The Stupid Thread 2 (Part 1)

The Trump Handshake, as it’s known by the ladies.


Technically, that’s grabbing the actual ball.

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Sure. You grab the ball by the holes. Or the woman by the front hole.

You grab the ball through the holes, but you don’t grab the holes. Try holding a donut hole. Are you holding the hole, or the donut?

You just have to apply outward force to the inside walls.

This of course leads to the question of where the hole ends and surrounding substance begins, but for all practical purposes, the inside walls pretty well define the boundaries of a given hole of virtually any type.

And are you holding the woman or her…front hole?

Her self-esteem.

Sadly this came to mind about the lack of doctors…

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Sounds like a single man’s job. Certainly a more enjoyable client than mine.

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Male’s room, female’s room. Done.

Says it all.

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“Periods are not just for women”

Ya, def not a mental disorder…



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That might be the greatest fucking gif I’ve ever seen

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“I have to navigate the challenges of getting my period every month in a world that refuses to acknowledge that not everyone who gets their period is a woman, and not every woman gets their period”

Wait, the world doesn’t acknowledge that some women don’t get periods? Has this person not heard of menopause? Biology is obviously not his/her/its strong point.

“But now that my appearance has tipped the scale toward masculine, I’ve found myself ushered out of a lot women’s bathrooms by moms with young daughters.”

This never happened.

90% of that drivel is it dealing with its insecurities. The other 10%, utter nonsense.