The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)

This has nothing to do with politics. This is about processing information.

In addition to falling for the tweet that misrepresents someone’s words, you also come to the conclusion that pointing out the falsehood is “falling over myself to defend” Greene.

With mental gymnastics like that it’s no wonder you’re so woke. Don’t forget to keep living your truth.


Can it really even be said to just misrepresent Greene’s words? Seems more like an outright lie.

Maybe. Charlie Johnson says “Marjorie Taylor Greene says COVID is a bioweapon because God would never create a fatal illness that harms people.” AOC takes Charlie Johnson’s statement as fact and says, “Tell me you’ve never read the Bible without telling me you’ve never read the Bible.”

So…one liar, and one POS taking liar’s statement as fact. But it’s just them trying to interpret her stance.

Based on her interview, what do you think her stance is? And you better not pick the most sane version, because that would NOT fit with her past history…

Give me a link to the interview. I could only find a few seconds of it(I didn’t look hard). But her stance doesn’t matter in the context of a discussion about Cortez’s tweet. A guy lied about what Greene said, and Cortez took the guy’s lie as fact.

Great, so you don’t know what she said… But still knee jerk rushed to her defense claiming everyone lied about what she said.

Why can’t we all agree she is fucking nuts, point and laugh at her? This is the Jewish space laser lady! She deserves, and will get from me, zero benefit of the doubt. Trash person. Do you disagree?

I can read the quotes in the Axios article. And I can see the small portion of the interview from which those quotes are taken.

Didn’t do this.

I did do this. But only because they did.

Who cares. This is like Beavis going after Butthead. MTG believes in: Qanon, Jewish space lasers causing forest fires, compared mask mandates to the holocaust, and thinks that at least a couple of mass shootings at schools were false flag operations. She’s a fucking moron.

Meanwhile AOC is a democratic Socialist. If you think that because they use the word democratic in front of socialist that makes it kinda’ OK, think again. She can prove over and over again with her tweets that she’s a moron but it’s like beating a dead horse. All she had to do was open her mouth and say she’s a dS. From that point on everything else she says can be dismissed.

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This is the stupid thread, where we do our best to shine a light on stupid behavior. Sometimes that backfires, like when what you thought was clever actually turned out to be even stupider than the stupidity you thought you were highlighting.

Then the mental gymnastics necessary to avoid a moment of self-reflection take place, where we learn that AOC’s tweet didn’t actually mean what it said. Nor does it matter that the re-tweeted tweet was a lie. Nor does it matter that the article linked in the original tweet exposes the lie. We should all just be poking fun at Greene, even if we’re making stuff up about her to poke fun at.

I watched what interview was linked and she was quite clear. She believes the virus was man-made. She doesn’t believe in evolution. Nowhere did she imply that there were no deadly diseases depicted in the Bible.

Stupid thread, indeed.

If you want to attack the ideas of creationism and, by extension, those who espouse them, please refer to the fantastic video series I mentioned. I linked part 1 above.

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OK all that’s fine, but I’m not sure why you aimed it at me. I never weighed in on AOC’s tweet about MJT. I never attacked the ideas of creationism or those who espouse them. My point was that these two nitwits have proven themselves to be heroes of the stupid long before this non event. We could make stupid threads for each of them individually and they’d provide content on a weekly basis.

Because I was answering the question of “who cares”.

Got it. It was more of a statement than a question which is why I didn’t use a question mark. I did click on that video but it was about 7 minutes and 10 seconds too long considering the subject matter.

I’m sorry for making you feel like I took aim at you. That wasn’t my intention. I used your question with a period of “who cares” as a jumping off point for my screed that wasn’t meant to be directed at you. To be clear, it was directed at @Californiagrown.

I hope that clears things up. I generally agree with everything else you wrote that I did not quote the first time around.

No worries!

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I don’t know if it’s a misrepresentation or not since I can’t be bothered to read the tweets to derive the proper context but, if so, I think she’s being more disingenuous than stupid and it works for her fan base. Not that I think she’s very bright, though. I just despise most politicians so I think about intent first when hearing or reading about anything they do.

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I don’t mind-read, but if I had to guess I’d guess that she’s just being lazy. Taking something at face value because (insert AOC reasons here). It obviously struck her as a good jumping off point for her take on a recent meme. Beyond that, I cannot begin to fathom her masterful political reasoning, college dropout that I am.

I once believed I’m obviously less foolish than she is. I’m obviously not, because I don’t have a new Tesla or a fat government salary. I’m just one of those rubes doing my best to make things so people have things during a time when we all get to learn what its like to not have the things we want to have when we want to have them.

If there’s one real-world, non-military outcome that governments can reliably produce, it is the shortage.



I’d assume every time a, as in ANY, politician opens his/her mouth, that person is lying or distorting things. AOC just says the most hilariously dumb out shit of most out of them consistently so even if I give her the benefit of the doubt that what she’s not misrepresenting the person in question, I’d still think she’s being hyperbolic.

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Yeah, like I said, I don’t think she’s very bright lol.

To be really clear, I think she’s close to a fucking moron but even morons have certain skills which I don’t know whether are instinctual or not when it comes to manipulating their audience and even individuals in general.

Look at how many dumb bimbos snag rich dudes and get rich after divorcing them.

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3 blinks and Jesus was a hippie.

MTG said covid had to be a bioweapon. Why? Her answer was because she doesn’t believe in evolution.

The implication being that covid couldn’t have evolved through nature (because God), and God wouldn’t create this deadly virus, only man’s arrogance/greed could have created this bioweapon.

It’s really not much of a leap to get to the tweet AOC quoted.