TRT Failure. How to Get Off TRT Properly?

I’ve been on 100/w for a few months now. Feels fine. Peak hits ~900, trough is around 450. Although I’ve added some other things recently, so God only knows how long I would feel fine at that dose.

That is how I read it.

Yes, 1000 - 1200 on 77-84 per week EOD. I’m now scared of high DHT which higher doses of Cyp like 150mg per week will bring. Because it causes rapid hair loss and raises my PSA…

Plus my Total T will be around 1700 - 2300. Is that ok??

So till recently I used to be on 200iu HCG x 2 per week as well. Probably that’s what responsible for Total T going above 1000 on such relatively low Cyp doses…

This is an unpopular FACT . TESTOSTERONE IS NOT MAGIC . If you don’t correct the issues that caused low T in the first place , you will NEVER FEEL GOOD on trt . 99.9% of the tome the problem is ENERGY TOXICITY aka insulin resistance . If you constantly have high levels of insulin in your blood due to eating too many carbs too frequently and not adequately burning them off …your fucked . The job of insulin is to clear the sugar from your blood and put it in your cells for energy . If you’re constantly eating every 2 hours , and having carbs with each meal , (Even worse off you’re eating Poly unsaturated fats(seed ,corn, vegetable oil) eventually your cells will become full of “energy “ and insulin won’t be able to clear the blood as it should . This is what causes inflammation inside your body , it’s the cause of erectile dysfunction, anxiety , depression , cancer growth , prostate enlargement … the list goes on , and it doesn’t stop . Humans evolved without refrigerators, without processed foods , and without carbs for the most part . We woke , fasted until we ran down a boar barefoot in the elements ,killed them by hand , and then forged on that fucker from nose to tail , eating the organs , and bones as well . Then there would be another long fast until the next meal was found .insulin disrupts your circadian rhythm, which in turn demolishes the production of testosterone and growth hormone . There may be a slight decline with testosterone as you age , but it’s minuscule and totally normal if you’re feeding your body the proper nutrients at the proper times . I spent 2 years on TRT With perfect blood levels and felt worse than I ever have in my life . It was because I took on an extreme amount of stress , and was eating more sugar and carbs than I ever have , in conjunction with falling off my training regimen ( if your body is used to burning a certain amount of calories daily , and you drastically reduce your energy output , your carbohydrates metabolism becomes dogshit ) I became insulin resistant . Even though I was eating high fat high protein , everything grass fed , organic , clean as possible … I was eating too much , too often and constantly had high levels of insulin because I was always eating . The more drained I felt , the more I thought I needed more food . Vicious cycle …I checked out trt 2 years ago (March 19) got all my levels in check , but was still eating too much … always felt like shit , always blamed the meds , tried all dosing options , tried sub q daily, Im eod , 1xper week , 2xper week … nothing worked because I didn’t correct the original problem . I was talking 30 mg cyp eod IM … I dropped it to 15 mg eod for 3 weeks , then stopped cold turkey . Had biscuits anxiety attacks and depression for about 2 weeks , along with very low libido and trouble keeping erections during sex (never an issue previously , so this shit was scary ) 2 weeks to the day after last injection while maintaining proper diet and lifestyle habits , I woke up with the most clear mind , energetic , and raging hard-on that just doesn’t go away . YOU DONT NEED TESTOSTERONE. Other than a short blast for some super human muscle growth … THAT SHITS FOR THE BIRDS !!

What are the proper tests to diagnose insulin resistance?

Actually I don’t eat frequently. I’m comfortable with eating once a day plus a snack very spaced in time.

