Teen's Road to Physique Competition

Ok so I know it has been quite a while and this is probably long overdue, but I have honestly just been keeping my head down and training. I have been running a 4-day per week daily undulating per-iodized split, with reverse pyramid training for my 6 priority movements. I run the cycle in 4 week waves, varying their rep scheme every week and taking the 4th week off from the gym and just partaking in other forms of exercise. The workouts rotate in an a/b fashion with a being squat bench and rows and b being dead lift, overhead press and pull ups. The weeks alternate the days based on a high rep/low rep day. Week 1 high rep day is 15 reps and low rep day is 8 reps. Week 2 is 12 and 5 reps respectively and week 3 is 8 reps and 3 reps respectively, and the cycle resets. A sample day would be say 230x15 on squats, then drop the weight to say 205, hit a set one rep short of failure and then drop again to say 185 and repeat. This RPT carries over to all the other lifts in a similar fashion. On high rep days I rest 60-90 seconds between sets and on low rep days I rest 3 minutes. So far I have gotten my squat to 330x3, bench to 190x3 and dead-lift to 415x1. As well as my OHP to 135x3, row to 210x3 and pull ups to 205x3. I am roughly 159 pounds and will post the pictures to see where my physique is at. I would love input as to what I should do from here, with the end goal still being of competing. If I should cut or continue this sort of bulk and any other input will all be soaked up by me and given great weight. Thank you guys, the pictures should follow this post.

@IronAndMetal @BrickHead @robstein @The_Mighty_Stu