Vanilla Gorilla Log

WU: monster walk, hip up
hex bar dead: 500x3x5
low bar: 405x6x4
RDL: 315x8x4
shrug: 315x15x3
leg curl: 130x20x2

Grade: B
location: ARC

deep tissue massage
jiu jitsu

jiu jitsu
WU: shoulder press machine
push press: 215x3x3
top half: 185x4x4
b. machine row: 235x5x4
a. bottom half OHP: 245x6x4
b. lat pull down: 235x3x4
lateral raise: 25x8x3
ez curl: 90x10x3

Location: RPAC
weight: 218

squat: 45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x3, 365x2, 225x15x3
leg press: 6 plate x10x4
bss: 40x15x4
lunge: 40x10x3
glute machine: 90x15,15x3

Grade: D
Location: RPAC

Comment: finished my OB rotation which is nice. Lifts have been up and down. I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on with my squats. My hips are feeling a little bit better and I think the massage helped a lot. Iā€™m on vacation this week and headed up to Toronto for the SWIS on Thursday. It should be a great conference and thereā€™s a fair amount of big names speaking. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just confidence on squats or what, but I need to start working reps at 315 and just build up a base. 225 felt like nothing, I just feel like my form isnā€™t there and I need to work at a much lower percentage until I feel healed up. I donā€™t think the chiro is helping much, I donā€™t know how long Iā€™ll keep going.

Thankful: for some time off to recharge

Thought: To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.
Thomas Aquinas

God bless, vigilance and virtue

WU: push up, pull up
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1, 335x1, 350x3x3
sling shot: 345x4, 365x4, 385x4x4
a. t bar row: 135x10x3
b. pull up:10x5
c. push up: 20x5
d. reverse hyper: 50x15x5/
wide grip bench: 275x4, 295x4x4
face pull:110x10x4
lat pull down: 200x5x5
row: 200x5x5
jiu jitsu

jiu jitsu
run and sprints

comment: the lifts have gone pretty well. I head up to the SWIS tomorrow. Im hoping I learn a lot and get to meet some of the presentors. Itā€™s been nice having these days off. I wish I had the presentation off first and then had some days to recover. It will be good seeing my mentor. Thats probably the best bench day Iā€™ve had in a while with the 3x3

Thankful: for getting some time to relax

Thought: drive safely

God bless, vigilance and virtue


week 1 day 1 1.1
WU: agile
box jump 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 320x3, 365x3, 410x5
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 265x5x5
a. pull up: 15,15,12,8
b. side bend: 80x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 170x25,22, 16

grade: A-
location: arc
diet: red
sleep: 4ish

Comment: Drove back from the SWIS this morning, took about 6 hours and it was a nice drive. Iā€™ll hopefully do a write up on the SWIS this week. Overall, it was a great experience. My left side still felt pretty marginal on the 405 set, but Iā€™ve made significant improvement over the past two months and feeling like crap. I start up a new rotation tomorrow and Iā€™m hoping that goes well. The bench was more challenging than expected with the pause.

Thankful: for getting to meet a lot of great people

Thought: invest in your passion

God bless, vigilance and virtue


WU: agile 8
med ball overhead: 10 throws
Deads: 135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 385x3, 445x3, 495x9
OHP: 160x5x5
a. ez bar curl: 100x15,13,11
b. 45 back raise: bw x 15 x 1sec pause x3
c. band pull apart: green x25x5

grade: B+
location: RPAC
diet; green
weight: 216
sleep: 7:29 - 78% - HR 53

Comment: Today felt a lot better than I have in the past for the deadlift. The overhead press felt like crap per usual. Overall I think this workout has gone well because it seems to be lower volume overall.

Thankful: for clinic tomorrow

Thought: The beginning is the most important part of the work.

God bless, vigilance and virtue


Week 1 day 3
WU: agile 8
Broad jump: 3x5
Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 275x3, 325x5x5
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x2, 235x3, 275x3, 305x5
a. pull up: fat grip x 15, 12, 12, 14
b. side bend: 85x25,25x2
c. tri rope push down: 110x25,22,20

grade: B+
location: ARC
diet: red
sleep: 6:37 - 69% HR 50

Comment: Squats felt a lot better, especially after the first two sets. Bench I took a slightly longer pause of 2-3 seconds and I could feel it. I havenā€™t been pausing at all and it really impacts that lift. Rest of the work felt pretty good.