It also depends on what you’re eating . Fasting is the best thing for you , but only if you’re feeding your body the plethoras of vitamins and minerals it needs on a daily basis … example … your body needs x amount of vitamin D , x amount of boron ,X amount of vitamin k ( there are so so so many more to talk about , this is just an example )so , think of your body as a bank that loans money whenever you need it . If you don’t get your required amount of those vitamins that day , it’s ok , your body will borrow it from your stores , and shuttle it to your bloodstream where it’s currently needed for energy purposes . What you have to understand is , those specific vitamins I mentioned are stored I. Your bones , and are crucial for density and durability… so if you take out a loan every day , or every few days over time , without paying it back … now you have osteopenia , turns into osteoporosis and your bones are weak and brittle and break easily . That’s why people can “miraculously “ live 100 yrs with no issues , or why a mid 30s person could “miraculously” have low bone density. It has nothing to do with age , it has to do with how much you deprive your body of certain nutrients , and for how long …insulin resistance and nutrient deprivation are one in the same . If your insulin doesn’t work properly you are not absorbing the nutrients you’re eating …

I have my doubts on this one. Doesn’t fasting do things like increase stress hormones unnecessarily? Doesn’t it often result in binge eating?

I don’t have a problem with people doing it. Many have great success with it. I just don’t necessarily think it is the best or optimal.

It’s all about WHAT you’re eating when you break your fast . If you’re not eating the correct foods then it’s jus called anorexia . There’s a fine line there and if you have any doubts about it you should dig through the research .

Also about increasing stress hormones , maybe temporarily, but those are for extremely long fasts . You have to tailor everything to YOUR specific needs . How active you are , how many calories your burn , how often you lift . There’s 12 hr fasts , 16, 18, 20,24 all the way up to 72 . And they each have their own benefits (elevated testosterone and GH levels max out at about 36-40) fasts larger than 16 hrs shouldn’t be done daily unless you’re not active often at all . Trust me , fasting and proper diet will keep you clear of ALL , and can cure MOST problems if done strategically…

Sure, but you have not fuel to build muscle. One could take huge loads of Test and GH, and not eat, and they will lose muscle.

Also important that note , the entire premise of fasting is to get tout body fat adapted , if you eat carbs often in between tour fasts you’ll never achieve this . You’ll always feel like shit and be stressed during a fast because your body is looking for the carbs that it always burns … your temporary in a state of withdrawal until your body learns it can run cleaner and more efficiently on your stored body fat . A fasting mimicking diet is best . Keto , or carnivore with very specific carbs At very specific times if you’re training hard and trying to pack on muscle …

A vegan, a Keto convert, and a Porsche owner all walk into a bar. I know those respective traits about each of them because they won’t stop fucking talking about it.


This thinking is wrong, men with problems show up on these forums looking for answers, you won’t find all the other men who have been dialed in on TRT long term and still feel amazing.

I actually take every single vitamin you mentioned and more. I’ve been doing fasts 10 years ago and this is when my fatigue became severe and never improved no matter what diet I was on since, and no matter what supplements/vitamins I took.

What you say makes sense for some, but I wouldn’t be so certain that your case applies to everyone. I’ve resisted getting on TRT for 8 years, finally gave up. Turned out I was right trying to avoid TRT as it was not the solution in my case. What is? I have no idea…

Is there a test to prove your point about insulin resistance? Got to be one!

I agree but in your own opinion what do you feel like is the best thing for guys to do that have symptoms of low testosterone?

For insulin resistance ,there is a test where you drink some type of sugar solution and the test your blood like 2 hrs later to see if you cleared it properly. I personally would use a CGM (continuous glucose monitor ) this straps your arm and connects to an app so you can watch your blood sugar all day . Record everything you eat , and compare it to your chart . The idea is to keep blood sugar levels stable . The best way to do this is to cut out carbs almost completely. NO WHEAT, grains,rice, sugar , and FUCK fruit . It is NOT good for you in high amounts . Yes , fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them …however , a lot of them also have phytic acid , and oxalates in them . This doesn’t allow your body to absorb the nutrients they contain . They will also disrupt the absorption of other essential nutrients .

