Tax Cuts: Good or Nah?

That’s exactly what it is. That, plus a PR gift to Trump for acquiescing to their rent-seeking vis a vis the tax bill. (Banks benefit disproportionately from the bill.) Frankly, I’m surprised you would fall for such a thing.


I didn’t fall for anything. That publicity stunt is more cash in employees pockets. Let’s hope all these evil corporations keep up the publicity stunts. Robert craft is opening a new factory in the south, damn Patriots, he probably cheated though.

Good for these employees. Let’s hope everyone does something like this. What was the hesitation though? Bank of America could have done this last year or the year before. What was their bonus before this? I doubt it would have been zero.

But hey according to this article (bottom) a savings of about 3.5 billion. I haven’t looked up the specifics of what it would actually be mind you with the new legislation. So what’s giving the peons a small piece of that? 1,000 for them. 20 million for the CEO.

Good for BoA though. Always helping out the little guys like those poor super rich down on their luck people. And hey what’s this amount to say look how good tax cuts are? After all what’s the point of spending a few million a year on lobbying if you can’t give the government back a good look when they scratch your back?

Keep that envy going bro. It’s sure to make you rich any minute.

You still don’t get it. The cash in their pockets will be taken from the pockets of other citizens. They are robbing Peter to pay Paul, and you are giving them kudos for doing so.

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Yes corporate profits always lead to better gains for workers. That’s why the tax cuts couldn’t just go to the middle class predominantly the people who spend money in the economy. It needed to go to the wealthiest because then a bit might trickle down and a bit more might trickle to a third jet!

That’s your response to that? I guess when you have no ammunition you can always try a personal attack.

So our corporations should pay more than the other g20/OECD nations?

Why are you guys so bent out of shape over a tax cut that levels the playing field with the rest of the damn world? I know you hate Trump. But damn. You must enjoy paying more taxes.

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You’re the one using the “but the wealthy”. Reasoning. Don’t worry, the top 20% Will continue to shoulder over 80% of the tax burden. I’m not even close to wealthy, but I’m trying to get there.

A poor person never gave anyone a job. Let’s not eat the rich just yet.

You beat me to it, good stuff ED. The AT&T’s of the world were sitting on mountains of cash for 8 years but saw no good reason to give out such bonuses or raises, and therefore no splashy statements being emitted from their PR departments. Now they get the tax cut they want (and lobbied for), and it’s bonuses and raises, oh and by the way, more importantly, big headlines about how we’re giving away bonuses and raises with the new monies.

They’re crowing about it publicly as part of the deal - as PR cover for an unpopular bill that benefits them.

It’s the height of naivete to believe that these corporations have been wanting to give out bonuses to the working stiffs, but doggonit, there just wasn’t any money left over in the till after these high taxes were paid, but oh happy day, now that tax bill is lowered through this awesome tax reform, and now we finally have some margin left over to give to our long-suffering employees. Hurray!


Why are you bent out of shape over Obamacare? You must hate people having health care. Why are you bent out of shape over the stimulus package? You must hate spending to generate economic growth? Why are you bent out of shape over bank bailouts? You must hate banks. Why are you bent out of shape over being in Afghanistan still? You must love terrorism.

@h_factor red herring called. Should I keep straw man on hold? I can’t find anyone to give me an answer. Why should the USA pay more taxes than everyone else?

For the life of me, I cannot understand why you keep bringing this up.

IIRC, you used to be a debt/deficit hawk. Am I confusing you with someone else–Dick Cheney, perhaps?

Exactly, and well put to boot.


Lol seriously? You use a red herring in a post then complain when one is used to make a point back at you? C’mon man.

And having people be like “look I told you if the super wealthy got a bit more money they would share a crumb or two with the workers!”

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This bill normalizes our marginal rates and territorial tax system with the people we compete with. It isn’t some crazy giveaway to the rich. We always here from the left how great the rest of the world is and how globalism isn’t a bad thing. Well, let’s emulate the rest of the world with our tax policy then.

I would like to see the debt go down. But seeing as how there’s literally nobody on any ballot in the USA that will actually do that, I’ll take more liberty for $1000 alex. The USA doesn’t have a tax receipt problem, it has a spending problem. Federal revenue is north of $3.3 Trillion. The debt will not go down until someone does something with spending. Waiting for the nashing of teeth when that happens.

Lefties have no legs to stand on in regard to the debt, especially after Obama.

This is always so weird to me for middle class people like yourself (I’m assuming and I’m middle class as well so certainly not a diss) to point out.

It’s like someone says “you know a smaller and smaller portion of people control a massive amount of the wealth and it has increased big time lately?”

And then: Well yeah but those guys that keep having their wealth increase like crazy “shoulder” a lot of the tax burden. As if these super wealthy people are out there saying “man don’t ever become one of the 1% you have to lift up all these other fuckers. Wish I’d quit continuing to gain more and more wealth like crazy because wouldn’t you know it my taxes!!”


I said:

Is that an out of bounds statement in regard to taxes? Everyone keeps saying “this benefits the wealthy”. Of course “tax” reform benefits the wealthy they shoulder the OVERWHELMING majority of the tax burden. I find the anti-corporate sentiment amusing also.

We went around for 1000s of post on this topic last year. If Joe Schmoe makes an extra $1 million in a business that’s unrelated to you. How are you harmed?

The rich will always get richer, no matter what the environment. It’s pissing into the wind to think that can be changed.

It’s called the power of large numbers. (sarcasm?)