There Are No Safe Methods For Recreational AAS Use

Cool. Glad Nomad asked for clarification, since it was overlooked in all this mess and is a critical first step.

I’d suggest that men 25 years or older, who are experienced in the gym and have a decent training and nutrition plan in place, and use anabolics for 8-16 weeks followed by a well-designed PCT are “not likely to be hurt or harmed” by a cycle of anabolics. The keyword I really appreciate there, as per Mr. Merriam and Mr. Webster, is likely. It’s a bit of real-world wiggle room, like relatively.

And we see threads from those types of guys all the time. When someone falls outside of those criteria, either via age or experience or training/nutrition plan, they’re consistently told that they should not proceed with their planned cycle because it’s dangerous.

I’mma go have a good weekend. Can’t wait to see what Monday holds in store.