17 Year Old, Tryin To Get HUGE

ok im 17 years old and I want to be a monster. I’m about 5’9" and about 192 lbs, at around 12% body fat.I just want to be plain huge and scary(not sure why but I do). Anyways I was wondering if you could take at look at what I’m doing and give any feedback.

Ok, I’ve been bulking since mid to late november and have gained lots of solid weight, my bodyfat has stayed consistent so I know I’ve gained little fat and mostly lean muscle. Here is what/when I am eating (usually).

7am- bowl of plain oatmeal w/ weight gainer, 2 peices of whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter

930am- weight gainer shake, apple

11am- lunch (always changing depends on what leftovers are( usually high protein/ high carb lunch))

12pm- pre work-out shake ( pure creatine and gatorade)

1250pm- post work-out shake (pure creatine, whey protein and gatorade)

245-3pm- peanuts, protein shake, almonds, and an apple

5pm- protein shake, cottage cheese and rice cakes ( or something similar)

630- supper (always changing same as lunch)

8pm- protein shake, peanuts & almonds, fruit, somthing along those lines

10pm- another snack such as the one at 5 or 8, minus the protein shake

11ish, protein shake right before bed

Ok and heres what I’m doing in the wieght room.

Monday/Friday are either Chest/tris/back or Bi’s shoulders, wrist/traps. Whatever one I don’t do on monday is done wensday and than done monday/friday the following week.
Tuesdays are leg days. I can only do legs once a week as I play sports and it would be overkill for them if I did them more than once a week. Thrusday and Sunday are abs, and Saturday is off.
I do 3 sets of 7 reps, as I am looking to gain size.


Chest press
pull ups
bent over row
kick backs
incline chest press
lat pull down(machine)
Pull pvers


my leg work outs change depending on a number of things. But I always make sure I do deadlifts and Squats no matter what. I also will do any number of this exercises; dumbell jump squats, lunges( font to back, and side to side),calve raises, front squats.


Chest Press
Barbell Curls
Miliarty Press
Wrist curls
barbell curls
cambered barbell seated shrugs
pull ups

Ok I think thats all you would need to know. thanks in adavance for any advice. (man that took forever I hope people have more pateince to read this than I would)

Diet looks pretty good. Eliminate lat pulldowns and stick w/ the pull-ups. No need to do both, its just overkill and wasted time. Ditch the kickbacks,wrist curls, and machine work. Focus on squats, deads, presses(flat,decline,incline,military), dips, pullups/chinups, cleans, rows, good mornings. Read Dan John’s tip on working hard and the basic exercises from a few days ago. You will be far better off doing 1 or 2 of the exercises I listed above for multiple sets, working heavy for 30-45 minutes than wasting time doing kickbacks/curls. As far as trap work, do farmer’s walks and deads. 3 sets of 7? You should do more sets w/ fewer reps(8sets of 3, 5,4,3,2,1, wave-loading). This will allow you to work w/ more weight, and your reps will be of better quality. If you’re doing deadlifts, do singles. You can still do a set of 3-5 reps, just make sure you restart each rep from a dead stop. I’d mix up this rep scheme more. You should lift 3-4 days a week. Don’t think of your workouts as chest&arms, shoulders&back, legs. Do more of a full-body split. This way you’ll hit each muscle more than once a week. You won’t be going to failure each time and by switching up the rep ranges, you’ll be good to go. Read SOB training by Chad Waterbury. This is a good article for you. Research some more, and read more articles. If you take anything away from what I’ve said, its to focus on the basic, compound lifts which allow you to move the most weight and use the most muscles. These are the lifts that will add a ton of muscle and give you strength. As an example, your arms will grow far bigger from doing heavy presses, dips, rows, and chins. Doing wrist curls, numerous sets of curls, and tricep kickbacks is counterproductive. Instead spend this time either out of the gym resting and eating, or doing the basic, compound lifts.

  1. You say you want to get huge but you haven’t told us your caloric intake. Unless you do that I do not know if you’re eating HUGE enough.

  2. Your food choices are excellent; as are your nutrient timings for the MOST part. You should be eating more carbs up to 4 or 6 hours post workout (reference Berardi’s Massive Eating Reloaded).

  3. I have 5 minutes before class so I can’t go through your workout right now but I used to do split body training…and I’ve had a lot more success using Waterbuy’s programs. The Waterbury Method is really good to start with.

  4. General lack of fruit in your diet. I’d try to eat more variety when it comes to fruits than just a single apple a day.

  5. Complete lack of vegetables in your diet…
    We’re not just on this site to get huge; we’re here for general health and you’re missing two of the most important ingredients with that; fruit and veggies. Also how much fiber are you taking in daily? How many grams of protein? Maybe drink half of your post-workout shake during training? Then have another carb/protein meal 60-90 min later?
    Anymore stuff PM me…class time.

assuming you keep a journal, are you still seeing gains in the gym?

do you go to school?

I wish my high school experience had allowed me to eat as much as I want throughout the day and then workout in the middle of it too.