SWIS Write up:

  1. How to treat scars - Probably a mistake going to this over Matt Nichol and Jordan Moon. I know Jordan and Matt so I decided to go with one Iā€™ve never heard of. I already had a copy of Jordanā€™s presentation, but I heard him and Matt did a phenomenal job. The scar was just using accupuncture points as well as treating scars with DC current. I had them use it on my right side which has a couple surgical scars. Immediately after maybe I felt a little looser, but i was also relaxing on a table for 10 minutes. Didnā€™t feel much better the next day. Maybe their treatment works maybe it doesnā€™t. Overall, probably not the best lecture to start with.

  2. Serrano Fats- Probably a mistake for me to go to this one as well. Eric kicked ass and did a great job presenting, but heā€™s been a mentor to me over the past 5 years and weā€™ve previously discussed most of his presentation. I should have went ot Donnie Thompsons. Living in Columbus I see JL Holdsworth pretty frequently and Iā€™ve seen him speak in the past. He has a phenomenal talk on training athletes based on their level of experience. Serrano overall talked about the misconceptions with various types of fats, the misguided attack on saturated fats, and the fatty make up of several common foods. The benefits of avocado oil, coconut oil, and fish oil.

  3. Fred Hatfield - Fred talked a lot about CAT. It was interesting hearing it out of the horses mouth, which I would say was the summary of the event. Fred has to be in his 70s and unfortunately is losing his train of thought. Interesting hearing his philosophy on building absolute strength.

  4. Paul Chek Part 1 and 2. - Iā€™m a huge fan of Cheks philosophy. He talked about the four Doctors- Dr. Quiet, diet, movement, and sleep. He preaches the fundamentals and being honest with oneself. Dude is a hippie, but comes across as completely genuine. He impressed me more than anyone else at the conference.

  5. John Berardi - Talked about nutrition for recovery. Interesting talk and I was interested in seeing how he was as a speaker. He is not the huge personality a lot of the other speakers are, but he is very good at what he does. I was fourtunate to be able to talk with him, JL, Serrano, and Ken (the guy who puts it on) that night. I think John is doing big things with PN. He is very successful and at this point he is impressive because he has nothing to prove. He states his opinion which is highly factually based and doesnā€™t bullshit people. I donā€™t know if I would consider him an innovator in performance, but I would say that he wonā€™t feed you shit and he tries to put out quality information every time. I was impressed with his professionalism and character. I could completely be misreading the guy, but he seems to be a good guy.

Day 2

Ian King - Another huge name that I wanted to see. He appears to have a huge chip on his shoulder and appears guarded, while at the same time he would talk with anybody who came up to him. Talk was pretty poor because he cited problems in the strength industry without offering any solutions. Listening to individuals who talked to him it appears he thinks there should be more emphasis on stretching and almost exclusively a focus on hip dominated exercises.

Eoin Lacey - from the Irish Sports institute. Nice guy and very much influenced by Serrano. Brought up a lot of functional medicine principles. Overall it was an ok talk in my opinion. It ended a little early which allowed me to catch more of Paul Chek.

Darren Whilloboughy - PHd from Baylor - talked about the biochem in building muscle, pretty much an hour and a half review for me, not a lot of practical data. Per Jordan he dumbed his talk way down for this event.

Poliquin - the grand finale was Poloquin who talked about neurotransmitter type for program design. My take away was that he is currently training people based on their personality type. I think itā€™s an interesting concept and there may be some validity to it. He seemed very bored as a presenter and it almost seemed like he wanted some of the questions from the audience to challenge him, and that did not happen.

Overall: It was cool to hear it out of the horses mouth. I donā€™t think I left there feeling like I picked up a lot of tips to use in the clinic. I think the long gap between conferences made people focus on their bread and butter. A lot of which I had read about previous to the conference. Will be interested to see what the future holds for the SWIS. Met really great people and all the presenters seemed approachable.

Thought: spend your time wisely. Invest in others.

God bless, vigilance and virtue

WU: agile 8
med ball slam: 15 x 15
Deads convo: 420x3x5
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 135x3, 150x3, 165x5
a. barbell curl: 100x10x3
b. 45 back raise: bw x 15x3
c. face pull: 90x25, 25, 25, 25

grade: B-
location: arc

Agile 8 x 3
Walk 2 mile with weight vest

WU: agile 8
box jump: 3 set x 5
squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 285x5, 320x5, 365x11
bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 265x5x5
a. chin up: bw x 18, 16, 14, 10
b. side bend: 90x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 90x25, 120x25,25,20

grade: B
location: arc
diet: green

Comment: Training has been going pretty well overall. Iā€™ve been feeling a little bit better physically and the three days a week has been feeling a little bit better given my stress and work. The deads without the belt felt a little more challenging than I was expecting. I really tried to be conservative with my training maxes for this cycle and I think overall itā€™s been a good idea. With the pauses and the focus on form I think that was the right decision. On the squats Iā€™m losing a lot of stability throughout my abs and I really need to focus on each rep. The bench Iā€™ve been pausing and itā€™s been really fatiguing. The OHP remains shitty. Iā€™m working on every holiday this year and itā€™s really a challenge getting in the mood and having family understand. I really need to get in the Thanksgiving spirit and take time to appreciate all the positive things in my life.

