1725 Raw Total @197 Drug Tested

[quote]mertdawg wrote:

[quote]Apoklyps wrote:
Very nice pause on the bench. It’s that much more impressive when a lifter’s doing a heavy bench with a nice pause rather than the almost TnG style some people seem to be passing.

And awesome lifts in general! That’s a VERY respectable total.[/quote]

REspectable? I think the best 3 lift total raw and in a drug tested meet is under 1900 at 198. [/quote]
Yeah its 1850lbs set by Jessie Norris

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Fuck you and your awesome display of strength ;)[/quote]
Especially for squat, jealousy, honestly.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Fuck you and your awesome display of strength ;)[/quote]
Lol, trying to be

[quote]late2thegame wrote:
Very impressive![/quote]
Thanks man

Correct me if I am wrong but your are 26 years old? That’s sick if it is the case. Although the law of diminishing returns will catch up to you, there is so much time you have to go until you peak out naturally. I was in the 198’s and had my best lifts when I was 35 (also clean). Do you have any idea where you can be in 5 years when you are at the top of your game?!

Stick with it my friend because you harbor some real talent. Crush them at the 198s and as soon as you see you are trading bodyweight for lifting weight move up. They will also fear you at the 220’s!

[quote]doublelung84 wrote:
Correct me if I am wrong but your are 26 years old? That’s sick if it is the case. Although the law of diminishing returns will catch up to you, there is so much time you have to go until you peak out naturally. I was in the 198’s and had my best lifts when I was 35 (also clean). Do you have any idea where you can be in 5 years when you are at the top of your game?!

Stick with it my friend because you harbor some real talent. Crush them at the 198s and as soon as you see you are trading bodyweight for lifting weight move up. They will also fear you at the 220’s!
Yeah am 26 years old. Thanks man! I appreciate it.

Great work! Would you mind sharing how your training is structured?

Powerful deadlifts man, really cool to watch.

[quote]Doh wrote:
Great work! Would you mind sharing how your training is structured?[/quote]
For bench my warm up are 50% x 5, 60 x 4, 70 x 3 x 2 and then 96%-99% x 2 x 3 ( depending on how I feel) of my max. Light shoulders and light Tris
For deads- I added deficits into my program 2 months before this meet. Standing on two 45 plates. 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 405 x 1, 495 x 1,550x 1, 90% of my max x 2 x 3. I will be adding 5lbs to my last 3 sets each time I do deficits. I alternate between deficits and pulling off the platform(ground) every other week. Usually my floor pulls are 5lbs heavier than my deficits on my last 3 sets. So say this week I do 600 x 2 x 3 on deficits. Next week my floor pulls will be 605 x 2 x 3. After I do stiff legged deads(as many as I can/as heavy as I can), heavy barbell rows, heavy shrugs, seated rows and pull ups.
Weighted dips and bicep work and more heavy tricep movements on Thursdays

Squats- 50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 5lbs more for each set after the previous. I usually do about 5sets. This is including 80% of my max and the sets after that. I use my knee sleeves.
Accessory work I do GHRs and leg presses(not too heavy). Just more of a focus and concentration.
The following week for squats are high reps. Same warm ups and then 75% of my max for 10 reps for 3 sets and then the last 2 sets are front squats(50% of my max) . From now on I will be using my knee wraps after every month just to get better at using them and also going for doubles of about 95% of my max in wraps. So the next time I use my wraps I will do doubles of 95% of 655lbs. For 3 sets.

[quote]I am God wrote:
Powerful deadlifts man, really cool to watch. [/quote]
Thanks man

[quote]ibnmahama wrote:

[quote]Doh wrote:
Great work! Would you mind sharing how your training is structured?[/quote]
For bench my warm up are 50% x 5, 60 x 4, 70 x 3 x 2 and then 96%-99% x 2 x 3 ( depending on how I feel) of my max. Light shoulders and light Tris
For deads- I added deficits into my program 2 months before this meet. Standing on two 45 plates. 135 x 10, 225 x 5, 315 x 3, 405 x 1, 495 x 1,550x 1, 90% of my max x 2 x 3. I will be adding 5lbs to my last 3 sets each time I do deficits. I alternate between deficits and pulling off the platform(ground) every other week. Usually my floor pulls are 5lbs heavier than my deficits on my last 3 sets. So say this week I do 600 x 2 x 3 on deficits. Next week my floor pulls will be 605 x 2 x 3. After I do stiff legged deads(as many as I can/as heavy as I can), heavy barbell rows, heavy shrugs, seated rows and pull ups.
Weighted dips and bicep work and more heavy tricep movements on Thursdays

Squats- 50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 5lbs more for each set after the previous. I usually do about 5sets. This is including 80% of my max and the sets after that. I use my knee sleeves.
Accessory work I do GHRs and leg presses(not too heavy). Just more of a focus and concentration.
The following week for squats are high reps. Same warm ups and then 75% of my max for 10 reps for 3 sets and then the last 2 sets are front squats(50% of my max) . From now on I will be using my knee wraps after every month just to get better at using them and also going for doubles of about 95% of my max in wraps. So the next time I use my wraps I will do doubles of 95% of 655lbs. For 3 sets.

How often do you train though?

How often do you train though?
5 times a weeks. Saturdays I hit heavy shoulder and sprint intervals

I wa there for your squat man. Impressive is an understatement.

How far above 198 do you let yourself get? You’re solid as a rock.

[quote]Buster Hymen wrote:
I wa there for your squat man. Impressive is an understatement.

How far above 198 do you let yourself get? You’re solid as a rock. [/quote]
Thanks man. At most 205