6 times or 4 times per week training

I bought your book The Overload System for Strength and it got me thinking about my own training.
first of all, I’m 56 years old, I train outside even in the winter (it’s snowing and very cold here now) and for that reason I like very short workouts. I usually do 2-4 sets of couple exercises, sometimes two times per day, but not often at winter time.
I’ve been training with the push/pull method 6 times a week. I usually leave 2-5 repetitions short of the maximum, it doesn’t feel good to go all out. i’ve been training over 40 years.
Would it be better to train only 3 or 4 times a week? I can’t get series added easily. I’m afraid that I train too little with this method or can even old man do 6 times per week when training quite little and not to failure? I don’t feel like I need deload ever, should I still do it and how often?

That’s highly individualised. I’d gauge the answer to this on an ongoing assessment of progress versus if you’re hurting.

That is certainly good advice. In my opinion, I recover well from my current weight training, but on the other hand, there hasn’t been any remarkable progress in a decade. If I train three times a week, it feels like very little, but what concerns me the most is whether almost daily training is still too much. Perhaps I’ll try both, if nothing else, for the sake of variety. Thanks for the response.

I can relate pretty hard to this (and never heed my own advice I’m about to give). If you’re not progressing at 6 days a week, and you’re very unlikely to regress at 3 days a week, you’re “doubling” your gains/ return on training if you make that switch.

Tommi, what are your goals?

Based on the effective reps theory, per Thibs, if you stop your sets five reps short of failure, you’re unlikely to make much progress wrt hypertrophy regardless of how often you train.

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My goal is mainly strenght and basicly keeping my strenght as an old man. I have occasional hypertrophy seasons when I go much nearer or to failure. But not often.

That’s true. It’s just feels like cheating :smiley:

Great point and I didn’t even catch this. @tommi I’d definitely give going harder, less often, a shot

I’ll try it. Thank you guys.