Steroids for Ecto

I’m somewhere in the middle. I do agree that there’s some guys who have no business touching gear because they haven’t done the proper research and are just begging to fuck up their health. I don’t necessarily think they should be flamed but I do get that it gets tiring telling guys every day that they’re not ready. Still, I think the main purpose of this forum is to help others, so ranting, although sometimes deserved, doesn’t really accomplish much (not pointing fingers at anyone, just speaking in general terms).

Regarding 150lb dudes that want to cycle, I think as long as they come with a well thought out plan and not with some bullshit oral-only cycle or something of the sort, they deserve the help, albeit maybe with a disclaimer that they’d be better of just training and eating better. Sure, they’d be better of waiting until they’ve earned their spurs but, in the end, it’s their choice and who are we to judge?

[quote]willden wrote:
I’m not the one who slams every newbie in the hashest way possible. Let’s see some pics and numbers pre gear from you before you start trashing every newbie who hasn’t made progress natty…

To be fair, while Reed’s delivery may be abrasive (hilariously so) to those who don’t appear to have put in the time or done their homework, he is very helpful to those of us who have…

[quote]Reed wrote:
Looks good keep the Var will keep collagen synthesis high and protect the tendons from being put under a ton of stress. Looks like it a pretty basic and good to go run. Personally I wouldn’t waste the money on HCG but that’s just me and Arimidex will be plenty.

Holy shit! I’ve been a member on these boards for a little while and this is my first post. I’ve spent the last year or so just reading comments and posts and this shit of 150 pounders is cyclic. Maybe the weather getting warm, fuck Idunno?

I’m an old guy that didn’t touch shit until I was 35 and deployed to a foreign fucking country. But I did my goddam homework! The age of the fucking internet! Wanna know what was around when I was in my late teen/early 20’s? A couple of books and YMCA rumors!

Eat you dumb motherfucker! 6 fucking years! Really?! Even some restricted Crossfittosser KetofuckingPaleo diet and a barbell are gonna put on a couple pounds of muscle on your scrawny ass! Is your next question gonna be where to get gear?

Vets, this ain’t much of a first post but FFS, new/ inexperienced as fuck people and other members calling out guys that put their time in the gym, kitchen table, and these boards! I can’t sit on the sideline any more.



[quote]Lift-up-put-down wrote:
Vote for reed. Extra extra vote for reed today! Come one come all.

Haha I joke; but I agree with reed entirely[/quote]

If anybody here shouldn’t be talking…

I looked at your thread, and while I fully admit that your diet and cycle plan seemed fairly well thought out, your lifts, size, and overall level of development are rather lacking for someone choosing to cycle.

However, while I think helping people is good, Reed’s comments are just too fucking funny.

Yes and in my thread, I also stated how I knew my development was not impressive to say the least, that I was only 24, and was doingmy cycle for my own personal reasons, after doing my own research.

If you read my thread, youd also have read about my foot condition, and nerve impigement, reducing all my lifts down to the bar 2 years ago.

Bit of a rip for no reason I believe?

Not to mention I put on 50lbs training naturally and eating right before I decided to cycle.

obvious troll is obvious.

prepare ur meals the day before, make sure ur getting ur macros, good game enjoy the easy ride to 175+(at 6’0)

[quote]Lift-up-put-down wrote:
Bit of a rip for no reason I believe?

Not really.

You openly acknowledge that you are not what most here would consider an ideal candidate for AAS. So how do you get the right to judge others for the same thing? How do you presume to know that someone else doesn’t have equally compelling reasons as yours for choosing to use? (Granted this guy a complete fucking moron, but that’s another story)

There’s also something you might need to explain. This is from your log:

“Ive been cleared to move again and do weights, which I have been for 2 months.”

You say you’ve put on 50lbs from lifting. Well, whether those 50lbs were put on before your 2 year hiatus or within those 2 months of lifting afterward, I’ve got some unpleasant news for you: it’s all fat now. Unfortunately, physiology is a bitch that way. 205 at 6’4" is still a fucking twig, unless you’re sub 8% BF.

Look, I’m not doing this to be a dick. If you’re a responsible adult that wants to juice and does it right, great, more power to ya. And as I said, looks like you did a reasonable job. I think it’s rather hypocritical of you to criticize others for being ill-prepared though.

I put the fifty lbs on before. And did gain quite a bit of fat, and had quite a bit of muscle atrophy. So I agree there. And, frankly I dont want to get into an argument online because its pointless. I see what you are saying, and understand your point, however I think that some of it is a misunderstanding.

Clearedto lift weights again, as in r trying to build strength again. I was doingmlight weights throughout my nerve impigement to keep the muscle moving, but couldnt really train. Primarily suffering from atrophied shoulders and muscle in my back that the nerve affected.

Anyway in the future, I’ll let the vets do the talking, and stay quiet as to not stir up dirt on thr bottom of the water.
