Summing up GW Bush

To sum things up nice and tidy… George W Bush cannot do anything without fucking it up! Left in his wake are a string of failed businesses, a failed and corrupt governorship, and now a failing and MOST CORRUPT presidency of this century, that has screwed up the lives of too many Americans (I can think of 800 right off the bat). If we elect him then this country is more stupid than I could have possibly imagined, and we will deserve our fate. Natural selection will have spoken (if it hasn’t already)!

Whew! Rant over. I had to get that out.

Wahhaa, you get nuttier with every post my friend!

Yeah, GW is an awesome pres! Who would have thought that my car runs just as good on middle-eastern blood as it does on gasoline!

“MOST CORRUPT presidency of this century”

Hmmm since we are in a new century he is the only president of this century, so perhaps this is a trick statement. On the other hand, while Bush has done many stupid things, if you think that Bush is more currupt than Clinton, then your judgement is so far off that to even begin would be useless.

I am voting for Bush!


“Batty” is right.

Did you ever see the return on investment GWB got on his owenrship of the Rangers? I suspect not.

Another ridiculous claim: failed governorship. What are smoking? He did just fine governing Texas - if you don’t think so, read Bob Bullock’s stuff. The late Texas politician, a Democrat, has nothing but good things to say about his partnership with GWB. You obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

Most corrupt Presidency of the century? You mean not counting Warren Harding? How about Richard Nixon, who stepped down to avoid impeachment over Watergate? How about Bill Clinton, who was impeaced by the House?

This is the dumbest thread I’ve read yet - and I’m embarrassed for you. Go do some homework. Get a history book and stop believeing everything you read on the Internet.

Pure ignorance.

My house payment is $500 a month less thanks to the low interest rates that came about on GWs watch. I’m not doing so bad. Oh, that’s right, his economic policy will drive us all to the poor house.

I don’t see much major upheaval in my neck of the woods no matter who’s at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. The people that were willing to drag their ass out of bed, brush their teeth, grab a cup of coffee, and go to work under Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, and now Bush II will generally fair OK. The less energetic folks…well, they always have something to bitch about. It’s easier than working I guess.

Roy, you live in the off topic section.


Great post!!! Have to go now, planet Earth is calling.


ahh can’t wait til the new T-Nation comes out and i can ignore the stupid bullshit political threads that all say the same shit over and over.

Hahaha… you can ignore them now… but you just can’t resist… can you? :stuck_out_tongue:

Quit being such a faggot Roy. I can tell you have a lot of hate for Bush and conservatives in general because you always start stupid threads bashing them. You seldom offer an alternative or talk about the postives of this alternative. Why not talk about how great Kerry is? Because he’s not. Then there must be another way, a third or fourth or fifth option that would be better. No, you like to criticize and tear down because you love hating. Sad and stupid. And I’m sick of all these lame-ass political threads. I hope there is a lame-ass politcal forum on the new T-Nation.

Roy wrote:

“If we elect him then this country is more stupid than I could have possibly imagined, and we will deserve our fate.”

Isn’t that a bit too much?

“Whew! Rant over. I had to get that out.”

Maybe you should address what’s wrong in your own life that makes you feel so compelled.

Language like this doesn’t suggest you’d be a productive contributor to a political discussion, no matter what position you hold. It says you’re a bad listener, and you don’t care what other people say.

Honestly, like it really matters who you vote for. Come on guys. They are all the same. Just Puppets.

all this Bush bashing is just liberal hate speech…

All this Bush praising is just conservative cheerleading. A republican pep rally.

Although, I must admit, I don’t know what Roy expected when he made this post.

I just looked back over the off topic section for the past couple months and couldn’t find one single positive thread started by a liberal to show a positive point of view from their side. That is freaking hilarious. I did find many positive threads dealing with conservative issues. The latest being the death and remembrance of a republican presidant. Which the liberals on this forum still managed to muddy the waters with negative posts about a recently deceased man. To all you free thinking and “positive” liberals out there, go back look over what you all have been writing or better yet anyone in college take it to a professor, even a liberal one and ask them to review the debate. Nothing but pure negative energy in the democratic party these days. Very Sad.

Veg, you shouldn’t paint everyone with one brush. Sure, one or two people trampled through the Reagan thread, but others didn’t, or had something respectful to say. Did you miss that?

With all of your talk of parallel universes and spirituality one would have not thought you we’re so narrow minded! Very disappointing!

You conservatives are just going to have to understand that “hate” is not bad when it is directed at a party and a person. But…whatever you do…never under any conditions speak a negative word about the act of homosexuality!