Thankful: for clinic tomorrow

Thought: There is one day that is ours. Thanksgiving Day is the one day that is purely American.
O. Henry

God bless, vigilance and virtue

WU: agile 8
med ball throw: 25x10
Dead: 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 335x3, 385x3, 430x14
OHP: 95x5, 135x5, 150x5x5
a. bb curl: 100x10x3
b. 45 hyper: bw x 15x3
c. band pull apart: green x 40,40 orange x 30

location: metro north
diet: green
sleep: 7
Grade: B

weight vest walk

Comment: Iā€™ve enjoyed this workout so far. Iā€™m feeling like decreased volume helps when Iā€™m stressed. Iā€™m going on two weeks without a day off and Iā€™m still feeling ok.

Thankful: for the buckeyes getting a big win

Thought: I donā€™t give a damn about the whole state of Michigan

God bless, vigilance


WU: agile 8
broad jump: 3x5
Squat: 45x5, 135x5, 225x5, 325x5x5 60 sec rest
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 260x5, 290x10
a. pull up: bw x16, 15, 14, 12
b. side bend: 95x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 75x25,25,22
d. glute ham: bw x 10x2

grade: A-
location: RPAC
diet: red
sleep: 6:25 - 66% HR 48
weight: 219

Comment: today was one of the better training sessions Iā€™ve had in a while. I took longer pauses and felt pretty good on the bench. The squat felt faster and stronger this week. My diet has been poor and I need to clean that up a little. Overall my hips are feeling a little bit better and I contribute that to doing agile 8 and the weight vest walk.

Thankful: for feeling a better

Thought: It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.
Leonardo da Vinci

God bless, vigilance and virtue

Weight vest walk

WU: agile
Med ball slam: 15x15
Deads: 135x5, 245x5, 335x3, 425x3x5 60 sec rest
OHP: 45x10, 125x5, 145x5, 160x10
a. Straight bar curl: 100x10,10, 90x10
b. glute ham: bw x 15,15,12
c. band pull apart: 40, 35, 25, 20

grade: B
location: JON
diet: green
sleep: 6
weight: 218

Comment: was a little more sore today than expected. The deads felt fast and better than the last time I did them, which was a nice feeling The OHP felt ok. Still really weak for me. I need to focus a little more on form. The rest of the work felt pretty good. Got in and out in a reasonable time.

Thankful: for getting out a little early which has helped me with extra time.

Thought: Everyone carries around his own monsters.
Richard Pryor

God bless, vigilance and virtue

agile x 3
weight vest walk
diet: red

12.3.15 - 1.1 week 3 day 3
wu: agile 8
box jump: 3 set x 5
squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 325x5, 365x3, 410x9
bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 265x5x5 60 sec rest
a. pull up wide grip: 19, 15, 15, 10
b. side bend: 100x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 135x25, 145x25,23

location: arc
diet: green
sleep: 6:33 - 67% HR 49
grade: B

Comment: I felt marginal on the squat. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m getting tight and I really feel out of shape. I feel like my endurance and abs are gassing way before my legs. I need to clean up my diet. Iā€™m wrapping up my rotation and Iā€™m happy Iā€™m moving back to inpatient. Itā€™s a little more intense but the learning is a lot better. I met with my potential research adviser and Iā€™m really happy about what Iā€™ll be doing with OSU over the next 3-4 years.

Thankful: for the research Iā€™ll be able to do

Thought: Set your priorities and stick to them

God bless, vigilance and virtue


WU: agile 8
med ball throw: 15 throw
Deads: 155x5, 225x5, 315x3, 405x5, 455x3, 510x5
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 140x5x5
a. bb curl: 100x10,10,10
b. 45 hyper, glute ham: bw x 12,12x3
c. face pull: 50x25x4

grade: B-
location: JON
weight: 218
diet: green
sleep: 8hr

Comment: got in a little later today than I wanted to. Felt ok. The pulls felt pretty fast up until the last set. Form didnā€™t feel the best today and I didnā€™t feel locked in. Went in and got the work done and got out. I fly out to Austin for a conference on Wednesday so it will be a little busier week this week. Iā€™m happy with the numbers Iā€™ve been hitting so far and itā€™s been a nice change going to three days a week.