Let me try to respond here. You’re 17 and want to get huge, yet your plan is fairly scattered. HUGE comes from a very organized nutrition and workout plan. Not saying you don’t, but my gut feeling is you need to log everything you eat and train. Get rid of those isolation type exercises and focus on core and strength lifts like rows,dips, squats, deads, and presses. Pick a split–whole body or parts, and getin and get out of the gym in 45 min. to an hour.

Do you really take in 5,6,7 protein shakes a day? Some sup company must love you. I don’t know how you make them, but the bare amount of protein in a shake is probabvly 20g. That is 140 or so grams of protein just there. Cottage cheese, meat, milk! Get a real handle on your diet. At 17, you have all you need to grow with a balanced diet and good training. Plan then execute.

thanks for all the advice, and to answer some of the questions, yes I am in school. I eat more fruits and vegs. than I put dowm, they are usally in my supper and lunch. And yes I do drink that many protein shakes a day. I go through about a 5lb tub a month or so.

But thanks for all advice and I’ll try to fix up my work outs.

5lb tub/month! That’s nothing! I do about a 6lb jug a week…But I’m vegetarian :slight_smile:

[quote]Proteinpowda wrote:
5lb tub/month! That’s nothing! I do about a 6lb jug a week…But I’m vegetarian :slight_smile: [/quote]

and a scrawny dog lovin’ one at that.
With no back and no traps.

[quote]Brain Monster wrote:
thanks for all the advice, and to answer some of the questions, yes I am in school. I eat more fruits and vegs. than I put dowm, they are usally in my supper and lunch. And yes I do drink that many protein shakes a day. I go through about a 5lb tub a month or so.

But thanks for all advice and I’ll try to fix up my work outs.[/quote]

Ever seen, “The Lord of the Rings”? I believe it was Marian who said, “What about second breakfast, and lunch, and supper, and late supper???”

The oatmeal looks good in the morning and I would mix that with atleast 80 grams of protein and toss a bananna in. Vitamins, Spike, 5-10 grams of creatine with that…

Drink water!!!

Second breakfast, “or first lunch”, load up on some complex carbs, brown
rice and veggies, 50% protein.

Drink water!!!

Second Lunch, complex carbs (veggies), %50 protein.

Drink water!!!
Energy drink, supp, whatever…

“Workout” Drink lots of water!!!

Post workout, Surge, 5-10 grams of

Drink water!!!

30 minutes later, get some fruit in ya cause you’ll need the sugar.

1 hour later, big steaming bowl of brown rice, veggies, and chicken (or meat)!!! Try not to depend on the protein drink here… I would eat solid food if I were you.

Drink water!!!

Every 2 hours later, cut down your carbs and take in more protein as the day comes to a close.

Take about 80 - 100 grams of protein in before bed, and as little carbs as possible.


This has been working for me the past 2 weeks.

Good luck!!!

ok thanks again to all the replys.
as far as my split goes I been thinking about doing a 3 day whole body something along the lines of what I did today.

Bench press\Deadlifts
Pull ups/Squats
Dips/Back rows
Chin ups/Standing Calve Raises

I felt it was a pretty intense workout today, even though it was the first day back after a few days (fucking suspension). If anyone could let me know if this is looking better or if I shoudl change it up let me know. Thanks again.

[quote]Brain Monster wrote:
ok thanks again to all the replys.
as far as my split goes I been thinking about doing a 3 day whole body something along the lines of what I did today.

Bench press\Deadlifts
Pull ups/Squats
Dips/Back rows
Chin ups/Standing Calve Raises

I felt it was a pretty intense workout today, even though it was the first day back after a few days (fucking suspension). If anyone could let me know if this is looking better or if I shoudl change it up let me know. Thanks again.[/quote]

Supersetting means working antagonist (opposite) muscle groups right after each other. Such as Pull Ups/Dips, Bench/Rows, etc. Stick to one compound movement per muscle group, dont do pull-ups/dips and bench/row both in one workout. It is overkill.

The last time I checked, and it has been a while, so it may have changed, Supersets were an antagonist/ protagonist couple.
That is to say that to superset the bench you would do a set of seated or bent rows to exhaust the back, and follow that with the bench press. See some of the works of King and Staley for a better explanation.
Supersetting bench press and squat is not realy superseting. There is no resistance to the bench press offered by the muscle groups used in the squat. It sounds like you are on the right track, and no one can knock your enthusiasm, but you may want to read up on some of the lifting techniques that are recomended by the pros. It would be a shame to see another young kid develope a bunch of bad habits and misconceptions that hold you back.
By the way, what the heck is weight gainer? I thought that stuff went out with mulllets and bitchin camaros.

Looks like one expensive diet. As long as you are seing gains in the gym related to strength, weight, and keeping bf%, I’d say you have it all figured out for now. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. As long as gains are consistent, don’t change a freakin’ thing. When the weight gain stops, then up the calories. That simple, right? The best advice would not be to lower carbs, or change anything yet, but to be patient. Keep it up bro!