What's Your Powerlifting Injury History?

  • Elbow tendinitis both elbows for about a year, stopped me straight bar squatting for three months. Cause was absolutely shithouse setup and technique (cocked wrists, pulling elbows forward instead of in, failing to actually use my lats) and poor pull-up technique (not pulling elbows back, not squeezing lats on the eccentric);
  • lower back strain warming up for squats on meet day, caused by mistaking bar load and not using my belt and divebombing into the hole. PR’d anyway and set a PR total but couldn’t get up or roll over pain free for a few days;
  • strained left bicep caused by an inactive rotator cuff and benching too wide, couldn’t bench pain free for a month or so and had to adjust my setup; and
  • bruised ankle bones by dropping the SSB on it while it was on a bench doing split squats, painful to walk for a week or two. Lucky I didn’t snap the ankle, would have if it hadn’t been completely on the bench.

Not quite sure why you and @chris_ottawa are such dicks about this. Seriously isn’t even that big of an issue. Your pride got hurt because of something stupid and now you’re upset. It’s all good now. I’ll let you go on thinking your injuries were the worst thing to ever happen and we never have to reply to each other again. Not even going to start with Chris because he’s stubborn as fuck and will reply until you give up so it’s a worthless cause.

Not quite sure why I frequent this section as I don’t powerlift at all. Should probably just stop coming to this section and leave it to you guys

You do know you that you’re talking about the two biggest most stubborn dicks on this forum lel


My post was merely trying to help newbs avoid what we’ve all been through. I have been fairly lucky that I got no serious injuries.

September 30 |

Not quite sure why you and @chris_ottawa are such dicks about this. Seriously isn’t even that big of an issue. Your pride got hurt because of something stupid and now you’re upset. It’s all good now. I’ll let you go on thinking your injuries were the worst thing to ever happen and we never have to reply to each other again. Not even going to start with Chris because he’s stubborn as fuck and will reply until you give up so it’s a worthless cause.

Not quite sure why I frequent this section as I don’t powerlift at all. Should probably just stop coming to this section and leave it to you guys

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September 30 |

So sciatica isn’t funny then. You were just being “funny” like haha funny, like i amuse you. oldbeancam September 29 | jbackos: I’m going to to ignore your attitude and deal with facts Didn’t have an attitude? Just stating “facts.” jbackos: The idea is to provide info fro the newbs to he…
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Why are you starting shit with me? I made one joke and now you’re mad.

So you have absolutely nothing to add to this conversation except behaving like an asshole.

You guys with your little dicks can move to the side

Fair enough man. For the record, I’m not mad. Just saying how it is.

It sounds more like you are starting pointless arguments.

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Just call me the “T-Nation Town Troll”