Thought: never stop learning

Thankful: for the time to get organized

God bless, vigilance

WU: agile 8
broad jump: 5 x3set
squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 325x5x5 60 sec rest
bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 265x5, 295x3, 330x5
a. pull up: bw x 22,18, 15, 15
b. side bend: 110x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 70x25x3

grade: B
location: ARC
diet: red
sleep: 7:03 - 73% HR 55

Comment: overall felt pretty good today. Iā€™m really working on my squat form and just locking everything in. Squats felt fast and the bench was probably the best Iā€™ve done with a pause. So far I have no complaints with the program. Itā€™s good volume with my stress outside of it. Finished another rotation today and Iā€™ll be flying to Austin for a conference tomorrow. Iā€™ve never been to Texas and Iā€™m really looking forward to it. Hopefully I can learn a lot, see the city, and find a place to train.

Thought: I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I wonā€™t presume to probe into the faults of others.
Mahatma Gandhi

Thankful: for the opportunity to go to an conference and see a new part of the country

God bless, vigilance and virtue

WU: agile 8
Med ball throw : 15 throws
Deads: 135x5, 225x, 315x3, 430x3x5
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 140x5, 155x3, 175x5
A. Reverse hyper
B. 45 hyper
C. Curl:
D. Band pull apart
Mace swing

Location: Onnit academy - Austin Texas

WU: agile
Box jumps: bw x 5x3
Squat: 135x5, 225x5, 325x5x5
Bench: 265x5x5
A. Pull up:
B. Side bend
C. Tri push down

Location: Onnit Academy - Austin

Comment: Iā€™m currently on my Way back home from the Advanced team physicians course in Austin, Texas. Iā€™d never been to Texas before so it was an interesting trip. I knew Onnit was based out of Austin and that Elitefts supplied most of the strength equipment and the gym was awesome. I was pissed because they had an insane KB sale, but I had no way to ship them back to Ohio. THe conference went pretty well, and Austin seems like a booming city. Got pretty hammered with a friend from college on Friday night and felt like shit on Saturday, but it was cool seeing their night life.

Thankful: for a good trip

Thought: journal daily

God bless, vigilance and virtue


WU: agile 8
WO: box jumps : bw x3x5
Squat: 325x5x5
Bench: 265x5x5
A. Pull up: 15, 15, 15, 15
B. Side bend:90x25,25x2
C. Tri push down: 60x17, 16, 15

Location: ARC


Weight vest walk: 80lbs 2 miles

WU: agile 8
WO: med ball slams: 15x15
Dreads: 425x3x5
OHP: 140x5x5
A. Bb curl: 105x10x3
B. 45 back raise: BW x 15x3
C. Band pull apart so: 40, 33, 25, 25, 25

Location: ARC
Diet: green
Sleep: 6:30
Grade: B

WU: agile
WO: weight vest walk incline 40lbs 2 miles

OVerall Iā€™ve been feeling really good with this program. No complaints so far. Itā€™s working out well with my stress. My body comp has moderately changed. With traveling it took a little hit. Been cleaning it up this week and things are returning to normal

Thankful: for good patients at clinic

Thought: donā€™t take your health for granted.

God bless, vigilance


WU: Agile 8
Broad jump: bw x 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 135x10, 225x5, 325x5x5
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 265x5x5
a. pull up: 20, 18, 17
b. side bend: 100x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 57.5x25x3
KB 5 min

diet: green
sleep: 7:28 - 77% HR 39
grade: B
location: ARC

Weight vest walk
KB five min

Comment: Finishing up the first quarter of this program and the deload week. Overall, I canā€™t say Iā€™m too recovered because I havenā€™t been sleeping as much. Tomorrow is my first day off in a while and I need to catch up on some sleep and run some errands. Jiu jitsu has been a mess because of the holidays which sucks. Iā€™ve cleaned up my diet over the past week, which has helped my body composition a little bit and helped me feel better throughout the day. Iā€™m finishing up pretty much a two week stretch without a day off and one is much needed.

Thankful: for a day off tomorrow.

