5'8", 148 Pounds. First Cycle: Test, Clen, T3

Well, it seems at least that the short guys have better longevity on average. I agree that height should not be a big deal, but I don’t think I am going to change minds on this one.

I always used to say this to one of my best buds. He’s 6’6". I would always tell him… “How many old guys your height do you see walking around”. LOL


From what I hear it gets pretty wild in the senior homes. Many of the old dudes have a heard of old ladies. I have heard these senior homes have rampant STD rates. I guess nobody really cares at a certain point.

You guys should see my IFBB trainer. He’s like idk 5”7 or something and weighs 275 of lean muscle lmao maybe 5”8 idk I’m way taller tho

He’s a fucking monster lmao

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Lady in the background says she’s not impressed. Haha, this guys is a monster for sure. Albeit I would never want that kind of attention. How about finding shirts and paints? Good luck.

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Lol definitely. He tells me he basically just lives in gym clothes. But yeah man I’ve been truly blessed to get to work with him. He trains me every week, gives me my diet. Under his guidance I know I can get where I want 100 percent

Eventually I’d like to compete just for fun and he’ll def be my coach

I’m sure its an awesome experience to have a guy like that training you. He obviously knows what he’s doing when it comes to training and pharma.

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that’s #goals right there! Damn!

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I wonder if the dude that made this post will ever show up😂

hey thats me


He sure knows what works… for himself. As most coaches these days do. Just dont have a clue when dishing out advice to others.

I hope hes a good coach who understands every body is different, just because he can handle 4g of gear (might be more), doesnt mean everyone can.


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I did workout for about two years…maybe I wasn’t accurate about bf.

Dude…the responses you got were based entirely on the information you presented. You were tremendously wrong in your bf estimate, which is why everyone assumed you were DYEL. Now that you’ve posted a picture you’ll get much better advice. So let’s start again, shall we? What’s your whole layout and what questions do you have?

How am I the same height (5’9), 40lbs heavier and look smaller? You sure your scale works?

That weight seems off doesn’t it lol.

Alright … you don’t weigh 148lbs. You’re somewhat close on body fat, I’d guess 16-17% though.

No way he’s 148, but you also don’t look smaller than him.

I’m questioning now.