Supplements for the average joe

nice hijacking the thread dickheads

anyways OP, run test at 500 and deca at at least 400…

deca doesnt actually protect your joints and ligaments… pure broscience, just because it doesnt hurt, doesnt mean ur not injured.

anyhoo, run test at 14 weeks or so and deca at 12… 8 weeks for deca isnt enough. Run adex .5m EOD or .25mg ED

start hcg after week 3 and end before pct.

[quote]jimbopv123 wrote:
its amazing to say the least… everyones been noticing… and i workout in a sweatshirt for christ sakes!![/quote]
Speaking of which, what’s up with people working out in sweatshirts? Don’t you guys get hot? Doesn’t it screw up your movement?

I love wearing a sweatshirt during my workout :slight_smile:

[quote]Michael Crehan wrote:

[quote]jimbopv123 wrote:
its amazing to say the least… everyones been noticing… and i workout in a sweatshirt for christ sakes!![/quote]
Speaking of which, what’s up with people working out in sweatshirts? Don’t you guys get hot? Doesn’t it screw up your movement?[/quote]

On a serious note wearing a sweatshirt helps me to develop a mind to muscle connection. Secondly, For me its more of a mental thing. I rarely ever show my body to myself or other people at the gym … however…then a day will come when i need an ego boost and ill wear a tank and everyones just like wtf lol

Yeah I stoped wearing tank tops I prefer to stay covered up

automatically respect any big guy working out in a hoody

Tank top for me I like showing off :slight_smile:

[quote]strmiskac019 wrote:
up 10 lbs so far, no change in bodyfat as of right now…running the deca at 250 because i have never experimented with this compound before. yes i have heard that running at 250 is too low, but it seems to be doing the job for me thus far. test at 500 seems to be the sweet spot for me. people at the gym are asking what i am on lol. some water retention, but other than that just running adex as needed. i have run it through my entire cycle before, and it greatly hindered my gains. the tennis elbow i was experiencing seems to be non existent now. the real reason i was running the deca was to give me some added joint protection as well as some anabolic effect. [/quote]

Always pay attention to the elbow and rotators. It can come back to bite you bad. I always preach: lift for a number of years before any cycle,start out slow. If you try to do too much with the gear your joints won’t be able to handle it and you’ve injured yourself but also wasted your gear.

Rest is the only thing that really works for joints. Don’t squeeze tightly on the bar either.

Looks like you have the right body type for thickness. Just don’t hurry things.

Glad your diggin the cycle!

I’m wanting to start my first steroid cycle of deca and tes and I need info.? Update : I want to run this cycle for 10 weeks max not so much for the gains but for the healing properties for joints etc… What would be appropriate dosages of each and what kind of test? Plus how much would this cost?
Update 2: I’m also 20 years old 5’10"and I weigh around 170 bf % is 10-11

Already answered you dumb ass question in the thread you started asking the same thing.

Lol thread is from 2012

I am about to run my first test/deca cycle. I have two bottles of each. Liquid tamoxifen citrate and liquid anastrozole can any one help me with guidelines on how to run this properly im 5’9 about 165lbs and 15% bf if that matters… thanks