32 Y/O with Low T Symptoms, Considering TRT

Where u located in canada?

@5peaker im in hamilton but my doctor is in burlington. He started me on trt and finally got a referral as well. Going to see Komer but it is such a wait 8+months i’m debating just going to Buffalo and paying

@aussieguy im in similar boat as you had tt at 261 and 301 ng/dl. Started trt 200mg test E. Im only just begin with my GP giving me the go ahead to try after every single mental meds he could think of hasn’t worked. Im still on 300mg of effexor xr thou which worries me abit (been on it for ten years now). Looking back I can’t believe my GP didn’t check my TT levels along time ago, especially since I did roids for 2 years 600mg of test E and 600mg of equipoise. I would have like to seen my levels during and after my roid use 10 years ago. He has always treated me with mental health meds and I was so messed up I thought he was helping me. It took my wife coming with me to ask for tt blood work to be done.

Sorry for long story, could you please let me know what your levels are at when you get them done again please. Also what is your height weight and build roughly. Thx