Thought: Some people strengthen the society just by being the kind of people they are.- John W. Gardner

God bless, vigilance

5/3/1 1.2 week 1 day 1

jiu jitsu
incline walk with weight vest
KB swings
agile 8 x3

WU: agile 8
Box jump: bw x 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 155x10, 245x3, 315x3, 365x3, 405x3, 445x4
Bench: 135x5, 225x3, 275x5x7
a. pull up: 45x5, 75x5, 45x5x3
b. side bend: 110x25,25x2
c. Tri push down: 140x20, 125x20x2, 115x20x2

grade: A-
location: ARC
diet: greenish
sleep: 7: 28- 77% - HR 51

Comment: Starting 1.2 today. So far the three day a week with the walk has me feeling physically better. Implementing the agile 8 has been huge. My hips are feeling better. I still donā€™t feel tight under the bar with the squat. I also feel a little uneven. I really need to implement some planks or core stability work. Iā€™m going to try to go to jiu jitsu a couple times this week and next week. I was really happy with the bench. That felt a lot better than I was expecting it go.

Thankful: for a great first week on service.

Thought: If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.
Frank Zappa

God bless, vigilance and virtue

WU: agile 8
Med ball throw: 10 throws
Deads: 370x3, 425x3, 475x3, 530x2
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 145x5x7
a. curl: 90x10x5
b. back extension: bw x15x4
c. band pull apart: green band x 33x4
Jiu Jitsu

location: RPAC
grade: B-

WU: agile 8
Broad jump: bw x 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 315x1, 335x5x7 - minute rest
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x3, 255x3, 290x3, 325x3, 360x2
a. pull up: 53x5x5
b. side bend: 110x25,25x2
c. tri push down: orange band: 25x4

location: metro north
diet: red
grade: B

WU: agile 8
Med ball slam: 20x15
Deads: 135x5, 225x3, 315x3, 405x3x7
OHP: 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 195x1
a. bb curl: 90x10x5
b. back extension: bw x15x4
c. face pull: 45x25x4

Location: RPAC
weight: 217
grade: B

Comment: past week has been all over the place with the holidays. Tonight I flipped nights as well, which is adding a little more of a twist to my training schedule. Overall things have felt pretty good. The training max sets have been a little more challenging than I anticipated. Iā€™m really hoping to get more reps in on the second go around. So far my hips are feeling better, which is a relief from where they were a couple months ago. Iā€™m still having some issues if I sit for too long. I had to train two days in a row because of the night schedule. I was more sore today than I typically am.

Thankful: for seeing family over the holidays

Thought: The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. -George Carlin

God bless, Merry Christmas, vigilance and virtue


WU: agile 8
box jumps: 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 285x5, 330x5, 385x5, 440x5
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 265x5x7
a. pull up: 50x5x5
b. side bend: 100x25,25x2
c. tri push down: 135x25x4

loaction: ARC
diet: red
sleep: 6:13 - 64%
grade: B-

Comment: flipping back to days for clinic after two nights. I wasnā€™t feeling my best going into this. Iā€™m going to try to do some KB and walk tonight. Iā€™m feeling a little out of it. The squats felt more controlled than last week, which was the plus of the session. The bench just felt ok. Didnā€™t feel locked in, it was a pretty average day on that. I need to focus on perfect technique on the volume sets. Overall it was a casual session and Iā€™m glad I hit all the numbers ok.

Thankful: for a great year.

Thought: Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.
Colin Powell

God bless, vigilance


WU: agile 8
Med ball slam 10 throws
Deads: 155x5, 245x3, 315x3, 345x3, 405x3, 455x3, 530x2
OHP: 45x10, 95x5, 145x5x7
a. bb curl: 90x10x5
b. back extension: bw x15x5
c. band pull apart green x 25x4
KB swings

grade: c
location: RPAC
diet: green
sleep: 10:13 -93%
weight: 219

Comment: Deads didnā€™t feel great again. Slept in flipping nights and did this relatively close to when I got up. Never felt like I got locked in. Pretty average session to end the year. Back on nights now so Iā€™ll be out of it for the next week. Then Iā€™m back to days.

Thankful: for getting to see my wife at midnight

Thought: Improve a little everyday

God bless, vigilance


WU: agile
broad jump: bw x 5x3
Squat: 45x10, 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 330x5x7 60 second rest
Bench: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 265x5, 300x5
a. pull up: bw x 5x5
b. side bend: 100x25,25x2
c. tri push down - 135x25x4
KB swing

location: ARC
diet: green
sleep: 6:39 - 69% HR 45
grade: C-
weight: 219

Comment: Felt like crap today. Iā€™m exhausted from nights and did not feel right when I was benching so I shut it down before the work set. Iā€™m really disappointed because my sleep pattern and work is killing my training. Studying for the third part of my boards, so Iā€™m not really getting any sleep in my down time. Physically not feeling close to 100%

Thankful: for getting some time to study

Thought: To be a successful fatherā€¦ thereā€™s one absolute rule: when you have a kid, donā€™t look at it for the first two years.- Ernest Hemingway

God bless, vigilance and virtue