The Danish Viking: back to 531: Road to 2-3-4 Plates

Band Pull Apart.
We just got the airdyne this spring at the gym at my work.
It’s an absolute killer. Did a tabata workout on it. Damn it’s hard.

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It always looks it whenever I watch Fittest on Earth (Crossfit documentary). I attend two gyms, the manager at one could maybe be coaxed to get one but they just got new spinning bikes so I doubt it. The manager at the other gym is not open to anything so there is really no point in trying with him even.

There is a Crossfit gym in town that I might end up living closer to in a year’s time. So, worst case - I’ll be on one in a year x).

I’ll be following your log!


Cheers man welcome to the Viking log.

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woke at 82,2 kg - 181,2 lb
about 2900 calories yesterday.

Todays training

The Danish Vikings Darkhorse

W9D3: Bench variation 3RM “Bench Revenge”

Warmup: Jump rope, stretches, BPA, yoga stuff.

Dynamic warmup: 4 rounds starting every second minute

  • jump rope

  • kneeling buttom up KB press each arm x 6

  • BPA x 12

  • mountain climbers x 20


  • BB x 10: DL, row, hang clean, front squat, strict press, back squat, GM, push press

Main Giant set:

  • BB row: 8 x 5 @ 60 kg

  • CG Bench press 5 x 60, 3 x 70, 77.5, 85, 1 x 90 kg

  • 67,5 kg x 10, 8, 8

  • Standing band oblique crunch x 10 each side.

  • Farmers walk stairs 2x20 kg each hand 8 x 30 seconds

OHP emom

  • 10 x 3 @ 46 kg


  • Pushups 50 reps: 15, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5 about 15 seconds pause.

Done in 50 minutes

Really thought I had 3 reps for 90 kg, apparently not. Got almost 2. Sticking point I CGBP is at a higher spot than regular BP.

Assistance was just 50 reps with short pauses right after OHP.

Was in a hurry again.


Keep digging it will pay off. I notice that the reloads you took mid training have left you “fresher” to finish

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I’ve been watching some Viking shows on Netflix and Prime TV. The Last Kingdom on Netflix and Vikings is on Prime.

I know it’s your heritage and all, but Vikings really seem like horrible people :laughing:.

They thought it was a bad thing to own some land and farm and live off the land. They wanted to kill, rape, and steal instead. They weren’t satisfied after raiding a village and getting tons of silver. They just wanted to do it again.

It’s entertaining television and all, but they seem like jerks!


Neither is a great rendition of all things Viking. There were some Vikings like that, sure. A lot were merchant traders and explorers. The boat design happens to be great either way, regardless of you coming into the harbor to kill and pillage or to trade and befriend.


One of my favorite shows ever actually lol. I’m 1/4 Norwegian and I’m extremely into those shows and Viking history. So much so that I’m actually trying to design a tattoo concept that incorporates a little Viking history into an American theme. It’s so cool to me. The classic big Viking in furs with some sort of berserker-esque hairstyle is the epitome of Alpha to me. SO cool.

I will agree though, they do seem like jerks lol. Everywhere you look it’s raping and pillaging. But surely they get along, right? Wrong. They’re treasonous murderers on their own soil. At least in TV shows… Definitely interesting stuff


Yeah that’s great isn’t it :slight_smile:

Nah @Voxel said it quite right. Yes they were a warriors, but also farmers and merchants.

Yeah Hog, but I have put my dynamic warmup to a bare minimum and my assistance is not as great. But yeah that week has made me good.

The confusing part has been that they don’t expand much. I think they’re trying to do that in The Last Kingdom. I’m in season 1 of Vikings and there was mention of spreading to the west.

I understand conquering and ruling other nations. That’s been done since the beginning of time. I don’t understand going to another land, killing everyone, taking slaves, and taking their treasure and then going back home. That would be like us Americans going back to England :joy:

I assumed it’s not an entirely accurate representation of all things Viking. It wouldn’t be entertaining TV to watch farmers. We want blood!


Well, Vikings didn’t really operate as a nation, it was more each Jarl to their own. So,

is basically the same as going on a hunting trip.


Woke at 82,5 kg - 181,9 lb
3000 calories yesterday.

@Frank_C for the vikings killing taking slaves and stuff and going back isn’t the whole truth.
We ruled England (or at least 3 out of 4 English kingdoms) for some years in the late 1000 by the king “Knut the Great” when he died his son ruled for some years but he did not have the same power as his father and lost the throne.
The Vikings settled for many years in England and other countries as well as farmers and mechants. the whole Viking period stretched over well over 250 years.
Well we don’t do it anymore and live in our own country.
You guys on the other hand took America in quite the same way :slight_smile:


I did not know this.

Nor did I, but Danish Television made a serie about Denmarks history last year.
That’s were I heard about it. It was quite good actually.
EDIT: btw hope you’ll be well soon. I hate being sick.

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Do you remember the name? Maybe I can find it and watch it, hopefully with subtitles or else I’ll be pausing every 5s.

Cheers, I appreciate that a lot. As do I.

Not quite. We played nice for awhile and then spread disease to the Indians to help eliminate them. We were deceptive which is probably worse. And we’re still here!

I spoke too soon about the Vikings. I just started season 2 and they’re talking about taking land in England and staying.


hahaha Yeah our ancestors weren’t that nice :slight_smile:

Todays training

The Danish Vikings Darkhorse

W9D4: DL variation 1RM What a finish to a great program
Yippie-Ki-Yay, MF!

Warmup: yoga stuff, stretces

Dynamic warmup: 4 rounds of

  • Airdyne 30 seconds

  • Ergo rower 30 seconds

  • goblet squat x 10@12 kg

  • BPA x 15


  • BB x 8+6, DL, row, hang clean, front squat, strict press, back squat, GM, push press

Main Giant set

  • KB sving 8 x 6 @ 24 kg

  • Deficit DL 3 x 110(D), 120(1D2H), 1 x 130(B+M), 140(B+M), 155 kg PR (342 lb)

  • 125 kg x 6, 5, 5 all sets (B+S)

  • Plank 8 x 15 seconds

  • Burpees x 6

DE Squat emom

  • 10 x 3 82,5 kg

Assistance giant set

  • Bulgarian Split squat 3 x 10 @ 2x10 kg dumbell

  • RDL 3 x 10 @ 60 kg

  • AB wheel 3 x 10

  • dip 3 x 5 @ BW

Done in 1 hour.

Last workout and a great one too indeed.

Never pulled more than 150 kg and 155 from a deficit is a massive PR for me. Very happy with this.

I felt it flew from the floor, expected it to be a bit of a grind if I could get it up at all. Had the 150 kg in my mind but when loading I thought, I’ll do it the @losthog way and load the damn bar up. There might have been 160 kg in me today.

Time to deload for a week. 4 workouts 2 working up to a heavy single + 1 or 2 sets of speed / technique. 2 workouts doing emom sets for 6 minutes 3 reps with 50-60%.

First two WO’s as giant set, last two after EMOM some core work. Some rest days some good clean eating and then “Hammer time”
Yippie-Ki-Yay, MF! As my hero John McClane says.


It is called “historien om Danmark” from DR TV. It’s on the web if there is subtitles, I don’t know it looks as if there is, but I do not have the skills to find them :slight_smile:

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