Simo - The Red Shoe Diaries (Part 1)

A little more conditioning today with just 100 burpees. I spent the day with the family at a wildlife park so did quite a lot of walking. Was feeling beat up from the sandbag work so didn’t really want to train today. Got back home and put the dinner in the oven and had some time and realised that there was no good excuse not to do something. Felt better after.


Monday 10th Jan - week 2

Bar x 10
70 x 5
90 x 3
110 x 2
130 x 2
140 x 4 x 4 sets (308 lbs) RPE 7, 7, 8, 8
Just getting it done

Leg ext
135 x 20 x 3 sets
Crazy pump

Db bench
37.5 x 8 x 4 sets -
Moved fine but worked up a sweat

Pull ups
Max x 3 sets
Reps - 10, 8, 6
Got dizzy on these …… weird

Was another warm one today. Sweating like crazy. Got all the work done. Wasn’t super happy with the squat form, felt down on power. That could be the impact of the sandbag work on Saturday.


More conditioning today. Decided to do a 30 min burpee routine. Plan was to do 10 burpees on the minute every minute for 30 mins.
It was hot today and it was obvious a little way in that I was not going to be able to keep the EMOM pace all the way through. Ended up doing some of the sets with 90 sec rest whilst I gasped for breath. Still got 250 done in 30 mins and worked up a great sweat.

Vid of Monday’s squats and some burpees



Bar x 10

70 x 5

110 x 3

140 x 2

155 x 2

165 x 2

175 x 2

185 x 2

185 double was slow so left it there. Still moved OK and felt good to be able to pull this off plan.

Oh press

Bar x 10

40 x 4

60 x 2

65 x 2

70 x 2

Shoulders sore from the burpees yesterday so didn’t push hard today

Bench supported row

30 x 9 x 3 sets


BW + 10kg

Max x 3 - 18, 15, 13

Shoulders were already sore. This really finished them off.

Good session. Would have liked a little more on deadlift but wasn’t going to push harder and risk a tight back for the next week.


Deadlift sets from today 155, 165, 175, 185


Deadlifts looking solid, man!

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There’s a solution to this… (remove or decrease the burpees!)


Conditioning for today was the lovely navy seals (@ChongLordUno these are not lovely that are horrible)
Did 100 navy seals. Broke them down into sets of 10
and then did 10 inverted rows using the rings between each set. For that full upper body pump.
100 navy seals and 100 rows.

My back and hips do not love navy seals they were popping and grinding the whole time. Still got it done.


No one’s doing navy seals and for good reason

They’re too tough

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Isn’t the fact that they are tough a good reason ?

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Friday 14th Jan - week 2

SSB squat (no belt or sleeves)
Bar x 10
70 x 5
90 x 3
110 x 8 x 3 sets (242 lbs)
Right knee was angry again. These are not easy.

Bench press
Bar x 10
70 x 5
90 x 3
100 x 2 - felt easy (and should)
110 x 2 smooth
115 x 2 slow but ok (253 lbs)

Pull ups
3 4 5 4 3 EMOM

80 - 10 runs
These were unusually horrible tonight

Good session. Felt odd to be off program but got some work done and moved some weight.


Sand bag and burpees today.

10 carries- going every second minute
followed by
50 - 1 pump burpees.

25 mins of solid conditioning.


Did a burpee and squat session today. Workout was
1 pump burpee - followed by 1 squat
2 pump - 2 squat
3 pump - 3 squat
4 pump - 4 squat
5 pump - 5 squat
This is 5 reps.

Repeat for 100 reps

Took about 30 mins, worked up a good sweat and a good leg pump.


I need to give this one a bash

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Just saw this pop up as a recommended video on YouTube. Good work mate.

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Away on a break this week with the family so no gym work. Went for a nice walk on the beach today and looked at some caves. Walking along gave me a pretty good lower back pump. Made me thing of Dave Tates article about the good things about being a fat powerlifter :joy:

Managed to find 20 mins today to get some burpees done. Just did 200 x 1 pump burpees. Not quick just getting some reps in.


More beach time today. Got in a few burpee on the beach and then did my first unbroken 50 later at the farm.


Pretty sure it is illegal to engage in public burpees wherever it is you happen to be vacationing.


As you can see from the video there was no one else there to report me to the authorities :joy:


This is Cape Woolamai on Phillip Island about 2 hours from Melbourne. Beautiful down here.