Talking Libertarianism

The EconTalk podcast was interesting, Polo. Thanks. Enjoyed the history related to Friedman, Greenspan, etc…

@Basement_Gainz. That thread has really moved on, but I wanted to say. This was a good comment. I’m pretty sure most of @zecarlo 's ire was aimed at me. That’s cool. I’m used to not being the smartest person in the room. I like her novels, and I’m cool with having dreadful taste in books. If you ever want some recommendations for some dreadful literature, I can set you up with some really trashy romance novels. No problem.

You need to be at least a level TEN Deplorable to like Ayn Rand, Beans. I estimate that you’re only about a level three, so they probably aren’t for you. Ha! Also, it’s helpful to have crap taste in books, and know jack about philosophy. Fortunately, I meet all of the above criteria. Seriously, there are a lot of good books out there, @countingbeans, and we all like different things. I got @Drew1411 to read Atlas last year on his vacation, which was cool. My kid read Anthem as required reading in high school, so that was also fun for me. I like it when people I like will talk books with me.