophy sessions per 9 days.

That type of training sounds perfect for the performance goal I’m trying to achieve.

How would you set up the training days for this?

I was thinking like this but open to suggestions.

Power/ Athletic

Monday: Lower Body
Tuesday: Upper Body
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Whole Body
Friday: Off

Switch to Hypertrophy

Saturday : Push
Sunday: Off
Monday : Legs
Tuesday: Pull


Monday: Push Hypertrophy
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Lower Power
Thursday: Off
Friday: Legs Hypertrophy
Saturday : Upper Power
Sunday: OFF

Monday: Pull Hypertrophy
Tuesday: Off
Wednesday: Whole Body Power

Your first plan sounds kinda like Pendulum Training. If you aren’t familiar, maybe it would work for you?


That looks exactly like what I’m looking for. Not sure how I’ve missed that article. Thanks!

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To be fair, it’s about 15 years old :slight_smile: Can’t expect you to remember all the articles I wrote over the past 25 years