The vitamins I mentioned were just to help illustrate my point . It’s not even close to all of what you need . There are so many more the body needs . Tell me more about the diets you’ve tried . Were you eating everything organic ? Was all your meat grass fed/grass FINISHED? If you’re eating store bought “grass fed” meat that’s a problem . FDA allows companies to claim their meat is grass fed if they feed it grass for a portion of its life . Then , about 5 months before the kill , they load it with corn and grains to fatten it up and yield more weight from their cows . This drastically changes the fatty acid profile of the meat . The omega 3 goes way down , while omega 6 rises way up . Higher omega 6 to omega 3 ratio is horrible for humans . It instills inflammation through the body . Let me just stop here , and ask … where are you from ? Do you train daily ? Do you manage stress levels through meditation , yoga , weight training , running . Are you getting adequate sunlight daily ? Are you practicing cold exposure ? Do you have a healthy MEANINGFUL sex life ? What EXACTLY iS your diet like ? Do you get up and get your blood moving first thing in the morning ? Is your salt intake coming from REAL SALT , or that iodized bullshit ? How many grams of carbs are you eating daily ? How much of those carbs come from glucose , how much from fructose? How many calories are you burning daily ? What’s your aim to intake daily ? What’s your macro nutrient breakdown ? It seems to me you may just have some cobwebs built up from the desensitation of society … and you need to get out of your head and just throw yourself in the most absolute uncomfort zone . Wake up , get moving , run , do some pushups throw yourself in an ice cold shower . Go out in nature , walk barefoot , go out in the elements shirtless. Make sure you’re drinking 1/2 tsp real salt per gallon of water . Utilize lemon and apple cider vinegar before meal times (this increases stomach acid which in turn will help absorb more of what you eat ) low stomach acid is a big problem .

The big problem is SOCIETY. We have come a long way from how are ancestors used to live . They had it figured out and they fucking TTHRIVED as carnivore hunters . Then came along FARMING which brought with it rampant disease. Then in the 60s when they introduced wheat and grains and breakfast cereals as the “staple of your diet” … we became the fattest most miserable human beings to ever live on this planet … this is bits and pieces from 5 years scouting through medical journals , anecdotal evidence , doctor testimonials , and the worlds most in depth researchers on diet and nutrition . I can’t educate you completely through this thing . If you answer all those questions maybe I can point you in the direction of the people I learned from …

Plenty of things cause ED. Stress, in particular.

People often discover different causes when investigating this symptom. It is not purely Test = erections and energy.

Why did you start TRT? Did your environment change in a way to make you start feeling less energetic? Did this continue after medicating for hormones?

Also important to know , most supplements are trash . They’re not what you need . You want to aim to get everything from your diet . Animal sources mainly . These are the most bio available sources of any nutrient … do you eat fish often ? Because omega 3 is incredibly important …you may want to think about asking your doctor to do an INTRA-CELLULAR vitamin and mineral test . It’s important that you explain this to him , he may not even know what it is … if you go in and ask for a vitamin and mineral deficiency Test , all they’re going to do is test what’s floating around in your blood , it’ll probably look good because your body can borrow them from your cells …that’s the “loan” I was talking about . The intra-cellular is pretty self explanatory, it tests the levels inside your cells . That’s where it’s really important .
Selenium , copper, boron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, sodium , chromium , iodine ,glycine , calcium ,zinc , phosphorus … some of the essential minerals your body needs . They are all extremely bio available coming from animal sources . Beef liver , beef heart , beef spleen , bone broth , and muscle meat are the best sources for these , along with every single vitamin on the list . If you eat for pleasure, you should learn to change that , that’s where things get tricky . Know , food is fuel and medicine , nothing more . YOU MUST TRAIN ,and train hard . Lift heavy , sprint until you feel like you’re going to puke , fast strategically, eat grass finished . You WILL feel better than you ever have in your entire life …

Where and how do things just float around in your blood?

Just curious.