Adapting a Workout To An Injury

I broke my wrist last Wednesday in a fist fight with my best friend (he thinks he’s so tough!), and I want to continue at least some form of lower body training. Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I could best do this?

I can obviously do leg presses, leg curls, leg extensions, and bodyweight squats, but is their anything else? Or will that just have to suffice for now?

You should continue to train upper body (using the other arm) as it will maintain more muscle on the injured limb. You can referrence EC’s Rhode Island Roundup from a year or two ago for the study demonstrating this effect. It also might be a good time to incorporate some one-arm lifts that train the entire body (e.g. One-Snatch)
Best of luck.
old dogg

Hmmm, the only one arm exercises I can think of would be isolation-type ones, and I don’t see what the benefit would be of doing those. I haven’t learned proper execution of a power-snatch yet, so it would be most unwise of me to attempt it one-armed, I think.

Perhaps one armed cable or dumbbell rows would be a good choice. I could also do left-arm pushups.

Ok, then, what I have so far might be this:

(Using a 5X5 scheme)
Four day/week full body

Leg Press 5X5
Dumbbell straight legged deadlift 5X5
Leg Curls 5X5
One-armed pushups 5X5 (more reps depending on difficulty)
One armed cable row 5X5

Tuesday, Friday:
One armed cable row 5X5
One-armed pushups 5X5 (more reps depending on difficulty)
Leg Curls 5X5
Dumbbell straight legged deadlift 5X5
Leg Press 5X5
