Zercher Squats

I love zerchers because I have real trouble front squatting.

It’s the only thing I’ve used the spa lady foam roller for.

[quote]Brett Tucek wrote:

EDIT: You’ll also feel like a badass when you can tell someone who asks that it doesn’t hurt.[/quote]

That’s the kinda thing you lie about even if it does hurt.

Zerchers are great. I’ve done them in the past as a second exercise in the 4-6 rep range, but on Monday I used them as a ME and worked up to 370. The core tension these generate is unbelievable. Just working up to a heavy weight will teach you how to tighten your whole body.

I realize now that using the fat bar will probably be a good idea with these (I haven’t used it in the past). I get some pretty nasty marks on my arms.

I wanted to take a weight, but I’d say these are best done either as a second exercise or to a 3RM most of the time.

Zerchers are great if you have knee problems like mine. The eccentric phase of the squat aggravates my knee so i perform Zercher lifts from the floor. This involves deadlifting the weight up, racking it on your thighs while squatting down, then hooking your arms underneath before squatting up. My current max is 300lbs, but i’m hoping to get 3 plates soon.

Zercher squats heavily work the abs. Also, quad recruitment feels centered farther down–closer to the knee.