Testosterone Cream - Pros & Cons

Thanks for posting this, it’s very interesting to see even just at a glance the variety of protocols people feel good on. I feel like it almost immediately gave me a clearer big picture understanding of the whole field.

If you don’t mind, I’m curious about a few things:

Do you have any old guys? I’m talking older than 70yo. What do you look out for? What are your apprehensions about treating them?

How many of those men on that list who feel good have been on TRT for a long time, let’s say 5 or more years, and are still doing well on the same protocol? Good libido, mental function, drive/energy, etc…

It’s interesting that so few are on an AI. Is it that most of them never even tried because they felt good enough, or did a decent number of them try and didn’t like it or couldn’t make it work?

EDIT: One last question as I just noticed something. Do you have no one feeling good on less than 120mg/week total? That’s where your list starts and it seems to be ordered by increasing dosage.